[-] red@sopuli.xyz 11 points 23 hours ago

Uhm, it's hosted at xkcd and op put in the link, too. It absolutely is.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by red@sopuli.xyz to c/eldenring@lemmy.ml

I'm not the best in soulslikes, and I'm wondering if I'm fubar because NG makes stuff harder. Should I just do a replay of the main game on a fresh character?

I literally hadn't even started the NG+ playthrough, I'm at the first Grace 😅

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 69 points 1 month ago

50% nic lmao. Fake as hell.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 40 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I mean, Spotify is a great service for the consumer. One reasonable monthly fee for most of the music in the world.

If a similar video streaming service existed for 40€/month, I'd pay for it in a heartbeat. Now I have a plethora of arr apps and a vpn, and Plex. But it's a hassle sometimes.

We're all aware of the issues it created for the artists, and I'd be willing to double the fee if that money directly went to the artists, but this is where the capitalist model fails, as that won't maximize the profits for shareholders.

If we ever come up with a way to fix the underlying greed models that come with publicly traded companies, that would be great.

As it stands, it is what it is, but I'm glad we have this, instead of a "different Spotify per music publisher".

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 39 points 2 months ago

There's a system over at Nova Discord where we reply to polls about the new features, we're basically guinea pigs trying out stuff Branch is going to push out via their deals with OEMs. That's how I've understood it.

There is no bytes being sent out with the beta, and replying in Discord is voluntary, obviously.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 74 points 7 months ago

Take note US. This is how we handle shitty practices in scandinavia.

Imagine if someone tried to implement tipping culture here.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 40 points 8 months ago

Ya all looking at this like it's a conspiracy. It's just a guy looking to sell more cars. Shame on anyone who thought it's a real thing.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 53 points 9 months ago

Still no proof capsaicin caused the death. I'm eagerly awaiting for what the autopsy unveils

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 41 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

That's because the law wasn't made because rich assholes, but because broken exhausts, wether by design or by negligence, are a god damn nuisance.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 60 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

They didn't optimize it for consoles either. Series X has equivalent of 3060 RTX graphical grunt, yet it's capped to 30fps and looks worse than most other AAA games that have variable framerates up to 120fps. Todd says they went for fidelity. Has he played any recent titles? The game looks like crap compared to many games from past few years, and requires more power.

The real reason behind everything is the shit they call Creation Engine. An outdated hot mess of an engine that's technically behind pretty much everything the competition is using. It's beyond me why they've not scrapped it - it should have been done after FO4 already.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 51 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

You can uninstall the Xbox app. Why that's not done by your work domain admin is peculiar, or are you using random consumer installations?

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 47 points 10 months ago

With Sync you can just pre-emptively filter based on keywords.

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