[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 2 points 2 hours ago

I'm pretty sure he could step down and hand it to Kamala. Maybe he could even run as VP. That might rock the boat the least, and while I don't like Kamala, I have more faith in her to actually do the job.

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 0 points 11 hours ago

Yes, unfortunately.

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 2 points 20 hours ago

Hear me out...

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 1 points 20 hours ago

I think there might be a connection between poast-dot-org and poa-dot-st. The latter is a Neo-Nazi Pleroma instance. I haven't seen any proof that the domains are connected. Might not be.

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee -1 points 20 hours ago

So it turns out that racially insensitive victim blaming and bootlicking is worth at least a few dozen downvotes. Congratulations?

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 4 points 21 hours ago

It connected all the conspiracy weirdos too, fwiw.

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

What would be so bad with...

...checks notes...

...informing young people about the most horrible decisions made throughout history, why they were flawed, and how not to repeat the same mistakes today?


Just take a look at the world around you. That's a fucking start...

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 34 points 1 day ago

It doesn't. Oceangate is completely dissolved.

The co-founder of OceanGate started his own company called Blue Marble Exploration, and they are planning to start SCUBA diving in Dean's Blue Hole.

Not the same company. No submersible involved at all.

Literally nothing newsworthy about this than the founder's connection to OceanGate.

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 9 points 1 day ago

Every time Picard asks Data a question.

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

Copyright infringement becomes theft when you make money off of someone else's work, which is the goal of every one of these AI companies. I 100% mean theft.

[-] todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee 11 points 1 day ago

This isn't the USA.

Texas is, believe it or not, the USA. Since 1845 even.

I know you aren't bright enough to separate the two

Big words from a pathetic person.

it would be like saying because the far right has made inroads in French election, then all of Europe is in the toilet.

Imagine existing in 2024 and not yet noticing the global trend towards Fascism in a world with increasing economic unfairness that's about to experience a worldwide climate disaster that will displace a billion people, handing a massive opportunity to the far right to take control.

But no, the right wing is no big deal. Just ignore what's happening in Texas and France (and everywhere else), it's not important.

Oh, you! (lemm.ee)

More unserious memes plz.


Discovered this today while browsing featured media on Wikipedia Commons.

Today's video on Media Of The Day was a video about having sex in space. It is also pinned to the top of Wikipedia's Sex In Space article.

It was amusing, but didn't include citations or appear otherwise credible. It was made using a service called "simpleshow foundation", which brands itself as "giving you the power to create simple and engaging videos with an easy-to-use, AI-powered video maker platform".

So, yeah, more AI slop.

submitted 3 weeks ago by todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee to c/news@lemmy.world

A California company is advertising ‘tactical response’ Tesla Cybertruck upgrades for police cruisers, including shotgun racks and sirens.

submitted 1 month ago by todd_bonzalez@lemm.ee to c/news@lemmy.world

“The peace activists are war activists,” co-founder and CEO of Palantir, Alex Karp insisted. “We are the peace activists.”


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