submitted 3 months ago by JohnSmith@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I’ve been watching the Rugby Cup Final this evening and fuming. They have this fancy new traveling side camera and they can’t help but use it. STOP IT!!! You are making everybody seasick. Which made me think, might you good people have examples of when somebody badly overplayed their new toy? On a completely unrelated note, do we already have a community for rants?

submitted 3 months ago by someguy3@lemmy.ca to c/askuk@feddit.uk

What was life like before and after? Was there a noticeable change? Was it more of a mental change? Anything else?

submitted 4 months ago by _xDEADBEEF@lemm.ee to c/askuk@feddit.uk

If so, where?

Bit of backstory, ive had ulnar nerve compression in both arms for almost 3 years. Ive been waiting for years for the next step which would more detailed investigation but im just not getting anywhere and the issue is getting worse.

Im tired of the constant pain, not being able to do my hobbies that aggravate the issue and being told to wait by the GP so im going to have to figure out how to afford going private.

Any recommendations?

submitted 4 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I got a photo with Sven Goran Eriksson when he was Leicester City FC manager a decade or so ago.

Hardly The Queen, but he's a significant improvement over my #2. (Samantha Bailey).

submitted 4 months ago by Fudoshin@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I installed it on my phone to distract me from other distractions and hoping to put the world to rights.

Do you use it? Thoughts?

submitted 4 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

Has anyone had any luck with, or does anyone know of any services in the UK that operate like Task Rabbit does in the US?

It sounds super trivial, but I've got some very minor work that needs doing around the house but I've got absolutely no ability with a drill.


submitted 4 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

The size of Freddo's, Saturday morning TV, free to air sports, Jamie Oliver-less school lunches. You get the picture.

What was better twenty years ago than it currently is today.

And you can't say everything, because it wasn't. The country is in ruin but at least now we can.........order a takeaway without having to speak to another human...??

submitted 4 months ago by hellfire103@lemmy.ca to c/askuk@feddit.uk

Provided I get good grades for my A-Levels, I'll be going to uni in September. I am registered to vote in Hexham, but my universities are in other constituencies (mainly in Scotland).

So, if the upcoming general election is in October like predicted, how do I vote?

Should I register to vote in a different constituency? Or can I have my postal vote rerouted to Scotland?

It's my first time for all of this, so I don't even know what's legal and what isn't when it comes to voting. Can anyone help?

submitted 4 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I'll go first....The Office.

Now I know the two shows are fundamentally quite different, but they adapted what was already a very successful show, and turned It into an event more successfully one that lasted for significantly longer than the original did. I say that's a win for them.

Anything else? Life on Mars, Being Human, The Inbetweeners.....?


Last time I looked a majority of Brits support the death penalty. Which personally I've always found quite disturbing considering all the problems with it.

But 5 mins on any subreddit and you have people frothing at the mouth to hang every criminal.

Which if even more disturbing.

So what do you think?

submitted 4 months ago by Fudoshin@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I found a lump on my lip the other day. Like literally on the lip-lip. Not the edge where I've had them happen before. I've NEVER had that happen. A zit ON the lip which I squeezed a yellow lump out of.

How does that happen? AFAIK the lip doesn't have pores? It's a mucus membrane?

That's like getting a zit on your eye ball...

How? Am I going to die? Has anyone else had this?

Don't tell me to see a doctor about a lip zit!

submitted 5 months ago by Fudoshin@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I'm a big fan of "moist"

submitted 5 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I've been driving an automatic since I passed nearly a decade ago. In that time whenever I tell anyone I drive auto, it's usually met with some level of derision. I think that attitude is changing, but I'm still kind of confused by it in the first place.


submitted 5 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

Let's take a moment to put aside the gloom and doom and appreciate the good bits of life in the UK. There must be some...right?

submitted 5 months ago by Fudoshin@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

They don't really work and besides a few days of feelign like shit with brain zaps I'm not sure why I bother?

Best case scenario I become suicidal again and kill myself.


submitted 5 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

Went in on Friday. I asked if I could discuss another issue and was (politely) told that because it's a ten minute appointment that I'd have to come back again to discuss that issue.

Which seemed...well both shit and a recipe for absolute disaster given how difficult it is for most people to see their GP even once.

So, was she right or should I be more brazen next time?


Right inside to that bit when it opens up at the end - my ear itches. If I put my little finger in I can feel the itch at the end.

I know if I could use a pair of sharp curved tweezers I could scratch that itchy bit and reach a level of ecstasy reserved for the gods.

Can I ask my GP to do this carefully? What if I provide tweezers?

submitted 5 months ago by Fudoshin@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I've had 2 cups of mocha almond milk and a cup of chocolate oat milk. I think the chocolate oat milk wins but what say you?

Oh and cashew nut milk is so good I have to drink the whole carton in one go. I can't refrigerate it. Impossible.

submitted 5 months ago by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

I've been wearing skate trainers for the last twenty odd years, and whilst they're usually super-comfy I think it's time I made the jump to something a little more ....dad-propriate.

Only issue is that I have no idea where to start with this stuff. I want a trainer, something that is comfortable and can be worn at the soft-play but also when I'm going to the supermarket.

Can you help a brother out?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Oneeightnine@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

Context: Me and my partner went out for a meal last night. 7-9. The restaurant in question was absolutely heaving as you'd expect on a Friday night. And we got unfortunately positioned directly next to the offending group of maybe 10 adults and 3-4 young kids.

I should say, the kids weren't the issue here, for the most part they were on a separate table and we didn't hear them (we've got two of our own, we don't mind a bit of kid noise). The adults though, oh boy.

Now normally I'm not one to complain (guess what - I didn't complain) but these guys were getting looks from across the entire venue. They're swearing, they're doing some sort of (almost comedic) booming laughing thing that wouldn't have been out of place at a Brian Blessed convention and this went on for the entire 2 hours they were there.

In short: how do you get a party of people to tone it down just a little so that the rest of us can enjoy our evening out, without getting a torrent of abuse or making it incredibly awkward? Is It even possible?


This...went in a direction I wasn't expecting. Just trying to drum up a little Saturday morning activity for the community. If I was that bothered I'd have just asked the staff to ask them to tell the group to quieten down.

I'm not sure how or why this got into a debate about the rights and wrongs of GenZ; a generation I'm not even a member of but hey ho.

Y'all have a nice day now.

submitted 7 months ago by frazorth@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

Probably just me being a little grumpy after getting a phone call from Southern Water, but it feels a little unreasonable that I only get billed every 6 months (I can't make it more frequent), and they expect a random amount to be settled within the week.

I got a bill last week and I'm already recieving phone calls because I'm "late", even though it's only the first, since now it's payday I'll pay it but I'm not happy with the harassment.

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