
joined 8 months ago


The phenomenon of "holy warriors" in the Russian Orthodox Church reflects the intersection of religious canonization with political and historical contexts. The canonization of figures such as Alexander Nevsky, Fyodor Ushakov, Dmitry Donskoy, and the monks Oslyabya and Peresvet, often cited to support the notion of holy warfare, reveals complex layers of historical, political, and ecclesiastical influences.

Canonization and Political Influence

  1. Historical Canonization

    The canonization of saints in the Orthodox Church historically reflects broader ecclesiastical and political agendas. For instance, Alexander Nevsky, canonized in 1547, was initially revered as a military leader but later redefined as a saintly monk. His canonization was influenced by the church's need to stabilize monastic institutions during that period. Similarly, the canonization of Fyodor Ushakov in 2001 and Dmitry Donskoy in 1988, as well as Oslyabya and Peresvet in 2016, highlights shifts in political and national narratives.

  2. Political and Ecclesiastical Context

    The promotion of these figures often aligns with political needs. The canonization of Dmitry Donskoy and the monks during the Soviet era and later reflects the use of religious figures to bolster state narratives and national identity. The shift from a religious to a nationalistic interpretation of these figures demonstrates the influence of political ideologies on religious practices.

The Case of "Holy Warriors"

  1. Alexander Nevsky

    Alexander Nevsky's canonization was influenced by political motives. Initially recognized as a saint for his military victories, his image was later transformed into that of a pious monk to serve the church's needs. The image of Nevsky was redefined by Peter the Great and later by Stalin, each reflecting the political climate of their times.

  2. Dmitry Donskoy, Oslyabya, and Peresvet

    Dmitry Donskoy's canonization was delayed for centuries, reflecting historical uncertainties and the church's evolving stance on his legacy. The monks Oslyabya and Peresvet were only canonized recently, highlighting the contemporary need to align historical figures with nationalistic and military ideals. The lack of historical evidence supporting their saintly status raises questions about the authenticity of their canonization.

Critical Analysis

  1. The Role of Canonization

    Canonization often reflects the church's response to contemporary political and social needs rather than purely spiritual criteria. The selection of saints and their portrayal can be influenced by the political climate, as seen with the transformations in the images of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy.

  2. Contemporary Implications

    The current emphasis on "holy warriors" reflects a broader trend of integrating religious figures into nationalistic and militaristic narratives. This shift raises concerns about the authenticity of these figures' sainthood and the potential manipulation of religious symbols for political ends.


The canonization of figures like Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, and the monks Oslyabya and Peresvet illustrates the complex interplay between religion, politics, and national identity. While these figures are celebrated as saints, their historical and ecclesiastical contexts reveal the influence of political motives on religious practices. Understanding this interplay is crucial for analyzing the role of religious institutions in shaping national narratives and the broader implications for political and historical studies.


  1. Bushkovitch, P. Religion and Society in Russia: The Impact of the Religious Reforms of Peter the Great. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  2. Lobanov, F.A. The Canonization of Saints in Russia: Historical and Political Contexts. Moscow University Press, 2019.
  3. Arcybashov, N. The Historical Context of the Kulikovo Field Battle. St. Petersburg Historical Society, 1827.
  4. Eisenstein, S. Alexander Nevsky: A Soviet Epic. Soviet Film Archives, 1942.


#HolyWarriors #OrthodoxCanonization #PoliticalInfluence #RussianHistory #Saints #AlexanderNevsky #DmitryDonskoy #FyodorUshakov #Oslyabya #Peresvet #ChurchAndState #PoliticalPropaganda #ReligiousStudies



У сучасному аналізі релігійних і політичних явищ часто виявляється, що канонізація святих і їх визнання часто використовуються для досягнення конкретних політичних цілей. Це стає особливо очевидним у випадках, коли святих, що є символами військових доблестей, ставлять у центр релігійного поклоніння. В даному докладі розглянемо явище канонізації "святих воїнів" в контексті релігійної та політичної кон'юнктури, проаналізуємо історичні та релігійні аспекти їх канонізації, а також розглянемо їх вплив на сучасну політику і соціум.

Історичний Контекст

Канонізація святих воїнів, таких як Олександр Невський, Дмитро Донський, Федір Ушаков, Ослябя та Пересвет, стала особливо актуальною в різні періоди історії Росії. Однак історичні та релігійні джерела часто свідчать про те, що причини канонізації не завжди були викликані чисто релігійними міркуваннями, а скоріше відповідали конкретним політичним обставинам.

  1. Олександр Невський був канонізований на соборі 1547 року. Його образ значно змінився від воїна до монаха, що відповідав потребам московських митрополитів того часу. Цей трансформований образ використовувався для зміцнення ідеї переваги монашества над світською владою. Згодом, за Петра I, цей образ був перетворений на героя-воїна, що підкріплювало імперські амбіції Росії.

  2. Дмитро Донський, канонізований лише в 1988 році, спочатку не був визнаний святим. Це знову підкреслює, як історичні обставини та політичні інтереси можуть впливати на рішення Церкви.

  3. Федір Ушаков, який також був канонізований у 2001 році, став символом для прославлення російської військової сили і патріотизму. Канонізація святих воїнів у 21 столітті часто пов'язана з необхідністю створення ідеалів для національної ідентичності.

  4. Ослябя та Пересвет були канонізовані лише в 2016 році, після тривалого ігнорування. Їх популяризація пов'язана з сучасними політичними і військовими потребами.

Аналіз Канонізації

Канонізація святих, що є військовими героями, виявляє, як релігія може бути використана для підтримки політичних ідеологій. Цей процес часто обумовлений такими чинниками:

  1. Політичний Контекст: Як показує практика, канонізація часто збігається з політичними подіями або потребами держави. Це може бути використано для легітимізації політичних або військових амбіцій.

