submitted 1 year ago by Tom@lemmy.world to c/cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml

So here I was doing a short sewer sweep near my base, killed some amalgamations, climb out to the suface to safetly dissect the spoils and something catches my eye while dissecting:


I feel really proud of myself for getting a internal staircase built in my firestation base

Steps that I took:

  • Built a half-staircase on the ground floor

  • Used a grappling hook and dragged equipment for another half-staircase directly above onto the roof

  • Used a sledge hammer to destroy the half stair on the roof, which left a wooden floor tile

  • Used sledge hammer to destroy wooden floor tile on the roof

  • This leaves a dirt tile , which I brought the tools to dig down with

  • When finished, left with a staircase on top, and a ladder on the ground floor

I am sure you can use any object that overwrites the roof tile to achieve the dirt tile, hope anyone that plans to build on more than one z-level finds it helpful


So I leave my safe house one day, and lo and behold I spot a Hub 01 campsy drone floating near my base

I don't know why but I feel somewhat uneasy having a contractor monitoring me.

Are they studying me? Are they checking if I am doing my job?

So many questions.


Now I can pick and profession, trait and I can set all stats to level 20. Without penalty?

Early game food? (lemmy.world)

What's a good early game food to look for?

Currently I just run around and get eggs (rarely) or fiddleheads which are not very nutritious.

I've found advice online to eat pine nuts from pinecones but it seems that recipe no longer exists.

I'm about to run out of protein rations, what is the best option for replacing those? Fiddleheads and eggs probably aren't going to cut it.


Firstly greetings to all,

Want to share the story of my recently departed survivor- well not anymore but anyway

I wish to preface that this was the first time I really seriously tried playing the game at default settings for evolution while also playing with a few mods that are bundled with the game namely bombastic perks(10000 xp intial, 1000 xp normal ), XEDRA evolved and blazemod.

WARNING: Long Essay Post Ahead

Tldr : Lab sealed reactor room exploration irradiated character with almost 2000 mSv, still badassfully fought their way out, drove back to base and died a miserable death puking their guts out in bed and rapidly mutating before finally succumbing to the power of the atom.


This character had a default boring evacutee start with a nearby prison, which sent a constant 1 every other day naked security guard to pester the shelter. But in time that prison is cleared to put an end and the nake zombie guard attacks stop

This character survived a surprise attack by a giant mutated toad trying to pull him though a window while sleeping and made multiple runs through dermatik, dragonfly and frog mother blocked roads for supplies and npcs quests, for a long time without a vehicle.

They learnt the value of the right tool for the job as they learnt that most mutant creatures are scared of fire as well as its effectiveness against the slower hulking monstrocities that roamed the city streets.

They hoarded great wealth and even though they never met the more talkative strange robot people a sign told them to go to or the evac center which located far from each other, one located far north east and the other located south south west

Their standard combat arrangment eventually settled into a tricked out tacticool m4 +9 chamber in 5.56mm, a sear'd 9mm glock carry pistol, 8 throwing knives, a mace, a couple of molotovs and a punch dagger.

He would also keep his tactical survivor duffel bag as well as a bullpup shotgun and pike in the vehicle.

This setup was able to handle most of what the apocalypse had thrown at him. From the encounter with migo scout on an open field with only melee and surviving the headlong charge in a life and death game of "bleed chicken", killing a surprise frog mother that hopped out of an open sewer onto the city streets, avoiding a patrolling zombie doomstack of 12+ hulking horrors while dodging and diving through houses when a screecher was close - all to get some data for someone in their house and finally walking into a ruined (year 2) subway lab infested by otherworldy horrors from a tear in reality.

With the first floor mostly cleared of everything, relative to what can be cleared with a tear in reality around, the next floor with a lab layout, was just as ruined only with zombies instead, fortunately for a choke point and a plentiful supply of molotov the floor was quiet enough to explore in relative safety without drawing a rushing horde

Even though this survivor had all the tools necessary to survive this next fateful encounter, the ever present pride before the fall was about occure.

As he was clearing out the section, he killed a zombie soldier and on their body was potassium iodine tablets, well thinking nothing of it, the corpse was stripped and loot dragged into a corner for future collection.

Eventually the survivor came to a secured door that he had seen before but it was different as it had strangely no windows... so what could be behind this locked door, the first floor had a shiny apron and the other had a room so full with other worldly monsters that they were spawning past containment.

