[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 16 points 2 months ago

Fundraising is skill, and it needs to be learnt, I have looked at a fairly large chunk of open source project that are successfully funded and i think that is what sets them apart.

I think it is important that users should have a very clear understanding of how you are doing, if you need X money to keep doing this, there should be a pop up saying you need X money on the software and it should be very hard to miss on the website and read me.

Will some people not like that? probably but you can't please everyone and you shouldn't let a vocal minority determines how things happen.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 13 points 3 months ago

Would be really useful to steal a few features from the steam store:

  • show ratings based on review in last X period of time (month/year etc)
  • show the highest upvoted reviews from that period (sort by usefulness)
  • filter by how many hours they used the software (opt in of course).
[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 13 points 4 months ago

Part of the reason is that people are still finding out about it, Project has no marketing so it grows organically, in the last year the number of contributors grew by 25 percent.

Another problem is that it still needs polish in term of ease of use, for example it takes me forever to search for packages using the nix-env command but using the website it takes less then a second, That's a basic feature that still does not work correct, Plus their documentation is still not great in my opinion, I actually helped improved it and the improvement they made is still not really good IMO.

submitted 4 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml
submitted 4 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 4 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/foss@beehaw.org
submitted 5 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.world
submitted 5 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/linux@programming.dev
submitted 5 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/foss@beehaw.org
submitted 5 months ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml
[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 15 points 6 months ago

Obligatory mention of Linus law of trail and error:

“Don't ever make the mistake [of thinking] that you can design something better than what you get from ruthless massively parallel trial-and-error with a feedback cycle. That's giving your intelligence much too much credit.”

Create a instance and lets see what happens.

Overall i think allowing donation is a good idea, supporting independent creators is good because big companies tend to go after the Lowest common denominator.

There is also mitra.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 11 points 6 months ago

Having some hardware mentioned on the site that is supported and ready for use could be helpful if someone wants to try it (say raspberry pi), There are probably people who are worried to will make their computer explode.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 12 points 6 months ago

On top of what other said, the wayland project also maintains the wayland protocols repository which includes additional protocols that are approved by a "committee" that includes representatives from wayland protocol implementations (wlroots, kde , gnome , smithay etc). for example now they are working on color management.

There appears to be a consensus among people working on window manager implementations that X has to go and wayland is the future.

Wayland has technical benefits, if you want the nitty gritty details see this.

Basically X11 is bad IPC at this point.

Also be careful with what you read online, I see misinformation about it relatively often.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 16 points 7 months ago

I think "multireddits" can help with that (it's the issue with the most "thumbs up" on the lemmy issue tracker) , You could have multireddits based on mood or importance (Sometimes i might want to read up about subject X, other times on subject Y).

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 11 points 8 months ago

milk-v is going to release a pretty powerful system, iirc i read it will be released in about 10 months, ventana also reportedly will release a server cpu in 2024.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 14 points 8 months ago

There is a "scaled sort" that will be released in the next version iirc.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 11 points 8 months ago

I think that in practice it prevents them completely, i never heard of any type malware uploaded to debian or nix and flathub for that matter.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 14 points 9 months ago

The root of the problem i think is that the store is closed source, i don't think you will find a lot of people willing to work for a closed source store for some for profit company.

[-] wiki_me@lemmy.ml 13 points 11 months ago

If you don't mind me asking, how did you get to this comment? it's over then two years old (and seems like your not the only one because someone upvoted you).

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