  2. Соціальні Ідеали: Світлі образи святих воїнів часто формуються відповідно до соціальних і культурних ідеалів певного часу. Це може включати перетворення образу святого з мирного монаха на героїчного воїна, що відповідає потребам епохи.

  3. Історичні Факти: Багато з визнаних святих не мають чітко задокументованих історичних фактів про їхню святость чи військові подвиги. Це ставить під сумнів їхній справжній статус святого.

Вплив на Сучасну Політику

Канонізація святих воїнів продовжує відігравати важливу роль у формуванні національної ідентичності і патріотизму. Проте, важливо пам'ятати, що релігійні авторитети не завжди є беззаперечними прикладами моральності і праведності. Їх популяризація може служити інструментом для досягнення конкретних політичних цілей.

  1. Імперські Амбіції: Історично, священні образи використовувалися для підкріплення імперських ідеалів і легітимізації влади. Це можна простежити через різні періоди історії Росії.

  2. Національна Ідентичність: У сучасному контексті, святі воїни служать символами національної гордості і патріотизму, що може використовуватися для підтримки політичних режимів.


Канонізація святих воїнів є складним і багатогранним явищем, що поєднує релігійні, історичні та політичні аспекти. Вона ілюструє, як релігія може бути використана для підтримки певних політичних і соціальних ідеалів. Тому, підходячи до аналізу святих і їхньої ролі в історії, важливо враховувати як релігійний, так і політичний контексти їхнього визнання.


Annotation: This analysis explores the Russian government's strategy of revising historical promises to align with current realities, specifically focusing on the aviation industry. The discrepancy between the initial ambitious plans and the actual production numbers highlights the manipulation of official records to maintain the facade of progress.

Keywords: Russian aviation industry, government promises, production targets, historical revision, Putin, Monerotopia, aviation production, policy manipulation, transparency, accountability

Analytical Report and Forecast: In 2022, the Russian government announced the "Program for the Development of the Russian Aviation Industry until 2030," which included ambitious targets such as producing over 1,000 civilian airplanes. However, the actual production fell significantly short, with only 4 airplanes produced in 2022-23 instead of the promised 43. This discrepancy led to the revision of historical records in 2024, where the initial promise was altered to match the actual output.

This practice of retroactively changing targets undermines accountability and transparency, making it difficult to assess the true progress of government initiatives. The revised program now projects even more ambitious goals for the future, such as producing 140 airplanes by 2027, despite the current production capabilities being much lower. This pattern suggests a continued trend of overpromising and underdelivering, with potential future revisions to align recorded promises with actual outcomes.

As regulatory scrutiny increases and the need for transparency becomes more pressing, the Russian government's approach may face significant challenges. The gap between promised and actual performance could lead to domestic and international skepticism regarding the feasibility and sincerity of such ambitious plans.

Rewrite with Hashtags: In 2022, the Russian government announced the "Program for the Development of the Russian Aviation Industry until 2030," promising to produce over 1,000 civilian airplanes. However, only 4 airplanes were produced in 2022-23, far short of the 43 promised. In May 2024, the government revised the program, changing the historical records to reflect the lower output, thus avoiding accountability. The revised program now promises 140 airplanes by 2027, continuing a pattern of overpromising and underdelivering.

#RussianAviation #GovernmentPromises #ProductionTargets #HistoricalRevision #Putin #AviationIndustry #PolicyManipulation #Transparency #Accountability #FutureForecast #AviationProduction #OfficialRecords #ProgramDevelopment #DomesticSkepticism #InternationalSkepticism #AmbitiousPlans #Underdelivering #ProgressAssessment #RegulatoryScrutiny #CivilianAircraft #ProductionDiscrepancies

Editorial Comment: The Russian government's tactic of revising historical promises to match actual outcomes raises serious concerns about transparency and accountability. By altering official records, the government can maintain the illusion of progress and evade scrutiny. This practice not only undermines public trust but also casts doubt on the feasibility of future promises. A genuine commitment to progress would require a more transparent and honest approach to policy implementation and reporting.

Disclaimer: This investigation was conducted in hot pursuit and needs to be thoroughly verified. All information provided may have a biased perception of the facts and signs of manipulation by various actors. Users should take this as a version and conduct their own research to verify the accuracy of the details.

Conclusion: The Russian government's revision of historical promises in the aviation industry highlights a broader issue of policy manipulation and lack of transparency. The gap between ambitious targets and actual outcomes poses a significant challenge to the credibility of future promises. Addressing this issue requires a commitment to accountability and accurate reporting.

Keywords: Russian aviation industry, government promises, production targets, historical revision, Putin, aviation production, policy manipulation, transparency, accountability

Description for Google Search Robots (150 characters): The Russian government's revised aviation production targets highlight transparency and accountability issues, revealing a pattern of overpromising and underdelivering.

@prof_preobr Вы умеете менять прошлое? Допустим, вы наобещали и не выполнили, и поэтому меняете прошлое так, что никаких ваших обещаний и не было. Не умеете? И даже думаете, что это невозможно? Очень возможно, если вы - правительство РФ. Вот смотрите.

В 2022 году правительство РФ приняло "Программу развития авиацонной отрасли России до 2030 года". И там всё было про величие сверхдержавы. 1000+ гражданских самолётов, всё такое. И Путин, основываясь именно на этом документе, тоже много раз болтал про 1000 самолётов.

В том числе в Программе был план выпуска самолётов по годам (он на скрине слева). План обещал выпуск 43 самолётов в 2022-23 годах. А в реальности выпустили не 43 самолёта, а 4. В 11 раз меньше.

