[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 8 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Even when I don't suspect it, I systematically run it on any new PC I build just to ensure I'm running with good RAM out-of-the-box. So far I've had this issue only once with a brand new pair but I'm glad I caught it early on.

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 months ago

Enough drama, this isn't the place to argue. Locking the thread.

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 year ago

Maybe I'm in the minority but I do enjoy Pocket to have a backlog of articles I can read mostly distraction-free.

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago

Canadian here, drinking water right of the tap.

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


Note that you now only have to specify parameters you want instead of all of them.

That doesn't seem to apply to the search page. For example, putting https://lemmy.ml/search?q=test&sort=New will lead to The server returned this error: couldnt_find_object. This may be useful for admins and developers to diagnose and fix the error

Copying the URL of a search (without stripping parameters) and opening it in a new tab so that it doesn't contains any referers also returns the same error.

Also great work and congrats on the release 🙂

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

The third-party API doesn't let them see how people interact with the app, only what the user is accessing.

It's just to further monetize the user's interactions and sell the data, because the executive team are greedy little pigboi.

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Adding new business through Organic Maps works well too, for those who also contribute to OSM.

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago

Next step the email will only reply with 💩

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Which is what OP is inquiring about, redirecting external links through intent (clicking link in a web browser and having them open in Jerboa).

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

IIRC the Android OS requires the app to define which URL handlers it should be able to intercepts at compile time as a security measure so that an app can't decide to intercepts URL it shouldn't after being installed without your knowledge or consent.

The nature of the Fediverse makes it difficult to achieve that without hardcoding and maintaining a list of instances URLs in the app.

[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Which were initially prefixed with A:, as if he copy-pasted premade answers from a spreadsheet or a word document 🤣


[-] mp3@lemmy.ml 17 points 1 year ago

Just scraping, so they're not bound by the API TOS. Like YouTube-DL, YT-DLP, NewPipe, etc.

submitted 2 years ago by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/iptv@lemmy.ml
App: IPTVnator (github.com)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/iptv@lemmy.ml


submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/bitwarden@lemmy.ml

Field value is linked to the item’s Username or Password. Given the right field name, Linked custom fields can be used to solve issues where your Browser Extension can’t auto-fill usernames and passwords for a particular site (learn more).

submitted 2 years ago by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/handhelds@lemmy.ml

So I bought this handheld device, and so far it's been able to run almost everything up to the PSX (struggles a bit with most N64 games sadly.

It came preloaded with EmuELEC and a bunch of ROMs (I doubt that was legal..) and I wasn't fan of the preloaded OS so I took the time to search for an alternative.

From my research, I found it to basically be a clone of the ODroid Go Super in terms of hardware, so I took the chance to search for alternative OS for it and I wanted something as close as possible to the RetroArch system, and Lakka offers an image for the ODroid Go Super.

So I flashed that on the MicroSD card and it worked out of the box.

I just looked on their store and sadly the device doesn't seem listed anymore, not sure why..

Utility: Ventoy (github.com)
submitted 2 years ago by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/techsupport@lemmy.ml

A flashable bootable system that easily allows you to boot from a list of ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD files.

NewPipe 0.21.10 (newpipe.net)
submitted 2 years ago by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/newpipe@lemmy.ml

This release brings you working imports from your YouTube subscriptions export, an “always go into full screen” toggle when you play a video via the main player, a new Invidious instance, and so much more that you basically have to read on.


  • Rejoice! @talanc fixed an issue plaguing users since late July: Google changed the way it exports subscriptions from YouTube, rendering the previous import into NewPipe non-functional. You can now import your downloaded CSV file, or even the ZIP file that contains that CSV, directly into NewPipe!

  • The behaviour of long press on the player queue was streamlined by @ktprograms: It now also displays the popup menu from the main player.

  • A cool new setting was added by @Stypox: You can now automatically have videos playing in full screen if you use the main player.

  • @Stypox also split search suggestions into two categories: local and remote. Now you have the option to enable or disable them independently of each other.

  • @magicbrothers added a new Invidious instance, Tubus, meant for educational videos for children.

  • @ktprograms finished the ongoing work of adding the “Show channel details” option where it was still missing, that is, in local playlists, feed items, and history items.


  • @sauravrao637 modified the app colours to be a bit darker when the dark theme is selected in the app, which looks loads better to us! He further added a darker splash screen variant when the OS’s theme is set to dark. We hope you like the new look too!

