[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 7 points 2 days ago

My Seat Leon car. VW really shat the bed with their latest gen cars.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 1 points 2 days ago

Maybe on account of the communities I subscribe to, but I’ve personally not come across right wing extremism on Lemmy. The tankies, though … so prevalent. Anyways, by server blocking hexbear it’s reduced by 90%.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 4 points 3 days ago

The Korean War was led by the UN. NATO wasn’t involved.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 4 points 3 days ago

… “and don’t worry about your family back home in North Korea who will be compressed into tinned meal”.

The defection rate will be low I suspect. It’s an automatic TFK (total family kill) to defect and I doubt they’ll send anyone who don’t have family at home in Glorious Motherland!

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 12 points 3 days ago

Server blocking hexbear is the only way to stay sane on Lemmy.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 3 points 3 days ago

Completely. Give me a light Geländewagen (and I’m talking about the utility version that armies buy, not the blinged up Chelsea tractor version), with triple differential lock and it’ll out-drive these monster trucks any day, on any terrain, pulling the same weight.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 8 points 4 days ago

What else is a career politician going to do? Join the work force?

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 13 points 4 days ago

This is the way. Don’t let Word confuse you into believing it’s a DTP program.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 15 points 4 days ago

The challenge is, in a real org of some size, you’ll suddenly get marketing or customer success asking you for commitments that are very far out, because ad slots have to be booked or a very large customer renewal is coming up.

And some of the normal coping mechanism (beta-branch that spins off stable feature to the general release branch) don’t work for all those requests.

Try as you might, you are going to get far off deadlines that you have to work towards. Not for everything but for more than you’d like.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 13 points 4 days ago

What a cretin.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 34 points 5 days ago

100% agreed. I’m not condoning Uber. I’m saying taxi companies should be better at copying the convenience of Uber.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 33 points 5 days ago

In every single way Ubers are more convenient than a taxi. It’s amazing to me that taxi companies can’t see all the little improvements that going by Uber brings.

submitted 11 months ago by sunbeam60@lemmy.one to c/rpg@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by sunbeam60@lemmy.one to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I’d love it if client-side processing could collapse these posts into one.

submitted 1 year ago by sunbeam60@lemmy.one to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Given both kbin and lemmy are part of the fediverse, I would expect to be able to subscribe to https://kbin.social/m/tech by searching for !tech@kbin.social - but nothing shows up.

What am I doing wrong?

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