
joined 4 months ago
[–] leftofjillstein@lemmy.world 0 points 4 months ago

Sadly, our systematic issues can't be fixed by blaming other countries for our problems, we have the Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

David Rovics - Best Democracy Money Can Buy [3:24] https://youtu.be/adOqRvlItrs

If you have the power/influence/money you can buy any politician, especially those in the duopoly.



The political system is broken. Over 60% of us now say the two-party establishment has failed us and we need a party that serves the people.

Jill Stein is running for President to offer a better choice for the people. Join us! JillStein2024.com



New York gives us until May 28 to submit 90,000 signatures and we need your help. ANYONE can support our efforts: http://jillstein2024.com/nyballot

NY's oppressive ballot access law has tripled their ballot access requirements, but we're going all out to make sure over 13 million New York voters have a pro-worker, anti-war, anti-genocide, climate action choice on the ballot. Help gather signatures in the state, share this with your NY networks, or contribute to help our drive!


Looks good!

Let us know if you have recommendations or if you would like to submit one for the community!