
joined 4 years ago
[–] 8 points 1 month ago

I totally understand. I avoid these "archetypes" of videos like the plague. But that's the current al gore rhythm. I think this type of content works as a starter.

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

I also had this initial rapid reaction to the "I had a Ben Shapiro phase" comment, but it's something really common, even I went through this (many years ago I identified as libertarian!), but the content is great because it goes beyond that by bringing up practical steps.


This was on my recommends recently. At first, it seemed that I've accidentally clicked on a generic manosphere video, but it's the opposite: it's a full on leftist channel talking about leftism on practical terms.

The visuals do remind me of those generic videos, but, in this case, I think it's a plus, because it's like occupying those spaces: you see a good looking white man with kinda clickbait titles that look like self-development and you might not even care, but if this enters some young chud's recommends, it can have an effect. Besides his looks, his name is Harper O'Connor, so, common enough for anglophones not to dismiss him. I don't remember seeing something like this.

At least for me, personally, people in my life have been "convinced" towards socialism thanks to those "webcommunists"/"communist influencers", who were made up mostly by young-ish people who could "speak the language" of this generation — through memes, agitprop, lives on Twitch, YouTube, etc. One of the results was that in the last 3 years we saw an uptick of +10 thousand members organized in revolutionary parties (I'm not in the US), either officially or by joining their collectives as militants. Some of my friends are these people.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

Now that you've put that into words, it kinda makes sense. It's because the conservatives don't see queer relationships as equally valid or serious, even if the end goal is the same. That plays a lot into identity: they identify themselves with their "traditions", which includes "family", so when someone different tries to do the same, "oh, they're destroying 'The Family' by trying to have a family!".

It's kinda like gamer guys™ when a gamer girl just exists: "oh, no, she's a gamer girl, let's pick on her! You can't like the same things as me because of your gender!" In the end, conservatism is all about identitarianism ("you can't do x, y and z thint if you're a Man!!")—even though they'll blame that on the Left, because every accusation from the Right is a confession.