So without much thought, taking a military id card found amongst the dead, he swipes and decides to go in.

They walk in and see 4 Compact Advanced Sterling Radioisotope Generators and also see a staircase down.... so curiousity wins out over cautious, they walk down and see 4 more of these generators surrounded by water.

Thinking nothing of it and seeing no loot they walk back up and leave this sealed area somewhat disappointed.... then not soon after a terrible feeling kicks in and an overwhelming weakness starts to overwhelm him.... then it hits him like the nuclear freight train that is wrecking his body... they rush to check their biometer watch to check their radiation.... clocking in at 1987 mSv.... Have a good day!!!! Panic sets in, high functionally thought is replaced by Blues, I need to find Prussian Blues... after a frantic search for Blues and finding nothing the only other thought is their is Blues back at base.

(So now in 0 stat panic, I rush to attempt to get out of dodge, and leave the science lab)

Driven now by a desparation, he limps his way up and out to eventually gets to the first floor of the lab and not even half way through the lobby gets ambushed by a pair of polyps. Somehow, his armour craftmenship holds out and he is able to fight them and they melt away.

He eventually is abke to limo out the lab and into his car, and attempts to journey back to base in a foolhardy quest to get the stash of Prussian Blue.

The journey back is stressfull ( using autotravel to get back with less user error or so I thought) as the radiation sickness is causing uncontrollable spasms and sees the vehicle spin out into mid ride circles trying to get it facing the right direction and in that direction as quickly as possible.

Somehow without totally the vehicle, he gets back to base.... "where is it, where is it"

"Here it is" as he chug down 3 and some water and gets to bed... well rest is interrupted by mutating slimy skin followed by feeling a great increase in mental capacity ( +2 intelligence)

Its going down, but too slowly... rest is interrupted by mutation, then vommit then trying to sleep and every 6 hours taking a handful of Blues and water....

The radiation, it is going down too slowing

Finally, almost 2 days after walking into a core of reactor, the fight seems hopeless..and with it eventually resigns himself to his fate... takes in his last views of the world and meekly crawls into bed and decides to accept the fate he himself brought upon himself

His companions without the stalwart leadership that brought them together decide to go their separate ways, unfortunately most don't meet a happy ending with either raiders killing them, joining another group that meets an unfortunate end or a migo tracking one down in their sleep. Only one amongst them live their lives in relative peace until the end


I keep the world in memory of a survivor I never really got to know after nearly 3 in games years. May your slimy mutated big brain body rest in pulped peace

submitted 1 year ago by Vitaly@feddit.uk to c/cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by Tom@lemmy.world to c/cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by cmdrkata@lemmy.ml to c/cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml
Bright Days Ahead (lemmy.sdf.org)

Really glad to see a lemmy community for one of my favorite games. This was the onus for me to finally make an account here. It's exciting to get in on the ground floor for a new community. Looking forward to it.

I guess, I'll start with the story of my first foray into playing a traitor character(mycus). He wasn't much for writing and didn't really get along with people. Then the cataclysm happened and he found himself wandering. He came across a curious fungal structure with some berries near it. He was hungry, so he partook. Then, overnight he knew what he had to do. He had to find more. (I thought it would take longer to find the rest, but in a bit of an anticlimax I found both a bloom and a tower right in either side of a small city. Huh.) After that, our guide was complete. We decided to wait in an old radio tower for some time until our local guide has become better adapted. From there we paid a visit to the evac center. They don't know it yet, but we are going to work well together. The mycus must grow. (Yeah, I thought the run would last longer, so I turned off the no-fungl-spread mod and covered the evac center in spores. Heheh!)

Later folks.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, or C:DDA, is an open source post-apocalyptic turn-based survival RPG that challenges players to not only survive, but battle a wide range of zombies and other terrifying creatures that threaten their lives. Newcomers are recommended to play the most recent stable release - 0.G - Gaiman

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Cataclysm: Bright Nights

Fork of C:DDA with emphasis on combat, gameplay balance, and QoL

Cataclysm: Looming Darkness

Multiplayer rewrite by /u/stolencatkarma^reddit^


Cataclysm: DDA SSH server by /u/r7st^reddit^

founded 1 year ago