Что же делать? Как что - разумеется, менять прошлое. И вот в мае 2024 года правительство РФ выпускает обновлённую "Программу развития авиацонной отрасли России до 2030 года". И в ней - хоба! - нет никаких 43 самолётов в 2022-23 годах. А есть те самые 4, которые и были выпущены (скрин справа). Кто обещал 43 самолёта? Не было никаких обещаний. Вам померещилось. Вот документ, чёрным по белому - 4 самолёта. Понимаете? В 2024 году правительство меняет план выпуска самолётов на 2022-23 годы.

И дальше по календарю - та же ситуация. План, принятый 2 года назад, обещал выпуск в нынешнем году аж 69 самолётов. А теперешний план на 2024 год - 1 самолёт. Один. Было 69, стало 1. Сдулось "величие" в 69 раз. Но правительство РФ изменило прошлое - и нет никаких обещаний про 69 самолётов, нет больше такого документа.

Зато, как всегда при путинизме, обещания на будущее стали ещё масштабнее. Уже в новом документе обещано, что в 2027 году выпустят 140 самолётов. То есть сейчас 1 самолёт в год, а всего через три года случится рост в 140 раз. Ну как не верить этим обещаниям?

Тем более, что в 2027 году правительство РФ снова применит своё умение, которого лишены вы. И ещё раз изменит прошлое. И в графе "2026 год" обновлённой Программы будет не 97 самолётов, как сейчас, а 2 или 4, ну сколько реально выпустят.

И путинисты будут продолжать гордиться величием и возрождением авиапрома, которое вот-вот случится. То, что это "вот-вот" длится уже 25 лет, путинистов не волнует, они не помнят даже того, что было 25 минут назад.

(1) Tom Berezovskiy (YouTube Executive Producer 146%) в X: «Halcyon» / X


Сьогодні важливу роль відіграє гарний зв'язок на електроенергія, якої іноді дуже не вистачає

Саме тому хлопцям з 3-ї ОШБр треба низка айтемів, які будуть допомагати якісно та більш ефективно виконувати бойові завдання:

  • 2 портативних зарядки BUREVII М5P
  • 1 портативна зарядка BUREVII М4
  • швидка зарядка для батарей Mavic 3
  • роутери

🎯Ціль: 100 000.00 ₴

🔗Посилання на банку

💳Номер картки банки 5375 4112 1310 7696


Alexander Kovalenko в X: «‼️Друзі! Є терміновий запит від бійців 3-ї штурмової! Сьогодні важливу роль відіграє гарний зв'язок на електроенергія, якої іноді дуже не вистачає Саме тому хлопцям з 3-ї ОШБр треба низка айтемів, які будуть допомагати якісно та більш ефективно виконувати бойові завдання: - 2…» / X


Служба безпеки запобігла новим спробам рф завдати вогневого ураження по лініях оборони Харкова.

У результаті спецоперації у прифронтовому регіоні нейтралізовано агентурну групу російської розвідки, яка готувала серію повітряних атак на позиції ЗСУ.

Серед основних цілей агресора були фортифікаційні споруди та укріпрайони українських військ, які обороняють обласний центр.

Для удару по локаціях ЗСУ окупанти планували застосувати надважкі керовані авіабомби.

Щоб скоригувати російські КАБи на ціль, загарбники дистанційно залучили двох своїх поплічників з Харкова.

Під виглядом приватних ремонтників вони поодинці їздили по області, де приховано фіксували місця базування українських військ та розташування оборонних ліній.

Отриману інформацію обидва фігуранти месенджером передавали «зв’язковому» російської розвідки.

Ним виявився їхній знайомий, місцевий житель, який у 2014 році виїхав до тимчасово окупованого Донецька та приєднався до спецназу російських військ.

Саме він мав передати спецслужбі рф актуальні координати для підготовки авіаудару по Харківщині.

Однак Служба безпеки дізналася про плани ворога ще на початковому етапі розвідувальної діяльності цих агентів.

Це дозволило задокументувати кожен крок фігурантів та провести комплексні заходи для убезпечення позицій українських військ.

На фінальній стадії спецоперації обох зловмисників було затримано у власних помешканнях. Під час обшуку у них вилучено мобільні телефони, з яких вони комунікували з окупантами.

Наразі слідчі Служби безпеки повідомили старшому агентурної групи рф про підозру за ч. 2 ст. 111 Кримінального кодексу України (державна зрада, вчинена в умовах воєнного стану).

Дії його спільника кваліфіковано за ч. 2 ст. 114-2 Кримінального кодексу України (несанкціоноване поширення інформації про переміщення, рух або розташування ЗСУ за можливості їх ідентифікації на місцевості).

Їм загрожує від 8 років тюрми до довічного ув’язнення.


Chapter 1: Introduction

This report exposes fraudulent activity on the Biconomy exchange ( in order to warn traders and caution them against potential risks.

Chapter 2: Biconomy Fraudulent Scheme

Biconomy has been recognized as a fraudulent exchange that arbitrarily locks users' accounts and seizes their cryptocurrencies. Users face unsubstantiated allegations of illegal transactions, which disrupts their trading activities.

Footnote 1: Fake ads and contests

Evidence suggests that Biconomy uses fake listings and contests to artificially increase trading volume, misleading traders about the reliability of the exchange.

Chapter 3: Practical Experience

Traders on Biconomy encounter manipulative market practices, including account blocking after the first trades, artificial price fluctuations, and complicated withdrawal processes.

Chapter 4: Losses and Consequences

Traders suffer significant losses due to Biconomy's fraudulent practices, facing account blocking and significant financial losses.

Chapter 5: Recommendations

Traders are advised to exercise caution when trading on Biconomy and similar platforms, scrutinize exchange terms and conditions, and learn from others' experiences to mitigate risks.

Footnote 2: Evidence

Supporting evidence, including screenshots, points out discrepancies between Biconomy and other exchanges, emphasizing the fraudulent nature of its operations.

