I don't know where it is not female but I am from the north.
Try eating less π§
Not sure living alone feels better for my mental state
That's not a lockfile. This would be the equivalent of package.json
npm has a lockfile which makes it infinitely better.
Phone and MacBook I think update them self or at least I annoy me to press update on next restart/ some time. For my work laptop I try to only update while being in the office in case something goes wrong so I don't have to leave home office involuntary. Other stuff I mostly update if I want to install something and that's pretty often. Only problem my old PC that I sometimes use for gaming. It's running arch and I haven't updated it in a while so I have like 1k packages to update and if I try to update all certificates are out of date but I didn't bother to fix because I only use it to play some games. On this server unattended upgrades is used for obvious security reasons.
react vue angular svelte htmx
It is
Thanks English is not my native language.
Hmm die domain ist .at und die WΓ€hrung Euro aber das es dort legal wΓ€re mir auch neu.