[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 4 points 17 hours ago

Often you can get by just starting a PowerPoint presentation, alt tab away, and let it run in the background. It'll keep the computer from locking and you don't need to install anything that might look suspicious.

[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 6 points 18 hours ago

CGP Grey did a video on this subject a little over a decade ago.


[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

But here's my number

[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

I'm currently looking at setting up Reolink cameras on a homeassistant setup.

Not sure if it perfectly meets your requirements, but it should be ad free and closed system.


[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

I used 1/2" thick puzzle mat, which was plenty to keep things floating. I used a 3" hole saw, but only cause I had it already (ran it backwards so the teeth wouldn't grab and tear the mat.)

A yoga mat would probably do ok, but I had to add a little bit of weight to the corners to stop the mat from flipping up in the wind (see previous post) so the yoga mat might not be able to support that extra weight.

If you didn't need the cookie cutters anymore, you could probably put a board on top of one and smack it with a hammer to cut circles in the yoga mat, but it also may not work. You'd have to experiment a bit.


We planted a variety of plants, at different stages of growth. After a bit of experimentation, cosmos grow extremely well. These were cuttings we put in just a couple weeks ago, and they're already bigger than most of the other plants that have been in there for over a month.

The very young plants did not survive, but the larger ones did. If they're too small, they just get swallowed down into the cups by the bobbing of the water.

Seems like the plants need to be large enough to reach all the way to the bottom of the pots, and still stick out enough.

Going to be interesting to see what it looks like at the end of the season.

[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 10 points 3 days ago

Tromeo and Juliet (1996)

[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 21 points 3 days ago
[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago


Falcon 9 never had an abort with crew onboard, while Soyuz has.

[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 195 points 3 days ago

Not sure why SpaceX is in this group, except "cause musk", since they're objectively the best rocket company out there.

The rest are obvious, but the Falcon 9 is the cheapest, and most reliable rocket.

[-] mipadaitu@lemmy.world 47 points 4 days ago

Call the fire department, they have detectors that they can use to look for gas leaks and other things that can set off a detector.

You can also call your gas provider. One of those two should be able to track it down, it could be a lot of things, but two different smoke detectors going off in the same location is a huge red flag.

Best case, you have something kicking up fine dust, worst case, you have a smouldering electric fire in your wall somewhere.

Don't panic, but also do not ignore this.


The experimental mat has been out for about a week now, but extremely high winds during a storm last night pulled up a corner of the mat spilling out the contents.

Luckily the majority of the plants were able to be saved, so we have one empty spot now.

I added some weights to the four corners to hopefully prevent this from happening again.

This is why we're experimenting! Learning what works and what doesn't with the setup.

submitted 1 month ago by mipadaitu@lemmy.world to c/farming@slrpnk.net

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15830343

Our retention pond in our neighborhood has a lot of algae and problematic plant growth due to the surrounding farms and lawn runoff, so we're experimenting with a floating island to pull nutrients out before they can cause problems. This will also provide some interesting flowering plants, and more fish habitats.

Will be an interesting experiment to see what survives and what does poorly.

Zinnias, sunflowers, marigolds, and a few others are in net pots, inserted into cutouts in EVA foam mats.

Design is from:

More reading:



Our retention pond in our neighborhood has a lot of algae and problematic plant growth due to the surrounding farms and lawn runoff, so we're experimenting with a floating island to pull nutrients out before they can cause problems. This will also provide some interesting flowering plants, and more fish habitats.

Will be an interesting experiment to see what survives and what does poorly.

Zinnias, sunflowers, marigolds, and a few others are in net pots, inserted into cutouts in EVA foam mats.

Design is from:

More reading:


submitted 1 month ago by mipadaitu@lemmy.world to c/space@lemmy.world

Really important step towards expanding our research on the moon, is creating highly detailed maps of the entire surface.

China is doing some great work on building out infrastructure and studies of the moon. They're the only country that's brought back any moon rocks in decades.

Space Race 3.0 is on, and we'll see how different approaches to the research and manned missions will move forward.

The US is currently building out an extremely upfront cost heavy project, but with a lot of long term benefits.

China is building a more straightforward moon project, but with higher ongoing costs, as much of the infrastructure is disposable (more like Apollo).

submitted 1 month ago by mipadaitu@lemmy.world to c/space@lemmy.world

The amount of detail in these pictures is amazing. You can really see the texture in the nebula, and the features are so crisp, it kind of looks 3d.

submitted 1 month ago by mipadaitu@lemmy.world to c/space@lemmy.world

Pretty interesting topic, would be interesting if it could be used to move satellites to a "parking orbit" once they run out of fuel. It's unclear just how much movement in an orbit that can be done, as it says it needs to be in the same energy level.

Source press release: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/news/new-technique-uses-knot-theory-create-tube-map-around-planets-and-moons

Source journal article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42064-024-0201-0

submitted 10 months ago by mipadaitu@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

There was an issue on Reddit a while back where people would post some hateful stuff, and of course lots of people blocked them.

After a while, anti-trans, racist, and far-right-wing stuff were only seen by non-logged in users, other bigots, or new people, and they weren't getting the downvotes they deserved.

Is this going to be a problem on Lemmy too? I'm worried that if we're all blocking shitty users that we're just hiding the problem from ourselves, not fixing it.


This was a fun project, I had to measure and figure out the iottie thread pitch and then create an adapter to go from a phone mount stand to a backplate on my wireless camera screen for a backup camera on a trailer.

Basically replicated the back plate from the original phone mount with the same tolerances and spacing.

Took 2 test prints to make sure the threads and spacing was right, then I printed it out of PETG. Seems to hold up well, but I might end up adjusting the design over time if it has a weak point.

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