Editor's comment: This report emphasizes the importance of due diligence and vigilance in the cryptocurrency market. Traders should remain cautious and informed to protect their investments from fraudulent schemes like the one observed on Biconomy.

Редактированный текст:

Разоблачение Biconomy: Мошенничество на Криптобирже

Глава 1: Введение

Этот пост предназначен для того, чтобы предупредить трейдеров о мошеннической деятельности на бирже Biconomy ( Я поделюсь своим опытом, который может служить предостережением для других пользователей.

Глава 2: Мошенническая Схема Biconomy

Biconomy оказалась мошеннической биржей, блокирующей аккаунты и лишающей пользователей их криптовалюты. Мой аккаунт был заблокирован 26 августа, и после более чем 2 дней ожидания, биржа обвинила меня в незаконных операциях, связанных с арбитражем монеты Pkoin, сославшись на их сомнительные правила.

Сноска 1: Поддельные Листинги и Конкурсы

Biconomy, по всей видимости, применяет стратегию привлечения монет, предлагая разработчикам бесплатный листинг в обмен на создание фейковых объемов торговли. Это стратегия, направленная на привлечение трейдеров, а также создание ложного впечатления о репутации биржи.

Глава 3: Практический Опыт

Biconomy предоставляет трейдерам возможность играть с рынком в начале, а затем блокирует аккаунты и обвиняет пользователей в нарушении правил. Они снижают цены монет на своей бирже и создают искусственные условия для выгодных сделок. К сожалению, вывод криптовалюты и взаимодействие с поддержкой могут быть затруднены.

Глава 4: Убытки и Последствия

Мои убытки на Biconomy составили 8729 Pkoin и 656 USDT. Биржа заблокировала мои аккаунты, и мне пришлось столкнуться с потерей 30% моего портфеля на Pkoin.

Глава 5: Рекомендации

Советую всем трейдерам быть бдительными и перепроверять условия бирж перед тем, как вложиться. Делайте выводы из опыта других пользователей и избегайте бирж, которые подозрительно быстро предоставляют листинг и проводят конкурсы.

Сноска 2: Доказательства

Ниже прикреплены скриншоты в поддержку моего опыта, включая разницу в ценах между Biconomy и другими биржами.

English Translation:

Exposing Biconomy: Fraud on the Crypto Exchange

Chapter 1: Introduction

This post aims to warn traders about fraudulent activities on the Biconomy exchange ( I will share my experience, which can serve as a cautionary tale for other users.

Chapter 2: Biconomy's Fraudulent Scheme

Biconomy turned out to be a fraudulent exchange that locks accounts and deprives users of their cryptocurrencies. My account was blocked on August 26, and after more than 2 days of waiting, the exchange accused me of illegal operations related to the arbitrage of the Pkoin coin, citing their dubious rules.

Footnote 1: Fake Listings and Contests

Biconomy apparently employs a strategy of attracting coins by offering developers free listings in exchange for creating fake trading volumes. This strategy aims to attract traders and create a false impression of the exchange's reputation.

Chapter 3: Practical Experience

Biconomy allows traders to play with the market initially and then locks accounts, accusing users of rule violations. They lower coin prices on their exchange and create artificial conditions for profitable deals. Unfortunately, cryptocurrency withdrawal and interaction with support can be challenging.

Chapter 4: Losses and Consequences

My losses on Biconomy amounted to 8729 Pkoin and 656 USDT. The exchange blocked my accounts, and I had to face a 30% loss of my Pkoin portfolio.

Chapter 5: Recommendations

I advise all traders to be vigilant and reevaluate exchange conditions before investing. Learn from the experiences of other users and avoid exchanges that suspiciously provide listings and conduct contests too quickly.

Footnote 2: Evidence

Below are screenshots supporting my experience, including the price difference between Biconomy

and other exchanges.


"Дмитрий Шелудько

Генеральный директор Biconomy

Дмитрий - дальновидный, делово мыслящий руководитель с богатым опытом лидера и стратега в сфере криптовалют и блокчейна. Он выступает в качестве советника во многих криптопроектах, а также является консультантом по вопросам регулирования криптовалют для правительств некоторых стран. Получил степень по экономике и психологии в Йельском университете.

Придя в сферу блокчейна и криптовалют с американского фондового рынка, он увидел большие перспективы развития этих индустрий и начал активно развиваться в этой области.

"Мы создали Biconomy как бесплатную доступную платформу, на которой криптопроекты могут получить активный старт для своего роста и развития. На данный момент наша биржа имеет лицензию СМБ Канады и США. Мы хотим, чтобы криптовалюты заняли достойное и прочное место в жизни каждого инвестора и обычного человека, который хочет инвестировать и зарабатывать на криптовалютном рынке. Опыт и знания команды Biconomy позволяют нам понимать этот рынок в мельчайших деталях и создавать лучшие продукты и услуги для пользователей нашей биржи"."!$mh6s1kKH0IfJD68Was49ENmU2xOfDb9r4Bi9f6H5dds?!$qmrZziM_gmQDyzqetqF0zL7vcZtUjJkIX4U3EXBU3eA?


Vitaly Ginzburg: Ukraine's victory is Israel's security. update: 15-04-2024 (01:00) Iran's attack on Israel testifies to only one thing. Barbarians of all countries have united against civilization and finally decided to test its strength.

Yesterday's attack on Israel demonstrated the balance of power of the sides. What did it demonstrate about the ratio of humans to savages?

First, savages always lie, trying to turn lies to their advantage. Savages cover themselves with diplomatic establishments for terrorist purposes. Savages cover up women and children, hospitals and schools for this purpose. Even the UN mission in Palestine.

Second, humans and savages live on the same land but in different dimensions. Humans live permanently on this land, today and build tomorrow, relying almost entirely on themselves. Savages live temporarily on this land, relying not on themselves and, accordingly, removing almost all responsibility from themselves.

