I think his stepdaughter, with her boyfriend, dropped off his son for the son's weekend visit with him (him being the commenter, the father).

It reads like his son was visiting his stepdaughter's boyfriend. Maybe it is that, but it'd be odd.

I'm not sure what point you're making.

Not sure about cyberpunk, but that faction also pretty much existed in the Witcher games with the jester guys.

Maybe cdpr just have a thing for the look.

I can see where they're coming from, sure. But assuming something with no proof doesn't make any sense, to me at least.

I just found it such an odd thing to make an assumption over.

So this boils down to, these products are more expensive now that sanctions are in place, because middlemen are needed to circumvent the sanctions.

That translates to sanctions working exactly as intended right? It doesn't matter if they still get the product as long as it's costing them a lot more than it would before sanctions.

[-] thetreesaysbark@sh.itjust.works 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Why? The worlds richest people aren't royal, so why would the UKs richest person need to be?

It's annoyingly fairly priced. I'm fairly sure they're doing this at a loss to put competitors in the music streaming services out of business so they can hack up the price.

Standard Google/TV streaming service practice.

Many of the recent protests about climate change have been less direct and more about stirring up controversy to force the public to actually think about their decisions.

My hat off to them as so far this style of protest has been working and has resulted in many of us pushing for better climate control.

You're right this isn't going to stop companies, but even if you disagreed with them it puts climate change in your conscious mind. Even if that simply means you'll try to make slightly more climate friendly decisions moving forwards, that's a win.

Personally I don't know if I agree with the technique, but I do feel like it has been working in terms of making people discuss this topic more.

[-] thetreesaysbark@sh.itjust.works 64 points 3 weeks ago

Jesus Christ. All these requirements for something most people didn't ask for:

System requirements for Recall

Your PC needs the following minimum system requirements for Recall:

A Copilot+ PC


8 logical processors

256 GB storage capacity

    To enable Recall, you’ll need at least 50 GB of storage space free

    Saving screenshots automatically pauses once the device has less than 25 GB of storage space
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by thetreesaysbark@sh.itjust.works to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world
How's your week been? (sh.itjust.works)

Good things bad things. Feel free to vent!

We just made pizza together woop woop!

[-] thetreesaysbark@sh.itjust.works 71 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

not everyone can do it

Also good to remember that almost nobody can do it everyday. It's definitely good to be consistent with one's approach, however all parents are human and will lose patience at times.

[-] thetreesaysbark@sh.itjust.works 49 points 10 months ago

I think it's generally because if you shot a bird that you want to eat, they'd bring it back to you.

That's what I recall from the retriever breeds anyway.


I'm trying to convince my wife to come over to lemmy but want to fulfill her community wants.

Does anybody know any communities for mums or parents in general?

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