[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 8 points 17 hours ago

We knew this. Everybody knew this. Ukraine still requested them.

Frankly, this isn't Canada's problem. The Senator isn't designed for actual combat operations. It's a glorified armoured car designed to protect against shrapnel and small arms fire. At best, it's an ERT vehicle.

[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 13 points 2 days ago

A vigorous fascist is preferable to a corpse

[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago

Same reason the NDP in Canada runs Singh instead of Notley or Eby.

[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 7 points 5 days ago

The dollar-crunched Global South is a direct consequence of the dominance of the USD in global trade. There's absolutely a third route here where China's pursuit of trade through local currencies decouples regional blocs from the USD (ASEAN, the AU, etc.), or where government borrowing in this countries begins to be RMB-backed with China acting as the supply of USD. The RMB's soft peg with the USD introduces many opportunities for forex fuckery.

[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 77 points 2 months ago

China’s economy grew 5.3% in the first quarter, beating expectations

Real estate continues deleveraging, and yet 5.3% GDP growth YoY.

Retail sales growth continues to be sluggish (3.1% vs. 4.6% predicted) and CPI is coming in cool (0.1% vs. 0.3% predicted). My theory for this is that China is actually seeing costs drop more quickly than CPI metrics can keep up. Traditional big-ticket household spending categories are housing, transportation, and education. Housing prices are obviously on the decline, but transportation costs are also decreasing due to the combination of cheaper EVs and an expanding HSR network. Education costs have been clamped down on after the crackdown on private tutoring, while average education outcomes have been raised by the crackdown on gaming. Meanwhile, traditional recurring costs like food and energy have been pushed downward by increasing trade with Russia as well as the rise of cheap solar.

It may be time to revisit the notion of ever-increasing consumption value as being important for economic growth. In this case, you can get the same quality of life with substantially less money. Why spend more to pad the top line retail sales number?

[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 66 points 2 months ago

A shower thought on "Chinese vassalage":

The DPRK, whose dependence on China is extensive and extremely well-documented, still has an absurd amount of flexibility, self-determination, and independence from Chinese policy. It's essentially the "worst case scenario" in terms of Chinese influence... And the DPRK was still allowed to develop it's own nuclear weapons despite Chinese opposition. What are the odds that Canada would be allowed to develop an independent nuclear weapons program today? Cuba? Mexico?


[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 70 points 3 months ago

Being a rather frequent flyer from Boston, I want to talk about the Biden administration's vendetta against JetBlue. JetBlue is a airline carrier operating in the US.

The US airline market is made up of the Big 4 (United, American, Delta, Southwest) followed by regional (Alaska, Air Canada), low cost (JetBlue), and ultra-low-cost (Frontier, Spirit) carriers. The Big 4 dominate passenger volumes (160M+/year), while the others sit in the 40M/year range.

JetBlue is an airline carrier that's primarily focused on the Northeast (New York, Boston, etc.). Spirit and AA have more national networks, which crucially means more slots for flights. AA also has a robust international network.

Naturally, you might think that having more competitors for the Big 4 would be something desirable for the Biden administration... And yet?

JetBlue and American Airlines had signed an agreement termed the Northeast Alliance. This agreement allowed JetBlue passengers onto AA flights (and vice versa) and route coordination along with various status recognition and loyalty program integration benefits. In 2022, the DOJ began a trial claiming JetBlue and American Airlines were being "anticompetitive" in their operations in the Northeast. In 2023, the ruling forced the Northeast Alliance to disband within 30 days. The core elements of the Northeast Alliance were designed to help JetBlue and AA compete with Delta and United in the New York and Boston markets. This, naturally, fell through.

JetBlue and Spirit Airlines had signed an agreement aiming to merge. The DOJ also claimed that this merger was "anticompetitive" as it would remove ultra low cost carrier seats from the industry. This merger was also terminated by the DOJ.

In this context, it's important to note a couple of things:

Spirit Airlines is not doing well. Domestic leisure travel demand has not rebounded as they'd hoped and their planes are not in the best shape. They're worth a fifth of what JetBlue was offering to purchase them.

JetBlue is not doing well. They're running losses and had hinges the entire company on one of the two partnership deals going through. Now, with both deals blocked and losses racking up, they're forced to cut service and cut routes while raising fees. As a result of this, JetBlue is currently paying pilots to not fly.

American is the straggler of the Big 3 (Delta, United, American) traditional carriers. Their profit margins are lower than the competition post-COVID.

This is to say, while Delta and United have been doing great throughout this entire ordeal, JetBlue is fucked, Spirit is fucked, and American is slightly fucked. This is the type of competition that the Biden administration encourages: one where the entrenched players aren't touched and smaller/less successful players can go fuck themselves.

[-] zephyreks@hexbear.net 68 points 4 months ago

I'm sorry, who approved this tweet?

submitted 7 months ago by zephyreks@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Propaganda is flying around like crazy in this conflict and I think it's time for our community to come together and try to separate the truth from misinformation and chaff. Similar to my last post on the al-Ahli Hospital Massacre, we're going to go with the following format:

For top-level comments, post the claim being made as well as who made the claim (please cite as close to the original source as possible) and, if possible, the date/time that claim was made.

For other comments, please try to either prove or debunk claims using multiple sources and verifiable information.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by zephyreks@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

There's a ton of information coming out from a bunch of different sources and it's difficult to keep track of who's said what and who has evidence of what. This thread is to keep track of who's making what claims, who has what evidence, and discussion surrounding those.

For top-level comments, please separate into two categories:

Evidence (videos, facts, circumstantial evidence, etc.) that we can validate, invalidate, or provide supporting sources for

Claims (IDF, Hamas, Western media, etc.) that we can prove or disprove using current evidence

=== 2023-10-19 ===

It's established fact that Israel was operating aircraft near the hospital, that Israel was striking targets near the hospital, that Israel had indicated that they would strike the hospital, that Israel had striked the hospital in the past, and that Israel had targeted multiple hospital staff in the days leading up to the strike.

It's currently up to debate, but many indications suggest that Israel's message has changed multiple times. The initial claim was that the attack was on Hamas operatives within the hospital. The claim afterward was that this was a Hamas misfire (using demonstrably falsified audio evidence).

The videos show that a single large explosion triggered whatever happened, not a sequence of smaller explosions or secondary detonations. The video circulating of a Hamas rocket "misfire" is more indicative of a MANPADS launch given multiple comparable flight paths from other MANPADS. It's a clear usage of a multi-pulse rocket motor, something Hamas does not have domestic capability for but does have access to through Iranian MANPADS. An Iranian Misagh-2 fires a missile with less than 2kg of explosives and less than 20kg of total weight.

At this stage, my most likely conclusion is that the damage was the result of an airburst bomb.

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