Reptiles and Amphibians

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Grumpy, dumpy, and gorgeous! I'm so lucky to have these nearby. They spend most of their lives underground but when it rains in October-November you can hear them call as they start to emerge.


They get their name because their call sounds like a banjo! A commonly heard, but not often seen frog native to Southwest Australia. They spend a lot of their lives burrowed underground or under leaf litter.


Currently in an argument- "too thin to be a Gila" vs "too beaded to be a chuckwalla"

Very sluggish, but it's only like 19c today. Maybe 25-30cm long


This is a Trachycephalus typhonius, formerly Trachycephalus venulosus, from Yucatan.

These frogs secrete a sticky and irritant milk-like fliud through its skin when bothered. Several years ago I got some some of that fluid into my eyes by accident - that hurts similar to scratching one's eye after touching a spicy pepper. So, they are not terribly toxic but I certainly do not recommend the experience.

Funnily enough I just ran a search and found a publication of someone who describes a similar but worse experience:

You may notice that the finger pads of this frog look green. That's because its bones are green! A characteristic feature of this species. Here is a photo (not mine) of a skeleton of one of these :


A new paper on a Bolitoglossid showed up in my alerts today! 🥳

It is a one-pager and comes with a beautiful photo of a foraging arboreal salamander 😄

Imantodes cenchoa (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Found this Imantodes cenchoa sleeping on top of a leaf in Punta Laguna, Quintana Roo.

Here is a photo of where it was sleeping:

There are a few different snakes of the genus Imantodes in Yucatán. What sets this species apart is that the row of scales on its back consists of enlarged scales. Here is a closeup emphasizing that row of scales. The green arrow points at an enlarged mid-dorsal scale, the blue arrow at a regular scale.

In comparison, here is a photo from an Imantodes tenuissimus that I took back in 2009 in Mérida, Yucatán (with a less sharp camera), and a closeup of its mid-dorsal scales that does not show this enlargement.

Imantodes tenuissimus

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

One of my favorite frogs! Spent some time specifically looking for it. Managed to find two near Cobá, in Quintana Roo (in the Yucatán peninsula). This frog hides in holes in lime stone and tree trunks, and makes use of its flat head to block the entrance. This type of defense is known as phragmosis.

Some other shots:


Found this anole in Yucatan. I am not sure of its exact species - probably an Anolis sp..

Anoles often sleep at the tips of leaves and twigs. My guess is that this is a strategy to prevent nocturnal predators sneaking up on them through the branches without making its bed vibrate. When woken up they can quickly drop down.


Im noticing white chalky excretions in my tank but I'm not seeing any turds. Can the lizard still be blocked up or are they fine?


Found this little gal(?) In my bedroom all emaciated and sluggish, got her a heat pad, uv lamp and fattening it up with small crickets with calcium. Think it's a New Mexican Whiptail but not sure. Looks kinda wrinkly. Is it ok?


Hi -

Wondering if someone know a reputable rankin dragon breeder.

I’m first time reptile enthusiast and looking to find good trustworthy breeders in the US.



adult greenhouse frog

baby greenhouse frog

Found many of these frogs under a wet trash bag in a back yard in Mérida, Yucatán. I made use of a handheld flash with a remote trigger for lighting, and a Sigma 105 mm as my macro lens.

These frogs do not seem to match with any of the local frogs reported in Julian C. Lee's field guide to the amphibians and reptiles of the maya world.

From a reverse image search, I mostly found images of the green house frog Eleutherodactylus planirostris. Eleutherodactylus planirostris is native to Cuba and the Bahamas, and is often introduced with plants that come from green houses in those areas. These frogs go from tadpole to frog while still inside of the egg, which explains why the baby frogs are so small.

The visual aspect, the incredibly small baby frogs, and the fact that they were found in a back yard in the city with greenhouse plants, all lead me to conclude that it is likely Eleutherodactylus planirostris.


Saw this nice guy/gal in front of my shed this morning when I took the dog out. The dog was completely oblivious and I was able to get a nice pic without scaring it off.


Aka Bleating Froglets


cross-posted from:

Royals aren't exactly the most trainable snakes and Revy still isn't super comfy with moving very far, but she's great at orienting towards the target and did really well today 🥰 I'm very proud of her!

If you wanna know more about Target Training, check out Lori Torrini on Youtube! She's pioneering the whole concept, and really really knowledgeable about snake behavior and cooperative care 💕


“ Camera close-up studies of commonly known non-poisonous night creatures that might be encountered by Mr. Toad after sundown.”




About 2cm long! Cute as hell.

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