[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

Thanks. This looks like it’s for PC, though. Apologies, I wrongly assumed talking about “trophies” would’ve implied I was talking about PlayStation. My bad.

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago

Yeah I had SearXNG running via a Docker container and it was pretty good. I didn’t like having to use a domain name and expose it over the internet though, because Docker is running on my NAS. I guess I could give it another try using Cloudflare tunnels so I don’t have to open anything up.

Or else go back to Startpage.

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago

That wasn’t the OP 😂

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

Yeah I use that feature all the time; if I've been out running or for a walk listening on my iPhone, I'll often hold my phone next to my HomePod in the kitchen or bedroom and seamlessly carry on playback. And it works great. I just assumed it would be equally easy to implement it from Mac to iPhone.

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

I managed to get mine for launch day, although the Apple Store didn’t come online at 13:00 UK as advertised; there was probably 4 - 5 mins delay.

I had configured my pre-order beforehand.

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

Pro models actually got a price decrease in the UK, unless I’m missing something.

Now I just need to decide whether to match my phone to my watch and get the natural titanium, or whether to go for the blue.

Oh, and, Pro (like usual) or Pro Max (seems a bit big!).

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

Thanks, that did the trick. A combination of removing /mobilebasic from the end of the URL and requesting the desktop version of the site opened the full document. Doesn't really work well on a mobile screen, but in the odd occasions where I need to update a document quickly and on-the-go, this will work. Thanks a lot!

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

I see what you did there!

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

I’ve always just used Safari as my browser on iOS and macOS so have never paid attention to reviews/opinions on the newer browsers such as Brave. Before I switched to Mac I always used Firefox on my Windows machines so know how privacy focused they’ve always been. But I’m hearing a lot of positives about Brave, and so far it seems pretty decent.

I’ve tried Arc but wasn’t entirely convinced. And in work I have a Windows machine so have been tied to Edge (although I’ve recently put in a request for Firefox and had it approved).

I guess it’d be nice to have a consistent search experience across the board, which the likes of DDG would give me. But definitely seeing good things about Brave and Brave Search.

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Yeah all similar to 1Password. I think that times out after a week or so, so you have to put your master password in. I like the Apple Watch integration with my Mac so I just double click the Digital Crown most of the time rather than even using Touch ID.

Sounds like the only thing I’m losing in switching from 1Password to Bitwarden is the ever-so-slightly more polished apps. But functionality-wise… nothing.

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Boo, Google! Haha j/k, each to their own 🙂

1Password has been one of my go-to apps for years now, so I’m clearly happy to pay the $80 a year or whatever it is (I’m a Brit but I think it’s around that price). But it’s very good to know that I can get the exact same (more or less) functionality in Bitwarden for $10 a year. And I have the option to self host on my Docker stack on my NAS should the mood take me.

I absolutely wholeheartedly agree about Watchtower — that’s a nice little piece of functionality. I saw Bitwarden can check if your passwords have been involved in a data breach, but nowhere near as many little add-ins as Watchtower. It feels like a credit score for your passwords 🙂

[-] schmurnan@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

Now you may have me there. Visual Studio Code is certainly an exception, I’d be willing to admit.


Just wondered what people are using for their password management.

I’m currently using 1Password on a family subscription for both password management and 2FA (and then Authy for the 1Password 2FA). But I’m seeing a lot more posters — particularly since joining Lemmy — championing BitWarden (either cloud or self hosted) and Raivo OTP as a cheaper, almost-as-functional alternative.

So is it worth the switch? Will I lose out on anything by doing so?

I’m currently running BitWarden with a free account to see if I can live with it. But I must admit, 1Password is a staple app for me and one that I would say is priceless to my workflow and setup.

Just interested in your thoughts and trying to stimulate conversation!

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