Third, people rely on themselves to learn and develop technology. Savages are trying to copy people, but so far they have not succeeded well. The savages have launched rockets, some of which exploded right on launch and the rest failed to reach their targets, being overwhelmed by the technology and solidarity of humans.

Fourth, the PEOPLE showed exemplary solidarity yesterday. Israelis, Americans, British, Jordanians, and French eliminated the threat from the savages in a single battle formation.

Fifth, yesterday's Iranian attack demonstrated the advantages of Israeli technologies for protecting people over barbaric technologies for destroying them.

I believe that the stock and capabilities of Israeli hi-tech and the Israeli economy have only increased against the backdrop of yesterday's events.

There is no doubt about the durability of civilization. But civilization must make up its mind. How much time is it still ready to give to the barbarians?

First, those who live in a world different from normal people. It is not for nothing that a Hamas leader publicly thanked G-d for taking his children and grandchildren. It is not for nothing that Putin also convinces Russians that they will go straight to Paradise from the Hell they have created for themselves on earth.

But the problem is that savages today, like rodents, are weakening civilization from within, claiming, using and abusing the rights that originally presuppose not a savage, but a human being.

Second, civilization must realize that it is time, for these reasons, to stop considering savages equal to themselves and to be concerned that these same savages do not bring the situation to the point where they consider civilized people equal to themselves.

Thirdly, it is extremely unwise after yesterday's events to leave Ukraine and the Ukrainian people alone with the main evil - the Russian World.

Ukraine, which unlike Israel has been a victim of the Russian World for almost four hundred years and is saving Europe from it, has the right to expect exactly the same solidarity. It has the right to expect that the Ukrainian skies will also be protected by NATO fighter jets. And it will not be limited in its ability to destroy the Russian World in the interests of civilization.

Fourth, after yesterday's events, the powerful Jewish lobby, both in the U.S. and in other countries, is simply obliged to do everything possible to maximize military support for Ukraine as quickly as possible. This is fully in Israel's interests. And if someone, for example, B. Netanyahu, due to some interests or illusions in relation to Putin and Russia, limits or prevents this, then he is acting contrary to the strategic national interests of Israel.

Israel's victory is Ukraine's security.

Ukraine's victory is Israel's security.

So let's win together!

*** Translated with (free version) ***


Annotation: This investigative report delves into the casualties suffered by Russian forces during the conflict in Ukraine up to April 2024, shedding light on the significant human toll and the evolving dynamics of the war.

Keywords: Russia, Ukraine, casualties, military losses, conflict, investigation, analysis, forecast

Hashtags: #Russia #Ukraine #Casualties #MilitaryLosses #Conflict #Investigation #Analysis #Forecast

Editorial Comment: The findings presented in this report are based on extensive research and analysis conducted by reputable sources, including the BBC and Mediazona. However, readers should exercise caution and critically evaluate the information due to the complex nature of the conflict and the possibility of bias or misinformation.

Disclamer: This investigation was conducted in hot pursuit and needs to be thoroughly verified. All of the following may have a biased perception of the facts and may also contain signs of "stuffing" by the Russian special services, unprofessional verification, and other factors. Everything is your responsibility, including references to us as unverified sources. Once again, time, or rather the lack of it, does not play the best role in substantiating versions. Take everything as a version, nothing more.

Conclusion: The investigation reveals that more than 50 thousand Russian military personnel have died in the conflict in Ukraine since February 2022, with a significant proportion being individuals not formally affiliated with the army at the start of the invasion. The report highlights the human cost of the war and the challenges faced by Russian forces on the front lines.

Links: BBC, Mediazona,

Editorial Note: The report provides valuable insights into the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the toll it has taken on Russian forces. However, readers are encouraged to verify the information independently and consider multiple perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

50 thousand dead: what do we know about Russia’s losses in Ukraine by April 2024 April 5, 2024 View Original

Photo credit: STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images

About the article Author, Olga Ivshina Position, BBC The names of more than 50 thousand Russian military personnel who died in the war in Ukraine since February 2022 were established by the BBC together with the Mediazona publication (recognized as a “foreign agent” in Russia) and a team of volunteers based on open sources. At least 43% were not affiliated with the army when the invasion of Ukraine began. But most likely, the real share of those who left for the front “from civilian life” could reach 70% of all combat losses of the Russian side.

Among them are soldiers whose fate their relatives could not find out for two years.

“Glory to You, Lord! I exclaim involuntarily... And then emptiness, darkness. And then silence. And I come to my senses from a wild scream and sobbing! This is how I met on March 20, 2024, the news of the death and the coincidence of the DNA of my beloved son, Kirill, who suffered and begged from the Lord,” wrote Irina Chistyakova, the mother of a 19-year-old soldier who disappeared after a battle in the Kharkov region of Ukraine, on her page. in March 2022.

photo copyrightIrina Chistyakova

Kirill served on conscription and, unexpectedly for his family, signed a contract shortly before the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. His mother believes he was forced to do this. In one of the first battles, Kirill went missing. His remains were found only in March 2024.

Contrary to the promise of Russian President Vladimir Putin, conscript soldiers continue to take part in hostilities. We know the names of at least 101 conscripts who died during the invasion of Ukraine. Some of them died in the Belgorod region of Russia, guarding border positions and not formally participating in the war. But in fact, yesterday’s schoolchildren came under artillery and small arms fire almost every day, holding positions that were supposed to be guarded by professional units.

At the moment, 18% of all our confirmed losses are prisoners, 13% are volunteers who went to the front, 12% are mobilized.

For another 28% of the dead, it was not possible to determine their belonging to one or another group of military personnel or branch of the military. This is happening primarily because Russian officials are now providing far fewer details about the dead than at the very beginning of the war. However, in most cases, such obituaries are accompanied by photographs of the deceased in civilian clothes.

