[-] passepartout@feddit.de 10 points 5 days ago

The size of this community alone shows the need for it. That said, feddit.org seems like a good new home for it since .org is a language neutral tld and the server is german AND English speaking after all.

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 7 points 6 days ago

Das kann ich respektieren :D

Bist drüben immer willkommen, auch mit .de account ;)

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 14 points 6 days ago

Davon hält dich niemand ab, aber es gibt gute Gründe umzuziehen. Der alte server wird nicht gewartet und niemand weiß wie lange er überhaupt noch läuft. Er ist zudem höllisch langsam und man kann keine Bilder hochladen. Außerdem werden die meisten communities bereits umgezogen.

Jede*r Zuhausi die/den wir zum Umziehen bewegen können ist ein Gewinn für feddit und das Fediverse allgemein :)

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Es gibt im Matrix Raum mehrere Scripte (powershell wenn du windows benutzt, python falls linux) mit denen du deine Einstellungen exportieren kannst wie abonnierte communities, inkl. gespeicherter posts und Kommentare.

Eigene posts und Kommentare bleiben allerdings leider auf dem alten account zurück. Ich habe in meinem .de account einen Verweis auf den .org account, vielleicht mache ich das anders herum auch noch.

Edit: Es haben Leute gestern noch schnell eine kleine website gezaubert, siehe https://stablenarwhal.github.io/LemmyInstanceMover/

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 70 points 1 week ago

Where hot potato license?

HOT POTATO LICENSE Version 2, September 2021 All rights reserved by the last person to commit a change to this repository, except for the right to commit changes to this repository, which is hereby granted to all inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy for the purpose of committing changes to this repository.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by passepartout@feddit.de to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Upgrade went mostly without a problem (had set more than one Hostname for a service before, seems to not work anymore lol), and i have a pretty large configuration that has grown over the past two years.

What i noticed is that it is quite a bit faster. Also the dashboard shows a little more information than before and the logs have colours now.

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 106 points 2 months ago

Babe wake up, new flathub frontend just dropped

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 65 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yes, because

  • developers can't be bothered to optimize the game if management breathes into their necks
  • DRM like Denuvo tanks performance, ironically only for the people not pirating and thus paying for the game
[-] passepartout@feddit.de 63 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Where does the ...media get sourced from? Looks like pornhub gifs. You could think of a integration for some nsfw subreddits as well (if you can get past the api barrier they built up, like with redlib).

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 80 points 4 months ago

Hatte schon vor Corona den Wunsch mein Leben im Home Office zu fristen und bin da auf einem guten Weg. Mein Mitleid für Investoren und Führungsetagen die auf return to office drängen hält sich in Grenzen.

Vielleicht schafft man ja, obwohl das von der Bauart der Gebäude her schwierig ist, diese als Wohnraum umzunutzen.


geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/8340256

I was just reminded of how useful this was for me, since i was too lazy to setup fan curves in the cli with pwmconfig. This took me 10 minutes of tinkering and my temps went down a lot under load on my gpu and the machine is a lot more silent when idling.


I was just reminded of how useful this was for me, since i was too lazy to setup fan curves in the cli with pwmconfig. This took me 10 minutes of tinkering and my temps went down a lot under load on my gpu and the machine is a lot more silent when idling.

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 118 points 5 months ago

Shoutout to this guy for maintaining my mainboards temperature sensors and pwn fan headers: https://github.com/Fred78290/nct6687d

Without this and https://github.com/codifryed/coolercontrol my PC was either a jet engine from the sounds or a nuclear reactor from heat constipation.

[-] passepartout@feddit.de 113 points 8 months ago

You can use systemd-analyze blame if you want raw numbers:

This command prints a list of all running units, ordered by the time they took to initialize. This information may be used to optimize boot-up times.

Good way to see if your systemd also waits 2 minutes for a network connection which already exists but it can't see it because systemd doesn't do the networking (lxc containers on proxmox in my case) lol.

Also see systemd-analyze.

submitted 11 months ago by passepartout@feddit.de to c/gaming@beehaw.org
[-] passepartout@feddit.de 67 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Jesus, leave some pussy for the rest of us

rule of society (i.redd.it)
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