[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 4 days ago

That’s what makes it a privilege.

Completely wrong. You can still be vegan even if you aren't able to live without being forced to use animal products. The literal definition of veganism includes "as far as is possible and practicable" for reason. Please make sure you read the sidebar as that distinction is very important. It allows all the things that you've outlined in your comment as acceptable under the definition of veganism.

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 31 points 1 week ago

Last year it was like lemmy's version of reddit's r/place, but cooler. It's happening again this year, not sure if there will be any changes to it other than there will be less pixels this time.

Do you accept? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I don't know if this classic has been posted yet, but if it has it deserves to be posted twice 😂

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 27 points 3 months ago

Just don't update the printer's firmware! Mine's being going great for years now, but I'm scared that I might accidentally update it and the toner will be labeled unauthorised

Vitamin D3 Supplementation (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/vegan@lemmy.world

Does anyone have a good source for vitamin d supplements? I'm deficient and need to supplement it.

Most of the supplements I could find online were not vegan, and the ones that were are exorbitantly priced. Like, surely vegan vitamin d~3~ can be bought in bulk for cheap? I'm probably not looking hard enough, but searching for "vegan vitamin d" kept giving me lanolin and "plant based".

Edit: I'm from Australia, so things might cost more if importing from overseas.

This is the best one I've found:


90 x 5000 IU @ AU$32.95

Edit 2 (2024-04-07): Adding this here just in case anyone reads this in future. I haven't received my order from uproar and have had no successful contact with them. It's been a month now, so I'm ordering much the same at iherb. I've opted with the deva brand.

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 28 points 4 months ago

Hi, I maintain the AUR package. Didn't know the repo got moved to codeberg! If you could let me know when the deb is released that would be great, I'll be able to update it then :)

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 104 points 5 months ago

Gets linked to a reddit post with someone having the exact same bug as me.

Comment 1: This comment has been deleted because of Reddit's api change, here is a link to lemmy lol


[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 54 points 5 months ago

This was me the other day. I spent hours and hours coding up some things in python when all I was supposed to do were the dishes.

The dishes didn't get done because it was too hard, but I got fancy looking weather graphs from the data from my air quality sensor that I built while avoiding other simple chores that really ought to have been done by now.

People think I'm lazy and refuse to listen to me about this, but it literally gets in the way of things like eating and sleeping.

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 68 points 5 months ago

There's also the wretched feeling when you witness something unjust (for me anyways)

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 44 points 5 months ago

This dev is very important to the FOSS android ecosystem. I've divested an old phone and I love how opinionated the project is in regards to security. They are very active and take the project very seriously - when I submitted a bug report on github I got a response within three minutes!

Please donate!

Don't pet the 𝐜ẶT (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

there is no time

BEGG. (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
Mod transparency & update (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

This is a community for vegans by vegans. Its aim is to enable discussions about veganism first and foremost. We don't owe it to carnists to let them come here and walk all over our values just because they feel offended by our existence. This place is meant to be a safe space that is welcoming and kind.

After several incidents of brigrading by carnists and at the request of community members, I (and others on the mod team) have decided to be more strict in enforcing the rules here and ensure that the conversation isn't overrun by anti-vegans.

I've cleaned up the rules a bit and made it a bit shorter, I'd like feedback on that (also any mods feel free to change them up, it's more of a draft lol). I've also started following up by looking at the modlog and banning repeat offenders.

We also have new mods and I am sure that there would be room for others once we organise what we have currently. If you want to help now, please report comments/posts especially the ones that make the community unsafe for vegans.

I'm committed to making this place much less hostile, but oh my, some of these posts really do blow up at the worst of times.

Please, please, please be kind, not just to other humans and yourself, but to all the earthlings ✌️

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 27 points 7 months ago

Trust nobody, not even yourself


cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/melbourne@aussie.zone/t/620286

Government says legislation designed to strengthen state’s response to animal security, while critics describe move as ‘ag-gag by stealth’

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/vegan@lemmy.world

I don't think I've seen every strawman argument against veganism all at the same time in the same place like that last thread that reached the front page the other day...

There's one moderator on the community, but that's not enough to stop the trolls coming here to derail any semblance of vegan discourse. Like, banning carnists here isn't gonna happen (unless it does I guess), but we could have mods with copy-paste anti-strawman arguments with proper citations on standby, so hopefully it never gets as bad as the other thread.

I'm not a fan of heavily moderated places, but maybe having a rule like "don't post post x y z argument and watch a b c Earthling Ed video instead" would help cut out some of the "good-faith" antivegans. But then again, the omis were excusing their behavior as it "reached the front page of lemmy", that means murder is OK now! ^/s^

Curious to see what the community's thoughts would be. Do we just need to relegate ourselves to the circlejerk communities from now on, or would this community actually be by vegans for vegans?

Edit 1: I am now a mod of the community. I've reworked the sidebar and added some resources on veganism, rules, and links to other communities. I am interested to gauge feedback on it, and if anyone has any suggestions please comment them :)

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 28 points 8 months ago

Conversely, the sampling done in the GenZ survey was by the tracking company (who you can probably wager have a bias towards anti-privacy...)

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 93 points 8 months ago

Article reads as propaganda. No way that zoomers are into this. This just sounds like justification for abusive parents to spy on their children. As a GenZ, I don't recall having a single friend with this kind of arrangement with their parents, but then again I mostly hung around the more questionable crowd where you actually needed privacy. Would really hope we stop bickering among generations and actually fight for privacy together

[-] neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com 38 points 9 months ago

I'm Arch. Vegan btw

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by neurospice@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/autisticandadhd@lemmy.world

It seems that for me whenever the meds "kick in" I can't really mask properly anymore which causes undesired social issues with some friends (especially in an outdoor setting like this meme implies). Wondering how many others experience this, and does anyone know why this happens? I haven't found any good reading on it and the psychs I mention it to just dismiss it.


I am looking for alternative knowledge sources to mozillazine that's a bit more up to date.

Specifically, I am after something that explains advanced about:config options and what each sqlite file and storage directories in my profile are actually used for. When I search online for things I get unhelpful support articles from mozilla and random reddit threads with conflicting information.

I've played around with a lot of things through a lot of trial and error (I can share some about:config values if anyone's interested in them), but I'd like to be directed somewhere I can go to and check first to make sure I won't break my profile tinkering.

I already use ffprofile to set up my user.js, but I'm looking for something with more documentation without having to resort to reading the source code of firefox.

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joined 1 year ago