[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 59 points 9 months ago

Here they go again with the silent majority bullshit.

They still can't wrap their heads around the fact that they are a tiny minority.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 77 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah the whole "I love unions, but we at this company are a family so we don't need that", is peak anti-union talk. Throughout history it's been used by people who are horrible to their employees.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 50 points 10 months ago

Long story short, he was always a slimy asshole, but here are some key points from wikipedia and just in regards to his mayoral position:

  • Hated the homeless and tried to have them "removed"(used cops to arrest them and shove them in overcrowded shetlers. A church ended up suing the city for their right to help homeless people)

  • "cracked down on crime", by basically aggressively arresting people for minor crimes like jumping the turnstile.

  • Tried to stop multiple community service proogram for the mentally ill, elderly, day-care, etc.

  • Big fan of "eminent domain" to take buildings and give them to his sponsors.

  • Racist with multiple racist pollcies, many staffers and leaders left because of him.

  • He threaten funding for the Brooklyn Musem if they didn't remove several pieces, specifically including one called "The Holy Virgin Mary" which was of a black person. Calling it a governement-supported attack on christianity and they had to sue the city.

  • Campaigned on fixing public schools, but cut $2bill of their budget and $4.7bill from the repairs budget

  • Two days after Columbine he said he wanted to "blow up" the Board of Education.

  • Wanted to imprison the teachers union president if they went into strike(their contract was up and the city hadn't started any renegotiation)

  • Allegedly cheated on his wife with his spokeswoman

  • Tried to threaten Time Warner to have Fox on their cable network, and defended Murdoch when all the surveillance and bribery scandals came about

  • His administration lost 22 out of 26 civil liberty lawsuits against them, mostly for trying to stifle first amandment rights.

  • He wanted a deal with Virginia in which they had to take NYCs trash, in exchange for them being able to visit NYCs culture sites. He also tried to send it to New Jersey, and announced that wihtout actually talking to them first, at all. This all happened because he closed a landfill 20-30 years too early , because he didn't like how it looked, so it had to be shipped out of town. Costing millions, causing even more pollution, etc.


And much, much more.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 81 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's a custom protocol that uses SSL/TLS for key exchange and such, so it can be detected. It's actually causing huge problems for many large Russian companies, as it's common to use those protocols for remote access, work, etc.

As mentioned in the article you need something like "Shadowsocks" to avoid protocl blocking, since it fully disguises the traffic as standard SSL/TLS. Which was created for, and is still used to circumvent this type of blocking in "the great firewall of china".

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 42 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I'm going to trust multiple peer-reviewed medical studies over a youtube talk with under 600 views.

Specially when it's on a channel branding itself as being skeptical towards science.

EDIT: On a closer look it's straight up just one of those conspiracy theory channels and organizations that present itself as actual science.

And here's a study if someone wants to look at actual science regarding the placebo effect:


[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 323 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The ceo is a bigoted asshole, Brave is chromium, it was initially funded by Peter Thiel and they're literally just trying to make their own adsense network.

The self-proclaimed privacy focused browser is tracking your browsing and want to serve you personalized ads, and I think they want to use that tracking data for AI training as well, meaning other people can potentially access it.

And lets not forget about their crypto currency that you can earn by turning on special ads. Which they seemingly unironically called it "Basic Attent Tokens"..

TL;DR: The company is basically a sham company trying to usher in a dystopia. Where you'll get paid for staring at ads, while having all your data stolen and sold back to you.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 67 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

With the TL;DR being: Google/Alphabet wants to more easily block non-chrome browsers ability to use their services, and prevent the use of adblocking.

Which also means that many people using accessability tools will be unable to access them. And they are trying to get Firefox to implement it as well, so they don't take all the blame when shit hits the fan and they start getting multi-billion dollar monopoly fines from the EU.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 53 points 11 months ago

That's because they all think they are the special individual that will be given special treatment and that all the bad things will happen to groups they don't like.

Because they are stupid.

That's why we got the famous direct quote: "He's not hurting the right ones".

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 55 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

There are multiple stories like that from several people.

Apparently there were people at Tesla who were effectively employed to get fired when he was in one of his moods.

And if you read enough of the stories it all comes down to basically a single PA who kept him away from important things. And that person stopped working for him shortly before the public realized what an asshole he is.

And after learning that, I can't stop wondering who they work for now... And I want to see a show based on their biography.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 114 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Of course they will, and at least 90% of those will stop moderating within a week bcause they have no idea what it entails and just like the sound of having power.

Another 9.99% will push personal agendas, post ads, malware, etc. or a dozen other things that will kill the sub.

In the end they'll probably get decent moderatos for less than a tenth of those they seek.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 49 points 11 months ago

It's a strategy straight out of MBA textbooks: Once you're above a certain size and have a large "common consumer" base, you kick out everyone who would complain about shitty practices and exploitative behaviour. Then you squeeze out all the money you can over a year or three before the rest realize and leave.

It's fast ROI at the cost of customer retention and long term profits. And investors literally don't care if the company goes bankrupt as long as they get that money. Because they'll just move on to the next company and do the same thing all over.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 46 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The modern version of a pizza is sometimes said to have been invented in the late 1800s, since that is when the first "proper" recipe is from. But there are a few key points that might inform your question and other answers:

  • Flat bread baked with toppings already on it has been a thing for several thousand years across the world.

  • Among which was a type of street food referred to as pizza in Italy before the Tomato arrived in europe

  • Tomato is from the Americas, it wasn't known and didn't exist in europe until the mid 1500s.

  • On its own a fresh tomato is not very nurishing compared with other common fruits and vegetables, and since toxic versions exisited, it was mostly used as table decoration in places like Italy for a while.

  • The first mention of tomatoes as an ingredient in an Italian cookbook is from 1692. And it wasn't widely adopted as a staple food until the 1700s.

  • There are descriptions from the mid 1800s talking about the wide variety of pizza toppings, as it was already an established food by that point.



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