I've come around. Us internet dwellers should take it easy on the judgment and cynicism about this festival.
People take the internet too seriously these days. Let the festival people have fun.
I don't know the information about it has been slim. Could have been anything.
I have nothing really to say except that I like this. In my head cannon they are dancing.
No it's just another video game. The core competency of this developer is dialogue interaction or dialogue puzzles that help create a sense of immersion in a world with lots of RPG mechanics. It is more or less in line with their previous games. There are quite a few tacked on features.
There's so much media coverage of video games these days I think it makes it hard to just have them stand on their own merits without having every detail examined and compared across every game that has ever released. People who are spending the money on video games as entertainment will be entertained, but this isn't a genre defining product and it isn't a flop either.
No that claim isn't backed up by any sources I could find. Sounds fringe attitude to me. It's a good thing that people study this as their job and advise the legislative branch because it's complicated. When I looked up the levelized* cost of energy I had a hard time finding sources that agreed with each other. In particular, the nuclear societies were skewing the data, but the same with certain German think tanks claiming the exact opposite. Debate all around. Hydro FTW.
Of all the gases why Nitrogen? Argon is more commonly used for kill bags, I think.
Kind of ironic considering the climate protests on the way in.
Work shouldn't be the primary source of stress in our lives no matter what the job is.
I think this debate can get lost in the numbers when it's more about the user. For some people that upfront cost is going to make sense, for others it won't. The math isn't the hard part. Specifically though, a PC hobby isn't exactly a cheap hobby.
I don't think conservatism is about being rational it's about maintaining tradition or maybe morality, however it was defined by the previous generation.