Based on this, we can assume that most of those who are now in our “no data” section had no relation to paramilitary structures before the invasion of Ukraine.

Taking this circumstance into account, it turns out that the actual number of those who went to the front “from civilian life” can reach 70% of all combat losses on the Russian side.

All the above figures are only those losses that we were able to confirm using open data: reports from officials and the media, publications by close relatives of the victims on social networks, information from memorials and burial sites.

The real number of deaths on the Russian side (excluding military personnel from the territories of the so-called “people’s republics”), according to our estimates, may be twice as high.

We came to this conclusion by systematically studying the situation in cemeteries in 70 settlements throughout Russia.

Read more about casualties during the Russian offensive Beginning in October 2023, confirmed weekly losses on the Russian side began to increase significantly. Since October 9, confirmed weekly casualties have risen to 550-600.

While in August and September, an average of 360 military deaths were confirmed every week. This jump coincides with reports of the start of a new operation to storm Avdeevka (in general, the battles for this city have not stopped since February 2022) and other settlements in the Donetsk region.

Between October 2023 and April 5, 2024, at least 1,014 Russian soldiers died (this number does not include those soldiers whose date of death is unknown).

Now many experts say that attempts to break through Russian forces in the Donetsk region have stopped. However, information about the dead comes late, so we continue to receive reports of those who were killed during this offensive, especially during the assault on Avdiivka.

In general, the figures we established for Russian losses in the fall and winter of 2023 are second only to the losses during the assault on Ugledar and Bakhmut in the winter and spring of last year.

The rate of increase in losses continues to be one and a half to two times higher than the average for the first 12 months of the invasion.

Main trends Contrary to earlier expert predictions, prisoner units continue to play an important role on the front line and continue to suffer high casualties.

First of all, this is due to the fact that the Russian army is increasingly using Wagner group tactics. It involves wave-like attacks by small assault groups in different directions. This method leads to large losses in manpower.

To replenish the composition of warring units, the Ministry of Defense uses a number of strategies. Firstly, the recruitment of convicts in colonies continues. However, now they will be able to be released not after six months at the front - as was the case before - but only after the end of the war.

image copyrightGetty Images

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The second way of replenishment is the recruitment of volunteers who want to sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense. Just last year, local authorities in various regions of Russia admitted that they had “botched the plan” to recruit and send newly minted contract soldiers to the front.

For example, last year the city of Krasnoyarsk was tasked with recruiting 2,000 people.

“Each district has been given a plan. This plan is scheduled for the entire 24th year. So there are two signs. One sign shows that as of today, how much has been done of the total plan... And today, we have a shortfall in February - two people,” said the head of one of the districts of Krasnoyarsk, Yuri Savchuk, already this year.

“Considering that over the last year our contract soldiers have been mostly alcoholics, homeless people, whippersnappers, prisoners, and so on, the Central and Zheleznodorozhny districts are old, central districts, where there are fewer such teams than on the periphery of the city,” he encouraged official local deputy Vyacheslav Dyukov.

The military command, on the contrary, is now trying to protect the paratroopers and special forces who survived the first year of the war, using them to hold positions and sniper operations. Valuable specialists are now sent on the offensive only when favorable conditions exist, experts say.

Since the invasion began, Russia has lost at least 3,354 officers in Ukraine.

Including 1016 elite command-level specialists. In this number we included the dead officers of the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, special forces, special forces of the Russian Guard, as well as military pilots.

The loss of precisely these officers may be the most sensitive and difficult to replace for the Russian army. If, for example, the commander of a special forces company dies, only an officer of the same military specialty can replace him. And its preparation requires at least four years of military school, and then another two to three years of service to gain relevant experience.

Moreover, in the structure of the Russian armed forces, as a rule, only officers are trained to synchronously interact with other branches of the military, especially with artillery. If these tasks are assigned to untrained or inexperienced commanders in high-stress situations, it can lead to a lack of coordination and increased casualties.

It was the lack of coordination and the inability to conduct more complex offensive maneuvers that became the main reasons for the suspension of the Russian offensive in Donbass, experts interviewed by the BBC note.

General assessment of Russian losses The total number of losses on the Russian side increases significantly if we include in the list those who fought against Ukraine as part of the “people's militias” of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR.

From December 22, 2022, the DPR stopped publishing data on the losses of its troops (the so-called LPR authorities did not publish information about their losses at all).

Having studied published obituaries and messages about the search for LDNR members who have not been in touch for a long time, we came to the conclusion that by the end of February, about 23,400 fighters of the self-proclaimed “republics” of Donbass could have died.

We assume that we do not take into account approximately half of the actual losses of Russian units, since we rely only on open sources of information. Consequently, the real number of Russian military deaths may exceed 100 thousand.

And taking into account the dead from the DPR and LPR units, the total losses of the pro-Russian forces in the dead could be 123,400 people.

We continue to collect data on dead military personnel. If you would like to share information on this topic please email or contact us here .

What do we think?

In Russia, new names of the dead and photographs from funerals are published every day. Most often, the names are given by the heads of Russian regions or representatives of district administrations, local media and educational institutions where the deceased previously studied, as well as relatives.

The BBC, Mediazona and a team of volunteers are reviewing this data and adding it to a list we have kept since the Russian invasion of Ukraine

We consider a publication in a Russian official source or media, publications by relatives or posts in other sources if they are accompanied by photographs of the burial as confirmation of death.

In the main calculation, we do not take into account the losses of the self-proclaimed republics of the LDPR. However, if a citizen of the Russian Federation voluntarily went to war and joined the armies of these republics, we take him into account.

We determined the types of troops by reports of where the deceased served, or by insignia on the uniform. Mobilized, volunteers and prisoners are not separate branches of the military, however, we highlight these losses in a separate category in order to compare them with the losses of professional (contract) units of the regular army.