  • @Stypox replaced the outdated Android-Universal-Image-Loader library (which has not had any new release in the last 6 years) with the more stable and updated Picasso, a library to download and cache images on Android (think all the thumbnails you see in the app). This fixes a nasty issue where the wrong notification thumbnail size could crash the whole System UI or even forcibly reboot the device! It also makes loading cached images instantaneous, and loading non-cached images smoother.

  • @sherlockbeard changed the “video not available” image from a static PNG to a vector XML image, allowing it to scale properly for screens of all sizes.

  • @Stypox added the mime-type field to all calls to the SAF file picker, which causes files with the incorrect file format to be greyed out and become non-selectable. This will ensure the user can only choose a ZIP file when importing their database, for example. This should be a great quality-of-life improvement for many users!


  • @litetex, together with @Stypox, improved the comments parsing for timestamps, which could have resulted in a crash if it happened in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  • @Aga-C added line wrapping to the settings texts, so they don’t get truncated anymore.

  • @acti0 fixed a regression from a past release where the name of the video wasn’t being shared when sharing the video URL.

  • @litetex fixed a bug where you had to tap the Replay button twice for it to actually work.

  • While @litetex fixed the Replay button, they also fixed the direction buttons on D-Pads for Android TV users: the seekbar now jumps only 10 seconds, instead of several minutes.

  • @litetex, being on a roll, reworked the error panel shown when an error happens. This results in a clearer error display.

  • @Redirion implemented proper closure of audio streams when playback is stopped. This fixed a longstanding bug where NewPipe would create more and more audio sessions but use only one. This messed with equaliser apps.

  • @TobiGr added proper error handling which might occur when trying to play a video in popup mode or get a search suggestion.

  • @TobiGr also took care of a small UI bug: when one played something in the minimized player and changed the visibility of the description tab in the meantime, the visibility of the comments tab was changed instead. The app isn’t confused anymore, we cannot say the same about the dev…


  • @Stypox switched to using the custom cancel string everywhere, which is translated to more languages than the default android cancel string.

  • They jumped onto that plane and replaced a couple more strings to better translated ones: “ok”, “yes”, “no”, and “cancel”. They also removed “add”, and renamed “finish” to “ok”, because it clearly means “ok”, not “finish”!

  • @Aga-C added plural forms for download-related strings.

  • @CBSkarmory improved some wording in the issue template; thanks!

Nerd Talk

  • @TobiGr updated the hardcoded SoundCloud client ID.

  • @FireMasterK added support for extracting the channel avatar on YouTube and PeerTube.

  • @FireMasterK also added the uploaderVerified info to the StreamInfo class.

  • @litetex switched GitHub Actions to using the Eclipse Temurin Java distribution, as AdoptOpenJDK is getting deprecated.

  • @Redirion replaced NewPipe’s custom buffer values with ExoPlayer’s default ones.

  • @Isira-Seneviratne changed PackageInfo to its backwards-compatible version, PackageInfoCompat to fetch the app signatures.

  • @litetex also updated the version of Kotlin used everywhere, and fixed some build problems.

  • They also introduced a cache setting in the CI configuration which lets it run faster.

  • @XiangRongLin added a Gradle parameter to prevent KtLint, the Kotlin linter+formatter, from being run twice in the GitHub Actions CI.

  • dependabot updates:

    • Bump gson from 2.8.7 to 2.8.8
    • Bump spotbugs-annotations from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1

Where to get this brand-new version

NewPipe notifies you about new versions. You can download them when you press the notification, which will take you to the GitHub Releases page.

If you use the F-Droid app, it, too, notifies you about updates for NewPipe. Please keep in mind that it can take F-Droid a while to update their repository. If you have problems installing the update, you may need to uninstall NewPipe and then install it afresh. (Make sure to backup data by exporting your database from the Settings > Content menu.)

If you already installed NewPipe from F-Droid’s repository, to get this version of NewPipe you can do one of the following:

Note: If you installed NewPipe from GitHub Releases you will not have to uninstall NewPipe to switch to our custom repo. Just let it update your current version. Make sure you back up your data as mentioned in the warning at the top of the FAQ page!

Now that you’ve (hopefully) updated, please let us know what your experience of the latest release is, especially bugs in need of fixing. As usual, you can reach out to us via IRC (#newpipe on Libera.Chat), open issues on GitHub or, ideally, use our built-in crash reporter to send us machine-readable issue reports. You can even send in fixes yourself.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post them in the comments here and someone will reply to you. Also, thanks for reading the blog post till the end! We put quite some time into writing them.

submitted 2 years ago by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/steamdeck@lemmy.ml

Can it boot from microSD? Can it be used as a controller? Yes and yes

Valve has published a new FAQ page for the Steam Deck, answering a bunch of the internet's most burning questions about the upcoming portable gaming PC.

