[-] takeda@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Anti-dragon cream. Personal guarantee: if you’re incinerated you get your money back, no quibble.’ 'What you’re saying,’ said Vimes slowly, 'if I understand the wording correctly, is that if I am baked alive by the dragon you’ll return the money?’ 'Upon personal application,’ said Cut-Me-Own-Throat.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

You vote for the person who selects the people for SCOTUS. There are two very old members (Thomas and Alito) that will likely be replaced in the next 4 years. Are you willing to let trump replace them with 40 year olds and fuck us for decades to come?

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I love "California disaster" arguments. I have some MAGA relatives that currently live in California, they decided to move and in 2022 in summer visited non-"marxist" states. And you know what? They ended up staying.

I live in California for 25 years now and I love my state. The most opinionated about how shitty California is are people who never been here.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

He didn't hold both chambers. The two "democrats" who supposedly won in Senate even changed their party affiliation after winning.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

1st. He didn't win by 5 million, he won by 7 million. 2nd what you're talking about wasn't result of popularity, but how our election system is messed up, where some votes matter more than others. trump not even once won a popular vote. Even against Hilary he lost by nearly 3 million.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

Constitution only matters if it is being enforced. And 2017-2020 showed us that very few Republicans were willing to do that.

Currently SCOTUS is debating whether president has absolute immunity (in other words, if he can commit any crime, including murdering his political opponents) something that is absolutely against our constitution, yet they have to debate it.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Yeah, sure. And what prompted trump to show up in DC in January 6th, which before 2021 was day that didn't have any special meaning in US history?

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

I highly recommend "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century" by historian Timothy Snyder If you can't get a book or audio book the author also reads it on YouTube.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

Yet that's usually enough when taking to another developer.

The problem is that we have this unambiguous language that is understood by human and a computer to tell computer exactly what we want to do.

With LLM we instead opt to use a natural language that is imprecise and full of ambiguity to do the same.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

From my experience all the time (probably even more) it saves me is wasted on spotting bugs and the bugs are in very subtle places.

[-] takeda@lemmy.world 48 points 3 days ago

This is what it is called a programming language, it only exists to be able to tell the machine what to do in an unambiguous (in contrast to natural language) way.

submitted 2 months ago by takeda@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

So I ran Power Delete Suite as I periodically do. I have it configured to edit a comment and then delete it. It deletes comments that are older than 1 week old.

What was unusual was that within minutes I got the red envelope. And looking at it there was a response to a comment that I wrote 2 years ago.

So first thing is that as many were saying Reddit undeletes comments. I initially ignored that I saw some comments that I thought were deleted, but I assume it was because subreddits were locked and that's why they were invisible to Power Delete Suite, but this was on r/programming which was unlocked for quite some time (not sure if it ever was locked).

Second thing is the response within minutes.

So my 2 year old comment still exists and it's not showing up on my profile. I wouldn't even know about it is not for that response.

Of course this could be a coincidence, the account that responded to me is 9 years old, the content of it seems normal, although I saw comments on r/ChatGPT.

Though the timing bugs me off. If the comment is not from a real person maybe when Reddit restored it the AI code thought it was a new comment and responded to it.

Another thing that contributes to my suspicion of chatbots being deployed is that I noticed since the API protest and after they unlocked subreddits is that I get more upvotes and more responses than I used to.

Anyone observed something similar?

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