[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 16 points 1 month ago

It had a long worm-like tail. If it was smaller I would have thought mouse, but the leading theories are squirrel or mole.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 14 points 3 months ago

We tried to host it ourselves to save cost, and it's a beast but it mostly works. It certainly lags behind in features and uses a lot of resources, but when you compare with the cost it's certainly passable.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 25 points 3 months ago

Lego parts are incredibly precise, and the manufacturing tolerances have been consistent for decades. It's nearly impossible to replicate that precision on any modern printers.

That being said, different parts are more tolerant of wiggle room. Grabbing a stud is hard, grabbing a 2x4 is not. If you were going to print a minifig head, trying to replicate the neck barrel is gonna be tough, but making a larger hole with 2-3 ridges which taper to grip might be easier. If you plan what you're doing and are realistic about what you can print, it's definitely not out of the question.

Lego is ABS if I'm correct.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 17 points 5 months ago

That's rad, and you did an amazing job keeping them whole. Recently I have been wrapping them in cloth, then the kids form clay around them for various fridge and office magnets.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 16 points 6 months ago

For real though, I loved those. That wireless Logitech one with the volume dial lasted me a decade.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by surfrock66@lemmy.world to c/sysadmin@lemmy.world

I wrote this a Christmas or two ago and thought it would be nice to share to any of us out there dutifully on call.

'Twas the night before Cristmas and all 'cross the web
I was browsing through Discord, installed from a deb
Not a user was working; the servers were quiet
I perused a new webapp, thinking to try it
When just like the spider, my senses did tingle
Somewhere I knew of the plight of Chris Kringle
I jumped out my chair, nearly fell 'ver my pooch
Waded through wires and gave boxes a scooch
I got out the door and eyes raised towards my roof
What I saw was a joke, certainly just a goof
For a fat jolly man sat so pondering prone
With a quizzical look he was locked to his phone
Not certain my role here not wanting to bother
But asserting my role in this house as the father
I shouted up top "Hey there Santa, what's cookin?
Do you need some help? There's concern how you're lookin?"
He called down to me "Oh shucks there dear boy
I hate this here phone, this ridiculous toy
The elves say to use it to guide my big flight
But I can't seem see it cuz the screen's not too bright.
It's always rerouting, about traffic it's warning,
At this rate I'll still have the toys by the morning!
My route's in the air not on parkways below,
And I'll not be deterred by rain sleet or snow."
"Well Santa," I said only wanting to help
"The reviews for sleigh flight are quite poor here on Yelp.
What you need it to switch your nav mode to airborne,
Not walking or driving, so don't be forlorn.
Just unlock the screen and hand it to me,
I'll get you fixed up and erase your worry."
He handed it to me and to my surprise
Not an android or iphone sat front of my eyes
But a candy cane brick whose innards were magic
I worried for now of an outcome most tragic
But just then I spied it way up at the top
The icon whose presence made mystery stop
"Santa look up here this tiny white car,
'Tis the icon that's stopping you from getting far.
You're mapping as if you're a car on the ground
Which is not too correct for you getting around.
We can change it to sleigh flight by tapping right here,
It'll also find stops where to rest your reindeer!
Let's crank up the brightness by moving this slider
To help your eyes rest and not stay open wider.
Lastly let's stream you some music to play,
Maybe TSO? How 'bout Michael Buble?"
A genuine smile platered St. Nicholas' face
His worries were gone, vanished not with a trace.
"On this night here my friend you feel proud of yourself
The magic you did is like that of an elf!
I'm awed how you fix all this digital stuff,
I used to think reindeer and stockings were tough,
But now I can see that the world is a changing
And the skills that I use need to do some exchanging.
Now that it's working I really must go
To deliver the presents 'fore roosters will crow.
Speaking of morning, why are you awake?
'Tis well after midnight unless I mistake?"
I had but a chuckle, "Oh Santa don't dread,
For I'm an IT guy and hate going to bed!
There's a little more lemmy and masto to browsey
I'll likely spend 3 to 4 hours this drowsy!"
He chuckled, "OK, if that's how it works
You enjoy all your trolling, browsing and lurks!"
He hopped on his ride, took a seat, grabbed a reign
And started to hum with Mariah's refrain.
As he took to the air he gave pause to his song,
"Merry christmas to you, may your uptimes be long!"
[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 25 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This article is scant on details. It harvests RF to power/charge low energy devices. What RF bands? Is putting these through a house knocking out bluetooth around it, or existing RF remotes for devices? Or is this some background RF that won't penetrate deep into a house to begin with? There would be "1-2 RF transmitters" to power the whole house...that doesn't seem great, that's a ton of wasted energy emanating in a sphere from the transmitter to hit these devices all over. I'm not sure what problem this is solving, copper wiring cost of extended runs to switches? Isn't this problem going to go away if some system like zigbee got standardized and the switch hardware was baked into the end device itself to be controlled by any of multiple control points?