Valve says it picked out 20 of the most popular questions about Steam Deck received over the past few months from Reddit, Discord, Twitter, and CEO Gabe Newell's email inbox. Though we had plenty to say in our hands-on Steam Deck preview, there are still a lot of unknowns about the console, and now we have a bunch of fresh answers on key features straight from Valve.

Some of the new information we had already expected, like Steam Deck's ability to run non-Steam games via Proton, but some of what's answered in the FAQ page is genuinely new and exciting. For one, Valve today confirmed that you'll be able to use the Steam Deck as a PC controller via Remote Play, which should please folks eager for a game pad with more features like touchpads, touch-sensitive control sticks, and extra back buttons.

Valve also says Steam Deck will support multi-boot, allowing you to have multiple operating systems installed and to choose which one to boot into whenever you power on the device. Better yet, the device will be able to boot from microSD cards, which means you could technically turn your Steam Deck into a part-time portable retro games console without taking up any space on the actual hardware.

Check out the rest of Valve's Steam Deck FAQ for more detailed info on the machine's specs and features, as well as potential retail availability.

submitted 2 years ago by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/steamdeck@lemmy.ml
Tails 4.20 (tails.boum.org)
submitted 3 years ago by mp3@lemmy.ml to c/tor@lemmy.ml

Tor Connection assistant

Tails 4.20 completely changes how to connect to the Tor network from Tails.

After connecting to a local network, a Tor Connection assistant helps you connect to the Tor network.

This new assistant is most useful for users who are at high risk of physical surveillance, under heavy network censorship, or on a poor Internet connection:

  • It protects better the users who need to go unnoticed if using Tor could look suspicious to someone who monitors their Internet connection (parental control, abusive partner, school or work network, etc.).

  • It allows people who need to connect to Tor using bridges to configure them without having to change the default configuration in the Welcome Screen.

  • It helps first-time users understand how to connect to a local Wi-Fi network.

  • It provides feedback while connecting to Tor and helps troubleshoot network problems.

We know that this assistant is still far from being perfect, even if we have been working on this assistant since February. If anything is unclear, confusing, or not working as you would expect, please send your feedback to tails-dev@boum.org (public mailing list).

This first release of the Tor Connection assistant is only a first step. We will add more improvements to it in the coming months to:

  • Save Tor bridges to the Persistent Storage (#5461)

  • Help detect when Wi-Fi is not working (#14534)

  • Detect if you have to sign in to the local network using a captive portal (#5785)

  • Synchronize the clock to make it easier to use Tor bridges in Asia (#15548)

  • Make it easier to learn about new Tor bridges (#18219, #15331)

Changes and updates

  • Update OnionShare from 1.3.2 to 2.2.

    This major update adds a feature to host a website accessible from a Tor onion service.

  • Update KeePassXC from 2.5.4 to 2.6.2.

    This major update comes with a redesign of the interface.

  • Update Tor Browser to 10.5.2.

  • Update Thunderbird to 78.11.0.

  • Update Tor to

  • Update the Linux kernel to 5.10.46. This should improve the support for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on).

  • Rename MAC address spoofing as MAC address anonymization in the Welcome Screen.

Fixed problems

Automatic upgrades

  • Made the download of upgrades and the handling of errors more robust. (#18162)

  • Display an error message when failing to check for available upgrades. (#18238)

Tails Installer

  • Made the display of the Reinstall button more robust. (#18300)

  • Make the Install and Upgrade unavailable after a USB stick is removed. (#18346)

For more details, read our changelog.

Known issues

  • Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

    To upgrade from Tails 4.14 or earlier, you can either:

    • Do a manual upgrade.

    • Fix the automatic upgrade from a terminal. To do so:

      1. Start Tails and set up an administration password.

      2. In a terminal, execute the following command:

        torsocks curl --silent https://tails.boum.org/isrg-root-x1-cross-signed.pem \
        | sudo tee --append /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/tails.boum.org-CA.pem \
        && systemctl --user restart tails-upgrade-frontend

        This command is a single command that wraps across several lines. Copy and paste the entire block at once and make sure that it executes as a single command.

      3. Approximately 30 seconds later, you should be prompted to upgrade to the latest version of Tails. If no prompt appears, you might already be running the latest version of Tails.

See the list of long-standing issues.

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