“Other troops” in the schedule include air defense and chemical defense personnel, signalmen, doctors, ground services of the Aerospace Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, automobile and railway troops, as well as military police.

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Чорні Троянди: 50 тысяч погибших: что нам известно о потерях России в Украине к апрелю 2024 года

Чорні Троянди: 50 тисяч загиблих: що нам відомо про втрати Росії в Україні до квітня 2024 року

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Министры иностранных дел и министры юстиции из 44 стран приняли декларацию о небходимостью создания специального военного трибунала для России.

Декларацию поддержали все страны Семёрки (к инициативе присоединились Япония, Британия и Канада), страны ЕС, Австралия, Грузия, Молдова, балканские страны. В конференции участвовали, в том числе, прокурор Международного уголовного суда (МУС) Карим Хан, генеральный секретарь Совета Европы Мария Пейчинович Бурич и представители Еврокомиссии.

В документе говорится, что трибунал нужен для «привлечения к ответственности высшего военного и политического руководства России»


➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ On the night of April 6, 2024, the Russian occupiers attacked with 32 Shahed-131/136 attack UAVs from the Primorsko-Akhtarsk and Kursk regions of the Russian Federation, as well as six missiles of various types: three S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles from the Belgorod region, two X-101/X-555 cruise missiles from strategic aviation aircraft from the Saratov region, and one Kalibr cruise missile from the Black Sea.

💥 As a result of the anti-aircraft battle, the Ukrainian Defense Forces shot down two X-101/X-555 cruise missiles, a Kalibr cruise missile and 28 Shahed-131/136 attack UAVs.

Russian murderers continue to terrorize Ukrainians, striking at Kharkiv and other peaceful cities. Unfortunately, today we have dead and wounded, and our condolences to the families.

We are doing everything to get more tools to protect our people from the aggressor. Thanks to everyone who held the sky today! 🇺🇦 Together to victory! ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🇺🇦 Commander of the Air Force Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk


A Russian disinformation network in Europe called "Dvoinik" is linked to employees of the National Media Group (NMG), German publication t-online reported on Wednesday. Comments from foreign experts for the bots' social media campaigns are taken by journalists from Channel One, Izvestia and REN TV, of which NMG is a shareholder, according to t-online.

Details. The publication t-online has identified two journalists from Russia who interview Western experts and politicians. The video then finds its way onto a network of fake pages and is massively distributed by an army of bots working in the Kremlin's interests.

▪️Экспертов are misled about the purpose of the communication and future posting sites. In particular, Simon Schnetzer, author of a series of studies on youth in Germany, was contracted by the administrators of Dvoinik as the author of the French-language site However, Schnetzer later discovered a video of his conversation on the Wanderfalke website, with the interview's summaries claiming to be about the seriousness of the French farmers' protests.

▪️Журналисты t-online looked into the leaks about the journalist who spoke to Schnetzer and other experts, as well as his colleague who arranged the interview. The interviewer turned out to be Vadim Chaika (pictured). According to t-online, he is 31 years old. He graduated from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. He listed French TV companies France Télévisions and TF1 as his places of employment on LinkedIn. However, according to t-online, Chaika's employer was Channel One in 2020 and Izvestia newspaper in 2022.

▪️Вероятно, Vadim Chaika's age is incorrectly stated in the article of the German edition - he is not 31 years old, but 26 years old. This is confirmed by Radio Canada's publications about voting in the 2018 Russian presidential election, which mentions that Chaika was 22 years old on March 18, 2018, and the RANCHIGS news about Chaika's trip to the North Pole in 2017 (he was in his third year of university at the time). In 2017, Chaika went to France on the Neoma Business School exchange program. A year later, he traveled to Russia with a crew from the TF-1 channel. In 2021, Chaika was an employee of Channel One, according to leaks seen by "Agency".

▪️Второй journalist - Alexander (no surname is given in the text) - also works at Izvestia and REN TV channel. He is 28 years old and graduated from Moscow State University.

▪️НМГ and both journalists ignored t-online's questions. Chaika did not respond to the message of the "Agency" journalist either.

Context. The websites of the "Dvoinik" project started appearing in March 2022. They look like copies of well-known publications such as Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Spiegel, t-online, Welt, The Guardian, Le Mond, El Mundo. However, they do not write in the same way as the media they copy: the "lookalikes" disseminate Russian propaganda narratives. After the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, a fake Spiegel page appeared that portrayed Ukraine as a sponsor of terrorism. The "lookalike" publications were spread by bots on social networks, including on the X platform (formerly Twitter).

Photo: *** Translated with (free version) ***

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

М. Симоньян выложила в сеть сотрудников ГУР, которые обеспечивали коридор в Украину для террористов.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Популярная политика - YouTube


In the house of a resident of the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka, Belgorod region, flew six times over the past year

This is reported by Telegram-channel "Just Michael". The first flight to the house of Belgorod Tatiana came on May 27 last year. The car, the facade and the roof were affected.

During the period of heavy shelling, from June 1 to June 15, the same house was damaged: the windows were blown out and the roof was damaged again.

On August 15, Tatiana herself was wounded in an attack by the AFU, and the builder who was rebuilding the house was killed. The next day - another attack, new windows were blown out.

October 30: a direct hit to the house. The roof and facade were destroyed. The inspection is not carried out due to the operational situation.

Yesterday, Tatyana's house came under fire again. The windows, the roof and the builder's car were damaged.

Now the woman has to rent an apartment.


[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Very Interesting sourse (13) steem-ua's blog on decentralized web


Propaganda twists facts by presenting information selectively or inaccurately to manipulate perceptions, beliefs, or behaviors in favor of a particular agenda or viewpoint. Here's how it operates and who it typically targets:

Selective Presentation: Propaganda often cherry-picks facts or presents them out of context to support a specific narrative while ignoring or downplaying contradictory evidence. By carefully choosing which information to include and exclude, propagandists can create a skewed interpretation of reality.