submitted 8 months ago by surfrock66@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I've been struggling with getting a completely self-sustaining VNC server working on Ubuntu mate, and I'd like some advice from anyone who has been down this road before. My target platform is Ubuntu Mate, and it is a combination of VM's and old laptops that may still have local sessions. I've landed on TigerVNC due to dynamic resolution support (to eventually pair with apache Guacamole), and specifically do NOT want to use x0vncserver as I want this to be separate from the local session should one exist on the laptops.

Ideally, this would be a systemd service for a couple of users. To the best I can tell, I would need a different systemd unit file per user account, which is fine (it'd be easy enough to create a mapping for user to session across systems; when you start a session my user could always be display 10 at 5910 and my wife's could be 11 at 5911, etc). I have seen a LOT of struggle with this, particularly in recent ubuntu, because of some changes. Specifically, this cannot be a user systemd service as those do not run until the user logs in, and I want these started at boot. I've followed these guides below:

https://bytexd.com/how-to-install-configure-vnc-server-on-ubuntu/ https://superuser.com/a/1724271

At this time, my systemd unit looks like this:


Description=TigerVNC Server
After=syslog.target network.target



ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :%i
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver -localhost no :%i
ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :%i


At this time, my xstartup file looks like this:

[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey 
vncconfig -iconic &
x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
x-window-manager &

This works when my user launches the vncserver from the terminal, but when launching from a systemd service, it fails to start. I believe this is somehow due to user environment variables not being set; I've seen some guides recommending running the execStart commands as "su -l surfrock66 " to force the user's environment, but I have nothing to support that. Here's the front of the log file for the systemd service when I try to start it:

Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com vncserver[12983]: New Xtigervnc server 'hostname.subdomain.domain.com:1 (surfrock66)' on port 5901 for display :1.
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com vncserver[12983]: Use xtigervncviewer -SecurityTypes VncAuth,TLSVnc -passwd /tmp/tigervnc.WITIzx/passwd hostname.subdomain.domain.com:1 to connect to the VNC server.
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='org.a11y.Bus' requested by ':1.0' (uid=1000 pid=12995 comm="x-window-manager")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Successfully activated service 'org.a11y.Bus'
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.systemd1' requested by ':1.4' (uid=1000 pid=12996 comm="/usr/bin/mate-session")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com org.a11y.Bus[13008]: dbus-daemon[13008]: Activating service name='org.a11y.atspi.Registry' requested by ':1.0' (uid=1000 pid=12995 comm="x-window-manager")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com org.a11y.Bus[13008]: dbus-daemon[13008]: Successfully activated service 'org.a11y.atspi.Registry'
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com org.a11y.Bus[13024]: SpiRegistry daemon is running with well-known name - org.a11y.atspi.Registry
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.systemd1' requested by ':1.5' (uid=1000 pid=12996 comm="/usr/bin/mate-session")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.systemd1' requested by ':1.5' (uid=1000 pid=12996 comm="/usr/bin/mate-session")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.systemd1' requested by ':1.5' (uid=1000 pid=12996 comm="/usr/bin/mate-session")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='ca.desrt.dconf' requested by ':1.5' (uid=1000 pid=12996 comm="/usr/bin/mate-session")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Successfully activated service 'ca.desrt.dconf'
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.systemd1' requested by ':1.5' (uid=1000 pid=12996 comm="/usr/bin/mate-session")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.systemd1' requested by ':1.5' (uid=1000 pid=12996 comm="/usr/bin/mate-session")
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com dbus-daemon[13000]: [session uid=1000 pid=12998] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com mate-session[12996]: WARNING: Could not parse desktop file /home/surfrock66/.config/autostart/wicd-tray.desktop: Key file does not have key “Name” in group “Desktop Entry”
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com mate-session[12996]: GLib-GObject-CRITICAL: Custom constructor for class GsmAutostartApp returned NULL (which is invalid). Please use GInitable instead.
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com mate-session[12996]: WARNING: could not read /home/surfrock66/.config/autostart/wicd-tray.desktop
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com mate-session[12996]: WARNING: Unable to find provider 'marco-compton' of required component 'windowmanager'
Oct 17 15:58:11 hostname.subdomain.domain.com mate-session[12996]: WARNING: Unable to find provider '' of required component 'dock'
[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 18 points 9 months ago

