
joined 1 year ago

Aujourd’hui, La Catrina est la création la plus reconnaissable de Posada. Elle est l’icône du Jour des morts, la fête annuelle mexicaine en l’honneur des défunts qui a lieu chaque année les 1er et 2 novembre. Son visage est reproduit à l’infini pendant la fête, à tel point qu’elle est devenue le totem national officieux du Mexique, après la Vierge de Guadalupe.

Si certains pensent qu’il en a toujours été ainsi, La Catrina est en réalité une icône transculturelle dont le prestige et la popularité sont à la fois le fruit d’une invention et d’un accident.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

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Corto Maltese (Andalusian slang for "quick hands") is a laconic sea captain adventuring during the early 20th century. A "rogue with a heart of gold", he is tolerant and sympathetic to the underdog. Born in Valletta, 1887, he's the son of a British sailor and an Andalusian–Romani witch. As a boy growing up in the Jewish quarter of Córdoba, Maltese discovered that he had no fate line on his palm and therefore carved his own with his father's razor, determining that his fate was his to choose. Although maintaining a neutral position, Corto instinctively supports the disadvantaged and oppressed.

The character embodies Pratt's skepticism of national, ideological and religious assertions. Corto befriends people from all walks of life, including the murderous Russian "Rasputin," British heir Tristan Bantam, voodoo priestess "Gold Mouth" and Czech academic Jeremiah Steiner. He also knows and meets various real-life historical figures, including Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, Hermann Hesse, Butch Cassidy, James Joyce, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Frederick Rolfe, Joseph Conrad and others. His acquaintances treat him with great respect, as when a telephone call to Joseph Stalin frees him from arrest when he is threatened with execution on the border of Turkey and Armenia.

Corto's favourite book is Utopia by Thomas More, but he never finishes it. He also read books by London, Lugones, Stevenson, Melville and Conrad, and quotes Rimbaud.

The Corto Maltese stories range from straight historical adventure to occult dream sequences. He's present when the Red Baron is shot down, helps the Jívaro in South America, and flees Fascists in Venice, but also unwittingly helps Merlin and Oberon to defend Britain, and helps Tristan Bantam to visit the lost continent of Mu. --WP


À l'occasion de la sortie de son dernier film "Le Garçon et le héron". France Inter vous propose de revenir sur la carrière de l'un des plus grands cinéastes japonais, Hayao Miyazaki. Une grande soirée animée par Frédérick Sigrist à suivre en direct sur l’antenne et sur Twitch.

Une soirée spéciale Miyazaki peuplée d'invités venus de divers horizons et qui se succéderont pour nous parler de leur affiliation à son œuvre, à la spécificité de cette animation, et au mythique studio Ghibli. L'occasion de revenir sur cette sortie et sur les moments forts qui ont jalonné la carrière du réalisateur, à travers notamment ses plus gros succès comme Le Voyage de Chihiro (2002), Le Château ambulant (2005) ou encore Princesse Mononoké (2000).

De 21h à 2h du matin, des spécialistes et de grands amateurs de l'univers de Miyazaki échangeront donc dans un cadre convivial, animé par Frédérick Sigrist. Le standard sera ouvert toute la soirée par téléphone ou via Twitch pour que vous puissiez intervenir et nous raconter quel est votre Ghibli préféré.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

(Pas sûr du titre, si vous avez plus d’infos bienvenu·e·s! ;-) )


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Abuna Yemata Guh is a monolithic church located in the Hawzen woreda of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. It is situated at a height of 2,580 metres (8,460 ft).

It is suggested that this church was built in the 6th century. Not much is known about it. The paintings in the church are original and the dry air and lack of humidity have preserved them.

To access it, a person needs to climb a steep cliff with hand and feet holes carved into it. It is one of 35 churches in Ethiopia that is built into a high place like this.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/
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