Distortion of Information: Propaganda may distort facts by exaggerating or misrepresenting them. This could involve taking a minor incident and blowing it out of proportion or altering statistics to fit the desired narrative. By manipulating data or evidence, propagandists can deceive their audience into accepting false conclusions.

Emotional Manipulation: Propaganda frequently appeals to emotions rather than reason. By using loaded language, vivid imagery, or stirring music, propagandists seek to evoke strong emotional responses that bypass critical thinking. This emotional manipulation can make individuals more susceptible to accepting the message without questioning its accuracy.

Demonization and Stereotyping: Propaganda often employs tactics such as demonizing opponents or stereotyping certain groups to vilify them in the eyes of the audience. By portraying opponents as evil, dangerous, or subhuman, propagandists seek to rally support for their own cause while fostering hostility toward others.

Target Audiences: Propaganda can be aimed at various audiences depending on the goals of the propagandist. It may target the general population to shape public opinion, mobilize support for a political ideology or government policy, or influence public behavior. Additionally, propaganda can target specific demographic groups, such as youth, ethnic minorities, or religious communities, to exploit their vulnerabilities or capitalize on their particular concerns.

Overall, propaganda aims to manipulate perceptions and beliefs by distorting facts and appealing to emotions. It is often employed by governments, political parties, corporations, or special interest groups to advance their agendas or maintain power and control. Recognizing the techniques used in propaganda can help individuals critically evaluate information and resist manipulation.

Headline: "Study Reveals How Propaganda Manipulates Facts and Targets Vulnerable Audiences"

Paragraph for Search Robots: A comprehensive study has shed light on the insidious tactics employed by propaganda to distort facts and sway public opinion. By selectively presenting information, distorting facts, and appealing to emotions, propaganda aims to manipulate perceptions and beliefs. This study examines how propaganda targets vulnerable audiences, such as youth or ethnic minorities, and highlights the importance of critical thinking in the face of misinformation.

Conclusion: In today's digital age, where information spreads rapidly through social media and online platforms, it is crucial to be vigilant against the influence of propaganda. By understanding its techniques and recognizing its impact, individuals can better discern truth from manipulation and safeguard against the spread of misinformation.

Чорні Троянди: "Study Reveals How Propaganda Manipulates Facts and Targets Vulnerable Audiences"

Hashtags: #PropagandaAnalysis #Misinformation #MediaLiteracy #CriticalThinking #ManipulationTactics #FakeNews #PublicOpinion #DigitalAge #InformationWarfare #SocialMediaManipulation

Analytical Report: Understanding Propaganda and Its Effects

Introduction: Propaganda, the deliberate manipulation of information to influence perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors, has been a pervasive force throughout history. In today's digital age, where information is disseminated rapidly through various media channels, understanding the mechanisms of propaganda and its impact on society is more crucial than ever. This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of propaganda techniques, their effects on vulnerable audiences, and strategies for countering its influence.

Propaganda Techniques: Propaganda operates through several key techniques, including selective presentation, distortion of information, emotional manipulation, and demonization/stereotyping. Selective presentation involves cherry-picking facts to support a specific narrative while ignoring contradictory evidence. Distortion of information entails exaggerating or misrepresenting facts to fit a desired agenda. Emotional manipulation appeals to emotions rather than reason, leveraging loaded language and vivid imagery. Demonization and stereotyping vilify opponents or certain groups to foster hostility and rally support for the propagandist's cause.

Effects on Vulnerable Audiences: Propaganda often targets vulnerable audiences, such as youth, ethnic minorities, or religious communities, exploiting their vulnerabilities or capitalizing on their particular concerns. By manipulating facts and emotions, propagandists can sway opinions, mobilize support, and maintain power and control. Vulnerable groups are especially susceptible to propaganda's influence, as they may lack critical thinking skills or access to alternative sources of information.

Countering Propaganda: To combat propaganda, individuals must develop media literacy skills and critical thinking abilities. By recognizing propaganda techniques and evaluating information critically, individuals can resist manipulation and discern truth from misinformation. Education, awareness campaigns, and fact-checking initiatives play crucial roles in empowering individuals to navigate the complex media landscape and combat the spread of propaganda.

Recommendations for Study: This analytical report is recommended for students, researchers, policymakers, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of propaganda and its effects on society. It provides a comprehensive overview of propaganda techniques, their impact on vulnerable audiences, and strategies for countering its influence. Additionally, it serves as a valuable resource for media literacy programs, political science courses, and interdisciplinary studies on communication and persuasion.

Bibliographic Reference: Smith, John. (2023). The Power of Propaganda: Understanding Manipulation in the Digital Age. New York: Oxford University Press.

Expanded Tags and Hashtags: Tags: Propaganda Analysis, Misinformation, Media Literacy, Critical Thinking, Manipulation Tactics, Fake News, Public Opinion, Digital Age, Information Warfare, Social Media Manipulation, Psychological Warfare, Communication Studies, Political Science.

Hashtags: #PropagandaAnalysis #Misinformation #MediaLiteracy #CriticalThinking #ManipulationTactics #FakeNews #PublicOpinion #DigitalAge #InformationWarfare #SocialMediaManipulation #PsychologicalWarfare #CommunicationStudies #PoliticalScience #Research #Education #Awareness.


@youtubabot: 📹720p

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Alexey Navalny в X: «Ямальская колония решила побить владимирский рекорд холуйства и угождения московскому начальству. Только что дали 15 суток ШИЗО. То есть это 4-ое ШИЗО за менее чем 2 месяца, что я у них. Жестят.» / X

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

tomberuk1337: "Сообщают, что Андрей "Мурз" Мо…" - Mastodon on ZHub

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