I love watching them angrily pass me to only make it like 3 cars ahead
Never used a Turing machine, but I have a project that generates NFAs and converts them to DFAs so they run faster.
Yeah homophobia is not one of the ancient memes we want to be bringing back
Black & Decker dildos
unzip; strip; touch; finger; grep; mount; fsck; more; yes; fsck; fsck; umount; clean; sleep
Unauthorized clone of himself
We do love our adorable little psychopaths
Burnt to perfection 🖤
I, too, become erect by swiveling my penis 180°
I tried to install a package and apt started uninstalling my desktop. Maybe if I didn't panic and hit Ctrl-C I would have gotten all the packages it was removing replaced with shiny new ones? I doubt it somehow.
All the customization you can do is neat, but after that I was pretty much done with fiddling with my OS and finding FOSS versions of stuff I was already used to and wanted something that would just work. These days I have a small form factor PC with Mint that I run some server apps on, but I'm holding off on making it my daily driver again until Microsoft really puts the screws on the consumer.
I love his antennae
You know what they say about $CURRENT_LOCATION. If you don't like the weather, wait an hour.