[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 38 points 8 months ago

What word do you prefer to use to describe people who hoard more wealth than they or their children can spend in a lifetime while the vast majority of workers are on the edge of financial ruin? Why can't they be satisfied with just having one mega yacht? One giant mansion? If not "greed" what do you call it?

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 18 points 8 months ago

Correction, the election that gave Hamas power was 17 yrs ago, half the population of Gaza is under 18. Half the population of Gaza was not even born yet when the last election took place.

If memory serves, that's also around the time Netanyahu was funding Hamas. Your post blames children who couldn't vote for Hamas more than the PM of Israel who was funding them.

Hopefully this helps you relate more to the children and young adults in Palestine who had no say in their either.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 37 points 9 months ago

This was literally my husband's objection to getting medicated 😂 It helped his anxiety, then he didn't have the anxiety to get stuff done, so he thought he should just not be medicated cuz he was terrified he wouldn't have the ability anymore without the anxiety.

Lucky for him I went through the same thing with my meds, but my answer was, "Use the medication to build good habits." Which is the great wisdom I passed on to him (which I probably picked up from lurking ADHD spaces before my (and his) diagnosis).

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 198 points 9 months ago

Man, I hope I live to see the day that these greedy bastards lose a huge chunk of their business to free filing via the IRS. They've been fighting to keep tax paying citizens from getting what they want from their government for years. It's gross.

I want to see this free filing happen both for the good it'll do and because I want to see Intuit's stock plummet. Fuck Intuit.

"It'S gOiNg tO HuRt bLaCk pEoPle" fuck off you dirty liars.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 143 points 9 months ago

You're absolutely right, all this old timer "Kids these days are so soft..." B. S. When in reality the young just don't wanna die or be maimed at 30.

Take care of your bodies, kids, it's the only one you get. Don't let corporations run you into the ground and then throw you in the trash. We need to demand better working conditions from our bosses and our elected officials.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 17 points 9 months ago

Oh shit, do you have evidence of other justices engaging in a similar level of corruption?? I'm very interested to see any articles or evidence you have to that effect.

Otherwise engage with the topic at hand, which is Thomas and the Koch brothers.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 44 points 10 months ago

"When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’"

Trump said, addressing a group of police officers.

Generally I'm with you, but if Trump gets a little roughed up I won't cry too hard.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago

Annnnd that's why cops shouldn't have unions.

The police dept is already loathe to hold officers accountable, we don't need a whole ass union protecting cops from people who already don't want to hurt them.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago

Exactly, it should be fired, charged, loss of required policing license if found guilty (or if a police license board decides so, even without conviction)

Currently I'll take just fired and charged, since we don't have policing licenses as of yet.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

"Oh hey, remember (name)? They worked here like 6 months ago."

No. No I do not remember that person. I probably didn't learn their name when they were here, let alone retain that information 6 months later.

Now I just lie, cuz people do NOT like the implication that you'll definitely forget their name in 6 months, too 😂 "Oh, yeah! That guy! How's he doing these days?" While I desperately try to conjure a mental picture as they talk about That Guy. Usually the conversation ends with me still not having a clue.

I blame a lot on brain farts when the name I can't come up with is someone who DOES still work here, "Fuck, why am I not coming up with this name that I 100% do, in fact, know??"

Really they should have been clued in to my horrible memory when I needed the phone number for our other store, that I call multiple times a DAY, to be written down near the phone because I can't reliably remember it when I need it.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

Wishing Mitch many more strokes in the future aside...

God I'm sick of these frail old people who only have half their brain functionality, who are so incredibly out of touch with the average American due to decades and decades of being a high ranking politician, who won't live long enough to even see what they've done to the world, let alone have to experience the suffering they've caused, still running this damned country instead of stepping aside for a younger generation.

And yes, I know, young conservatives aren't any better. But they're also less entrenched, they still have time to change their minds on things, they WILL live to see the destruction conservative policies will bring. It's not much but it's better than 1000yr old, dementia brained, stroke having puppets. Run by their staff, and still barely functioning. Mitch could have been the bestest politician ever and I'd still be here saying he's reached the point where he needs to retire to his rocking chair.

Again, wishing him every well deserved stroke he gets.

[-] venorathebarbarian@lemmy.world 22 points 11 months ago

Texans are worried because of the previous track record: The winter storm that froze people to death because the supply couldn't keep up with demand. Our grid was incredibly close to a whole shit down, which would have killed even more people. All of which happened because the people in charge of such things didn't prepare for a winter storm like that despite being warned that it was necessary like a decade ago.

And heat is no joke. So yeah, we worry. We have kids, elderly family and friends, pets, and healthy adults are also not immune. When demand skyrockets we get worried because people have already died and we don't want to see that happen again. We're also very aware of how often we're told things are "fixed" when nothing has actually been done. So we cross our fingers, and we sweat, and we hope the grid doesn't shut down and kill us. Sorry our worrying and upvoting of the topic bothers you.

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