[-] nightdice@feddit.de 90 points 7 months ago

Ich liebe es, wie immer noch so getan wird, als hätte die Regulierung was mit Kinderschutz zu tun, obwohl tatsächliche Kinderschützer darauf hinweisen dass es nicht hilft und stattdessen die Privatsphäre und Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen stark einschränkt....

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 20 points 7 months ago

Ich denke, solange du klar machst ab wann du suchst, kannst du das schon machen.

Je nach Firma kann es aber halt sein, dass die sich melden mit "Melde dich bitte Anfang des neuen Jahres wieder"

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 212 points 8 months ago

Gotta stop confusing CCP supporters for leftists

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 35 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Es ist ein sehr faszinierendes Phänomen wie viele Leute sich für das Zielpublikum der FDP halten, obwohl sie nichtmal ein Promille von dem verdienen, was das eigentliche Zielpublikum verdient.

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 23 points 8 months ago

Speaking as GenZ (or Millennial, depends who you ask for the definition): fuuuuck that.

Speaking to the article specifically: I don't trust a surveillance vendor to work honestly when surveying the acceptance of their surveillance tool. The article also fails to mention (if it does, it's so brief I missed it) that the pressure some parents put on their kids to install and allow these kinds of spyware is immense. The kid having it on does not equate to the kid choosing to have it on.

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 44 points 8 months ago

Stop gatekeeping fandoms

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 40 points 9 months ago

Considering that Gen Z is usually defined as being born between the mid-late 1990s and early 2010s, I wouldn't support the first half of that statement. Everyone born in the first half of 2005 or earlier are 18, making them adults, so about half of Gen Z is adults.

Now whether this article uses that age range properly or whether it's just someone using the term to mean "young people", I have no idea.

But the premise of the article that just because someone uses technology all day makes them somehow invulnerable to scams (something that has absolutely nothing to do with how much someone uses tech) was ludicrous from the start.

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 52 points 9 months ago

That's correct, but I'm not sure what you understand those terms to mean, because neither really supports taking all ownership away from people. I'm just gonna leave this blorb here, because I feel like this is where it fits best.

Communism in the style of Marx and Engels means that the workers own the means of production. They would have been completely in favor of a person owning their own farm (or jointly owning it if multiple people worked it). They didn't really envision much of a state to interfere, much less own property.

That the Soviet Union (and later the PRC, fuck them btw) claimed to be building the worker's paradise under communism was mostly propaganda after Lenin died. There hasn't been any state that has implemented actual communism as established by theory.

Socialism (as I understand it, but I'm not well-read on it) means the state has social support networks, but largely works under capitalist rules, with bans of exploitative practices. There are some countries trying to implement a light version of this across Europe, to varying success (mostly failing where capitalism is left unchecked).

The issue is that the US started propagandizing like mad during the cold war, and "communism" was just catchier to say than "supportive of a country that is really just a state-owned monopoly". Soon everything that was critical of capitalism also became "communism", which eventually turned into a label for everything McCarthy labelled "un-american". This is also the time they started equating the terms communism and socialism. A significant portion of the US population hasn't moved past that yet, because it fits well into the propaganda of the US being the best country in the world, the American Dream, all that bs. The boogeyman of "the state will take away the stuff you own" turned out pretty effective in a very materialistic society. Although I'm very glad to see more and more USAians get properly educated on the matter and standing up for their rights rather than letting themselves be exploited.

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 35 points 11 months ago

Ah yes, because spammers clearly can't afford 8 bucks a month

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 47 points 11 months ago

The brackets example is the one I use to drill into people's heads that it has nothing to do with visual symmetry

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 22 points 11 months ago

Linux gaming is pretty good these days. Basically the only major games you can't play are the ones running super intrusive anticheats.

[-] nightdice@feddit.de 32 points 1 year ago

You'll love what r/steam did. They were forced open and from what I hear users are now exclusively posting pictures of water vapor.

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