[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

on Android, you can use Translate You with it https://github.com/you-apps/TranslateYou

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 12 points 2 days ago

I've set up a recurring donation for Signal, pay for a yearly Bitwarden subscription that I don't really need because the free tier covers my needs, so I consider it a donation, too, and throw some pocket money at some projects every new and then. oh and I have Mullvad and Tuta subscriptions.

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 11 points 2 days ago

because Mozilla moved the builds to their own repository instead of relying on Github.


[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 6 points 3 days ago

like anyone's going to sleep ever again after seeing it

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 18 points 3 days ago

can it please be unmade now

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 35 points 4 days ago

every time I see old maps like this one, it blows my mind how accurate they are in an era with no satellites or aerial photos or anything. sure, everything's a bit misshapen, but holy cow!

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 2 points 5 days ago

whoa, I installed Android Studio, did all that, waited a bunch and it... worked? just like that? is that what you computer people do with computers at work? do I apply for a six figure job now?

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 7 points 5 days ago

Like what the fuck is a "Black WhatsApp"?

there are some modded Whatsapp versions that add features that don't exist in the official version, like hiding typing indicator for you while still being able to see the other person's, same with read markers, and so on. while I've never tried any myself, some of them seem to be legitimate.


Experts aren’t unanimous about whether the AI-powered search startup’s practices could expose it to legal claims ranging from infringement to defamation—but some say plaintiffs would have strong cases.


Experts aren’t unanimous about whether the AI-powered search startup’s practices could expose it to legal claims ranging from infringement to defamation—but some say plaintiffs would have strong cases.

submitted 1 week ago by noodlejetski@lemm.ee to c/privacy@lemmy.ca

Today EU governments will not adopt their position on the EU regulation on “combating child sexual abuse”, the so-called chat control regulation, as planned, which would have heralded the end of private messages and secure encryption. The Belgian Council presidency postponed the vote at short notice. Once again the chat control proposal fails in Council.


Today EU governments will not adopt their position on the EU regulation on “combating child sexual abuse”, the so-called chat control regulation, as planned, which would have heralded the end of private messages and secure encryption. The Belgian Council presidency postponed the vote at short notice. Once again the chat control proposal fails in Council.


A moment I've no doubt many Linux fans have been waiting to see. The Linux user share on Steam has smashed through the 2% barrier.

Not actually for the first time though, it did initially rise up above 2% in March 2013, shortly after the original Steam for Linux release when it left Beta. Part of the reason it had higher numbers at the start, was that Valve added a special Tux item into Team Fortress 2 only on Linux but it quickly dropped in the following months.

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 163 points 3 weeks ago

how much are you willing to bet that he searches for tweets containing "Elon" multiple times per day?


"You can also add about 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue to the sauce to give it more tackiness."

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by noodlejetski@lemm.ee to c/technology@beehaw.org

Is the LAM a Scam? Down the rabbit hole we go

submitted 2 months ago by noodlejetski@lemm.ee to c/technology@beehaw.org

follow-up Mastodon thread from the author: https://hackers.town/@lori/112255132348604770

submitted 2 months ago by noodlejetski@lemm.ee to c/privacy@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by noodlejetski@lemm.ee to c/technology@beehaw.org

Automattic purchases Beeper in $125 million deal; CEO to join


submitted 3 months ago by noodlejetski@lemm.ee to c/foss@beehaw.org

well that sucks a lot, a bunch of projects including microG have relied on it.

adjacent discussion on microG's Github: https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/issues/2237

[-] noodlejetski@lemm.ee 161 points 3 months ago

In early testing of the new format, Reddit found that free-form ads outperform all other ad types in average click through rate (CTR) by 28%, along with increased community engagement when comments are enabled

so they're bragging how much more misleading the new format is, gotcha.

submitted 4 months ago by noodlejetski@lemm.ee to c/technology@beehaw.org

"I found it very weird that there essentially is no way to browse the web in an open manner. So that's what I am trying to build," the founder of Stract said.

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