But he also said he wouldn't appoint someone running for the seat in the upcoming election, so Lee was not a possible candidate for appointment.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 14 points 9 months ago

The problem is he made conflicting statements...he said he would appoint a black woman to fill the demographic gap created by harris-padilla, and said he won't appoint someone who plans to run in the election as an incumbent has an advantage he thinks dilutes the will of the voters in an open field. It puts him in a bad spot with Barbara Lee, a totally self-inflicted political pickle.

submitted 10 months ago by surfrock66@lemmy.world to c/sysadmin@lemmy.world

This was news to me so I thought I'd share:

Everyone, there will be MQTT name changes in the next release of the software. There is nothing to worry about, your names are safe. However the change caused addons like Z2M (and other MQTT integrations) to update their discovery information. As it stands, Z2M will not be able to release a version with this fix until September 2023. During that time a warning will be in your logs indicating that there is an issue. You can safely ignore this warning. As of this writing, there may also be an accompanied repair. You can also safely ignore this repair.

Once Z2M updates, the warnings will go away.

Again, during this whole transition period, your names and the default device names should not change. Please keep us informed if they do change.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago

I am not a scientist but I have really been trying to understand this breakthrough. My understanding is not that room temperature ambient pressure semiconductors have been created. It is that several simulations back up parts of the discovery that would lead to said semiconductors, in some reviews are showing that some of the crystalline structures do successfully resemble what would be needed for superconductivity in super preliminary experiments on a tiny scale. We aren't going to have magic superconducting wire yet, this is still very much in the theoretical material science phase. Ultimately, specifics around the way the doping has to work are pretty unproven. At this point it looks like things like electron photon interaction is happening as it would need to happen on a scale relevant to similar crystalline structures. LK99 isn't yet in physical testing in any other labs yet, and any labs that would publish results already wouldn't be worth listening to because there hasn't been enough time for peer review.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago

Lemmy.world is having some issues, but at the same time, Jeroba has felt like a fine early app to a platform going through extremely rapid growing pains. I think friendly feedback is helpful as the platform itself grows and the apps react to platform changes. If I'm correct, Jeroba is dev'd by the same people as Lemmy itself, so it makes sense that it's not got full focus right now, but in a lot of ways is the primary "blessed" client to test new lemmy features with.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

I think watching his moves foretells the future of communities still on Reddit. Lemmy has learned from growing pains in the recent fast growth, but could it handle a true twitter-level meltdown's influx of users? I think Reddit needs to stay alive a little longer so community federation and migration is possible, THEN Reddit can melt down. Watching the person steering that shop is helpful in gauging urgency.


I have seen the documentation saying to build an empty VM with slightly more space for each volume than was on the physical server, then use clonezilla to create an image of the server, then import it. That seems ok, but I'm hoping someone out there has more real-world experience in doing this and can share if they did it differently, or encountered any pitfalls.

As my environment matures, I am moving from "Hey I have 1 physical server with everything on it" to "Let's use a hypervisor and spin off services onto their own." When the base OS is P2V'd, I'll be able to have 2 hypervisors and start implementing HA. I've been using this system as a scratchpad and dev box for 10 years and would love to just migrate it over.

submitted 1 year ago by surfrock66@lemmy.world to c/aww@lemmy.ml

Seed 3379350674664086568, coords in screenshot.

[-] surfrock66@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

It feels manipulative to paint this whole thing as if there is a violence risk to reddit employees. Spez is seeing hate because of his direct actions and he is, IMHO, deserving of a lot of the vitriol. Also, this is clearly a management move, not a decision by employees. Lastly, reddit gear exists for non reddit employees, I've seen meetups with users in reddit shirts. I think that comment was a dog whistle to playing the victim under the guise of being a nice guy to his employees, when his direct action is causing the problem.

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