[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 8 points 2 days ago

Congrats on taking control of your mental health and distancing yourself from people who make that hard to do. I hope you're able to have some fun times with your coworkers!

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 7 points 2 days ago

Happy early birthday!

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 8 points 2 days ago

Not sure if it's the same type of thing, but my cat has a habit of standing downstairs and crying at bedtime until we yell, "Ralph, we're up here!" 😂

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 3 points 5 days ago

Damn, Lyle Lovett is good. I might have been the youngest person in the audience, and I'm not that young. Glad I was able to be there!

submitted 6 days ago by rozwud@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org
[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 2 points 6 days ago

Basically it's an approach to teaching music with a heavy focus on giving students the building blocks they need to have a creative relationship with music. It comes from the idea that music is inherently in all of us and that everyone has something valuable to offer. As teachers our job is to give students the tools and vocabulary to communicate it.

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 5 points 6 days ago

Keep spending time with these people! In some ways the state of society certainly does suck, but finding our people who go against that grain has the potential to make things better. At the very least, we can make some things better in the small ways we can, and that's still something important.

submitted 1 week ago by rozwud@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

This combo of song and video...

submitted 2 weeks ago by rozwud@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by rozwud@beehaw.org to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Having a great time in New Orleans; here are some photos from the Gay Easter Parade!

submitted 3 months ago by rozwud@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

I was reminded of this one today and wanted to share.

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 16 points 4 months ago

Today's the third anniversary of my dad's death. It's still so hard.

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 22 points 6 months ago

Also why do the children look like weird little buff men? Is that an effect of the pickling?

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 15 points 6 months ago

Cabbage patch kid.

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 13 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Moms for Liberty was trying to take over our school board, and thanks to a lot of canvassing, phone banking, and fundraising, they failed!

[-] rozwud@beehaw.org 20 points 9 months ago

I just want to say that the downtime made me extra sure that I will follow beehaw wherever it goes. I'm definitely more lurky than chatty, but after browsing via other instances, I missed beehaw.

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