Yep. He keeps doing that.
I drive trains for a living. Freight trains. Locomotive engineer.
If teleportation gets invented, countries will cease to exist. Instead you will have Polities (polity). Boarders and location would have nothing to do with what polity you lived in.
Late Gen X. I'm an outside watching boomers and millennials duke it out like a drunken bar fight.
I can't argue with that. But as a late Gen X, I graduated highschool at the time when my age was the wealthiest generation in human history. The politics that led us here is not just Boomers fault. Millennials, Gen X, and even the Silent Gen have blame here too. We were all too happy to see Clinton continue Reagan's pandering and then felt shoehorned into most of this by the 911 attacks. The economy collapsed and then Bush's policies totally saved us... for a few years. Then the recession hit and the Bush era legal changed wrecked our ability to regulate our government officials leaving us vulnerable to corporate slavery.
I've decided that Trump's only real talent is making stupid people think they are smart. Which is unfortunate because now all the idiots think they are smart enough to shut down anything smart and push absolutely moronic plans, like gutting all government programs and shoving tariffs up their own asses.
Tell me you have been in a long term relationship without...
My phone wallpaper is a video I stole from ticktock following a trail down Red Rock overlook in Yellowstone Canyon. It is done using a few iPhone tricks that makes a super clean, high speed edit that ends with a zoom shot of the canyon and the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone (famously iconic view). The kind of thing that is almost plastic in its trendiness.
I grew up in Yellowstone and living in the Midwest, which I love, makes me miss it so much it almost hurts at times. That trail has countless memories of family that are long dead and friends I will never see again. It's like having a cleanly edited video tour of your childhood home and all the best memories you accumulated while growing up every time I open my phone and no one but me knows the significance. It just looks like some overly artistic background a nerd would pay too much for in the mid '00s.
Lots of Penetration Testing stories on YouTube. Not exactly cyber security but it was still solved with basic cyber security updates (and a few physical ones) I remember one where they just physically waited for six hours in an elevator they turned off with a key they bought on eBay for $5 after putting up an "out of order" sign on the door. Then, when everyone had gone home for the night, they came out and went to the server room and hacked their way through the entire system. They were pros paid by that company to find security holes, and they earned their pay that day.
Same here. Elections were my Superbowl. Now I find myself systematically trying to eliminate all political news. I know too much about politics to be able to avoid panicking every time I see a headline. This last election was just different. I have always been extremely calm and patient about politics and never panicked at the loss that inevitably always comes around. This last one sent my optimistic self into a real and lasting depression I am still struggling to overcome.