[-] net00@lemm.ee 50 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I recommend Okular for PDF reading. No ads, no upsells, no BS. It also has native dark mode

[-] net00@lemm.ee 48 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I dusted off an old laptop, put debian on it, put an SSD and now I have my own invidious instance, among other services...

No ads, no throttling, no bullshit. Google is very welcome to suck it. I'd gladly stop using youtube, but there's no competition.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by net00@lemm.ee to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I have been able to backport some flutter iOS apps to 32bit legacy devices. This is only in some cases where all their dependencies are compatible + some tweaking of build scripts.

I wonder if Voyager can be backported, as it's crossplatform (react native?) app. Before I dig does anyone know if this is possible?

EDIT: I'm not asking the devs to do anything, I'm asking anyone familiar with the code if they know whether this is feasible before I start digging

submitted 7 months ago by net00@lemm.ee to c/bean@lemmy.world
[-] net00@lemm.ee 69 points 8 months ago

Must be fucking tragic still developing for reddit ecosystem. All of your subscriptions go straight to Reddit, who graciously gives you access to user generated content curated by unpaid mods.

I checked out Narwhal 2, and the app is a goddam jewel. I'd have paid $30 or $50 for it (like I did with Bean for Lemmy). It almost convinced me to go and make a reddit account again, but then I saw reddit recently stopped letting you opt out of ad personalization anymore, and it was easy to run back to lemmy. Reddit does not want 3rd party apps. Eventually they'll look for ways to fully block access.

[-] net00@lemm.ee 90 points 8 months ago

Youtube is getting on cable tv levels of bad. On a regular ~10min video you will first deal with a few preroll ads and at least one is unskippable, then the creator will have a 2+ minute sponsor segment (I don't mind those since they are usually well presented). There will also be multiple midroll ad spots.

Depending on video length, it's gonna soon be literally more ad than video. They are still stealing and selling your data though, and also making the web worse for everyone with DRM shit.

Fuck. Google.

I had already migrated to Invidious since last year because I degoogled everything. Seems like now its time to look for real youtube alternatives.

submitted 9 months ago by net00@lemm.ee to c/linustechtips@lemmy.ml

Decided to check back on things after a coming across a comment saying a month had already gone by. Completely unsurprisingly everything was swept under the rug. The promise to "release findings" seems now nothing but a tactic to shut up anyone calling them out and now they just act like nothing happened.

Who woulda thunk?.

On the quality issues they still manage to fuck up even with all the "new processes" Won't surprise me if sooner rather than later they just go back to the regular shitshow.

[-] net00@lemm.ee 56 points 9 months ago

Officially no, but the wording on the FAQ says it's the developer's job to take it up with them to resolve it. So it's clear they don't have any safeguard and only after you're affected you can talk to them lmfao.

Does the Unity Runtime Fee apply to pirated copies of games? We are happy to work with any developer who has been the victim of piracy so that they are not unfairly hurt by unwanted installs.

Same thing goes for "install-bombing":

We are not going to charge a fee for fraudulent installs or “install bombing.” We will work directly with you on cases where fraud or botnets are suspected of malicious intent.

So not only are the fees outrageous, but now devs are responsible for making sure this whole system isn't being abused. It's not gonna be long until people figure out how the install count is updated, and will proceed to weaponize it lmfao.

[-] net00@lemm.ee 95 points 9 months ago

From their FAQ, looks like Unity doesn't have any real way of dealing with pirated or fake installs. Their FAQ says you have to work with them when that happens so they can correct your bill. It doesn't say Unity will automatically filter those installs out.

[-] net00@lemm.ee 111 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Just played 4 hours. Not saying whether the game is good or bad, but I'm not seeing the point of the spaceship yet.

It's looks like merely a medium for the fast traveling mechanic. You can't really "move" in space (as far as ive tried), and can't use it to fly within a planet.

I expected being able to manually travel from planet A to planet B and finding cool stuff along the way. If you wanna actually move you need to fast travel.

I also expected to be able to get in my ship and go from place A to place B within the same planet (also finding cool stuff along the way). It seems that also is just done by fast traveling only.

[-] net00@lemm.ee 53 points 10 months ago

IMO Lemmy shouldn't have media uploading of any kind. Aside from the CSAM risk, it's unsustainable and I think one of the reasons Reddit went to shit is by getting into the whole image/video/gif hosting.

Dozens of media hosts exist out there, and the mobile/web clients should focus instead on showing remote content better.

[-] net00@lemm.ee 50 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This isn't a court trial tbh, and what has come forth from Madison's side (testimonies, recording, consistency) is more than enough for me to put the ball entirely on LMG's side.

No reason to keep giving businesses the benefit of the doubt when in many cases they have every advantage over the situation.

[-] net00@lemm.ee 174 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Sounds convincing, however businesses don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. For me to trust and support this content again, the investigation of the allegations needs to produce conclusive evidence. The whole quality drama passed to the background after Madison showed up what really went inside LMG

Either LMG admits wrongdoing and dishes out consequences to those involved, or they present verifiable and damning evidence showing no abuse occurred. Unlike bootlickers at reddit and ltt forums, I don't side with businesses against people. If you live in this world and not in your mom's basement you'd understand why.

If LMG comes out with "we found nothing," "no conclusions could be made," or something along those lines without evidence, then fuck them. Not good enough.

I vote with my wallet (and time), and I won't deal with more corpo BS while abusing emplpyees. Before any smartasses come here with the usual "you live in society" crap. Yeah I can't go live in the woods like a hermit to be morally right, but I can sure as hell drop a shit tech yt channel.

EDIT: taking another look, the second half of the video was more defensive nonsense. Basically claiming they aren't a twitter sweatshop, they are the victims, and some heavily edited parking loot footage as "proof"

And the turnover rate is at best a shaky argument, One can argue since it's mostly guys, they're not gonna be at the same situation to be bullied, insulted and sexually harassed until leaving. It doesn't seem the culture will be fixed anytime soon, so I'm just gonna stop wasting more time with it.

submitted 10 months ago by net00@lemm.ee to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I'm reading up on self-hosting Lemmy, and I was planning on creating my own private instance for individual use on some spare Azure ASP I use to host private FreshRSS (not rich to host a public service).

This basically shuts my idea down, because I wanted to simply host my account myself and browse all of Lemmy as I please.

So is everyone hosting individual instances dealing with them being public? is there a workaround to avoid having a public service that anyone can see?

[-] net00@lemm.ee 161 points 10 months ago

I don't understand why anyone idolizes this bastard. There are too many bootlickers out there, which is why nothing ever changes and assholes like him can continue to exploit people.

Tesla is also known for its shit build quality. So why not buy an EV from practically anyone else?

[-] net00@lemm.ee 47 points 11 months ago

Flashback of fallout 76 support ticket shitshow lmao

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