The urls are cropped and cannot be clicked
It is a deal
Then Here For you Is something that is different from That
Thank you for the awe-fill-ing [ c o n t e n t ] I can take pleasure in steal*ing
Do you ever wonder what the last content you produce might be?
edited to include text with links
This is an adaptation of the
Creative Commons Certificate
published by Tomáš Rodr, as
of 2024 []
The Original Work, “Colonial Farm Road III”, licensed by Creative Commons
[] under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
License []. This adaptation is made and
published by Some Universal Friend(s) (the “Adapter”) under a Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License [] The Adapter
modified the Original Work in the following respects: Replaced Misfits logo with an image
of Manning (which I also stole), swapped the text "the lemmy community for creators of fun" with "where I can
take pleasure by stealing", included a very long attribution. Using the Original Work or the
Adapted Work does not mean the individual doing so has earned a CC Certificate, nor may any organization or individual offer a “CC Certificate.” Note that the trademarks of Creative Commons
and the Adapter are the property of their owners and require permission to reuse. Anyone who
wants to take the CC Certificate is welcome to register here:”
Oh golly, I'll call my lawyer.
Is CC-BY-NC satiated by a low-effort disclaimer on my profile?
What a true joy it has been to 'do business' with you