[-] xor@infosec.pub -2 points 2 days ago

Zionism is the quest for a homeland for the Jewish people… many people chose Argentina, many chose Ethiopia… Israel was created by the Allied Forces after world war two… zionism has nothing to do with recreating Israel or hurting Palestinians….

stop using words you don’t understand… blaming “zionists” is like blaming jews… it’s racist.
Israel is committing these crimes against humanity. Not jews, not zionists… it’s Israel

[-] xor@infosec.pub 93 points 2 months ago

can't we just enjoy positive changes for a second?

[-] xor@infosec.pub 133 points 3 months ago

there's "administration aiding a genocide, but also doing so because they're being lied to by israel, who also has a massive propaganda campaign to manipulate americans into supporting them..."


Project 2025 and their plans of a fascist dictatorship right here, complete with a genocide of trans people and hispanics... and muslims... AND a continuation of supporting israel...
oh and aiding russians commiting genocide in ukraine.


voting trump in won't save palestine, and it'll make it soo so much worse

[-] xor@infosec.pub 179 points 3 months ago

every time i see a "leftist" talk about not voting for biden, and thus supporting trump...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 87 points 4 months ago

i feel like people will spray paint all over the store now...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 132 points 4 months ago

oh look, he's calling on his supporters to attack a whole city because of a court ruling...
sounds like a dangerous criminal to me...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 162 points 4 months ago

about a day

[-] xor@infosec.pub 89 points 4 months ago

after looking into it:
it's not and it never was.
a) it's open source, so nobody's putting that shit in there without getting caught
b) it had an opt-in error reporting feature that would send data back... that was the entire thing...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 183 points 4 months ago

so they're going to refund all the people that purchased this stuff, right?

[-] xor@infosec.pub 81 points 5 months ago

it's not really true, they just want to pretend to hate everything

[-] xor@infosec.pub 108 points 5 months ago

finally, a real shit post

[-] xor@infosec.pub 131 points 5 months ago

it's a shell of a drug...

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