Side by side with a friend (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
submitted 9 months ago by simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz to c/memes@lemmy.ml
Tired little noodle (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
submitted 9 months ago by simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz to c/cat@lemmy.world
Alternative Timeline (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
Forged in Mount Doom (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
Herald of taters (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 110 points 9 months ago

I have done that before. Its great before and during the cake consumption, but afterwards the regret sets in when your bloated stomach tries to digest the consequences of your actions

Toss me (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
Bilbobus (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
Worst part of the journey (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
Father and son (lemmy.mywire.xyz)
[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 32 points 10 months ago

This reminded me of the time during Covid where the UK covid information for patients was stored in Excel.

Didn't turn out well for them


[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 223 points 11 months ago

I'm in Europe, and work for an American company. After a few issues in production, they tried to implement an on-call requirement for employees to check the alerts during their out of work hours (5am to 10pm or something stupid like that). I just reminded them that my country has the "Right to disconnect" law, which protects us from having to work outside our required hours.

They changed it to volunteer basis. I refuse to volunteer (because my off time is my time).

[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 31 points 11 months ago

but what is it for facebook?

I volunteer my trash can for Facebook, should do a decent job and it already has the smell to match, so we don't need to waste time implementing that feature

[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 137 points 11 months ago

Its also getting the content creators onto the new platform. Thats a bigger challenge I think, without creators it's a dead site really, and making videos is significantly more difficult than image or text posting.

For storage, if we assume the format would be WebM at 1080p, 60fps and 20 minutes in length, it turns out to about 1GB. Even a cheap VPS instance usually offer 50GB of storage (with not too expensive storage upgrades).

So if its distributed evenly, we can host a good bit of videos (nothing compared to YouTube though).

[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 56 points 11 months ago

So you're telling me that my single puny brain is susceptible to influence and manipulation techniques which have been actively used and perfected for centuries?

Well my good sir, I don't believe you

[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 38 points 11 months ago

Elon Musk: "No! You can scrape Twitter data for AI research!"

Also Elon Musk: "I'm gonna start scraping Internet data for my AI research"

[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 67 points 11 months ago

"My time has come ... to also sit on my own balls"

[-] simple@lemmy.mywire.xyz 62 points 11 months ago

By having more instances and better user distribution. Running a small-ish instance isn't very expensive, around 5-10 euro a month (some VPS providers are cheaper, etc). As Lemmy development continues, and more optimizations come in, these smaller lemmy instances will be able to support more users.

There is also a discussion on GitHub to introduce user and community migrations between instances. So once that feature is implemented, it will be easier to redistribute everything across all Lemmy instances.

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