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Moderator Coordination - Leveraging technologies for the improvement of moderator project communications and coordination.

founded 1 year ago
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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/WallabyUpstairs1496 on 2023-11-15 01:18:11.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/Aether_Storm on 2023-11-15 19:06:41.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/Acrobatic-Monitor516 on 2023-10-28 11:46:26.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/Teredia on 2023-10-23 09:37:46.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/TheTwelveYearOld on 2023-10-22 18:30:43.

I was about to make a post on r/javascript but they're still restricted.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/french_violist on 2023-10-18 22:12:44.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/louiefriesen on 2023-10-03 18:43:00.

I got permission from the mods for a rule 2 exemption

This is a petition to ban the bot, u/BeBodyPositive, on as many subreddits as possible. It is a bot that gives a long lecture about fatphobia (whatever that is :eyeroll:) whenever you use the word ‘big’ in any context. It is more annoying than anything and I see it as spam, as all the times I’ve seen it being used, it’s in completely the wrong context, and also normally its comments get a decent amount of downvotes (it’s got -100 karma so if your subs have a karma requirement, you don’t need to worry about it).

I’ve banned it on all the subs I moderate, albeit small ones. I would like to see it banned on more, larger subs.

Thank you for reading this.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/way26e on 2023-10-02 20:42:42.

I used to use (:) Reddit Gold Awards anonymously a lot, to reward Users that contribute real Quality Content in the sub's Posts and Comments. That is, that i did until Reddit stole all my gold twice, without giving me anything to replace all the currency, that i paid real money for.

Now, i have nothing but a special flair to highlight Quality Content. Does Reddit have a plan to ever replace Awards with anything like them, that we can use as tools to reward our valued Users? Or, am i missing something ? Don't say "sticky". I rarely use Stickies because i feel that using them too much would appear to be using the sub as as bully pulpit.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/papasfritas on 2023-10-01 10:36:44.

Today /r/RelayForReddit finally went subscription only. I have no intention of paying reddit to moderate for reddit for free, the notion is ridiculous.

The official app is still useless slow junk and it takes too long to do the most basic moderation actions.

What 3rd party apps are still usable, be it using an older functional version or a ReVanced one with own API key?

Is anyone simply using the browser desktop version of old.reddit for moderation with toolbox and RES on their mobile? I saw that this is possible using Firefox mobile but wonder how practical it is?

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/chooseauniqueusrname on 2023-09-30 06:31:54.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/not_today_cancer on 2023-09-21 06:13:33.

We are being newly inundated with NLP bots in r/breastcancer. Like ChatGPT come to life with vapid encouragement and opinions. It is so vastly inappropriate and potentially dangerous to have bots commenting on people’s cancer journey or saying they should leave their husband. We ban them and I’ve started reporting but we need better tools. Our mod team is stretched thin as it is. We have to review the removed queue because newly diagnosed patients get stuck in there just like bots do, so karma/account age requirements, crowd control don’t help much. What do we do?

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/anagoge on 2023-09-16 01:09:27.

Original Title: I submitted a "Non-consensual intimate media" report to Reddit of an account posting multiple women's full names and private photos. Reddit took no action against it. What is the point of a report if nothing happens?

There's a user posting photos from multiple women, which are clearly supposed to be private and not for the whole world to see. These posts include the woman's full name. They're posting it on multiple subreddits, and a post that includes an invite to talk on Snapchat to whatever woman posted.

I submitted a report. Reddit replied with its standard message:

After investigating, we’ve found that the reported content doesn’t violate Reddit’s Content Policy.

It's like Reddit didn't even bother looking. It annoys me that there's probably so many women out there thinking their life is ruined because of stuff like this and even when there's an attempt to remove it, it's denied. It's wrong.

I won't link to the offending user. I'd rather them not get further views.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/llehsadam on 2023-09-15 18:48:57.

If you're not in the beta program, you can access it with

I personally hate it. So much empty space...

It also made the fancy-pants editor more of a pain in the ass to use for me. Horrible.

Anyway, maybe I am feeling Schadenfreude.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/HangoverTuesday on 2023-09-14 14:54:08.

I personally haven't been using Reddit much recently, having nuked my other account, and only use this one for a bit of moderation. Looking at, comparing our sub and a few random big subs, it looks like overall post/comment volume fell off a cliff in early July.

Is this a change in how that site gathers stats, as a result of the API changes, or is traffic volume really down that much?

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/cavscout43 on 2023-09-13 00:00:34.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/Diversionaryian on 2023-09-09 00:55:26.

from and outsiders pov, jack shit. protest was way to short for one.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/TheArstaInventor on 2023-09-08 21:11:32.

Hello everyone! I'm launching a website for Kbin Migration today, a very very simple, basic and hopefully easy to use website with useful resources to help users move to Kbin and the fediverse from Reddit!

Before I started working on the website, I initiated and worked on launching r/KbinMigration, and worked on my first guide here.

But ever since Reddit attempted to ban my initatives here (just like it did with my past lemmy initatives) such as r/KbinMigration just to unban it later thanks to the community noticing Reddit's attempt at censoring it, and of course, me sending messages to r/reddit's mods explaining how they banned r/KbinMigration for "spam" ridiculously when we literally had only 2 pinned posts back then.

But I later realized that putting my resources on Reddit that help people migrate from Reddit probably isn't my greatest idea, and I shouldn't be surprised if Reddit ever decides to ban my iniatives in the future for good, especially if it gets bigger, hence I decided to stop updating my guide from r/KbinMigration and instead work on my own simple website, just a place outside Reddit where I can display the resources without having a potential risk of losing it which would mean making it inaccessible to those who need it.

In the past few months, I have taken other initatives as well, the most important one being my arrival to r/RedditAlternatives mod team (thankful for the opportunity!), to help the sub with moderation in my free time and improving the sub along with the other guys in the team, in ways we can. Apart from that, I also help moderate huge communities on Kbin itself, such as m/AskKbin.

This website is an important step in realizing my vision in hopefully being people from Reddit to Kbin and the Fediverse, and I hope all of you find it useful!

If you have any feedback for any of the guides/resources we have on Kbin Migration, let me know! I will continue to push more updates and new resources as this is just the beginning, hence more to come. I will also be promoting and sharing this initiative inside Kbin, especially within the communities I already moderate as well. I want this to be a user/community-run initative, so those who have any feedback, it will be very very valuable and certainly help me shape all the current and future resources we will have on Kbin Migration!

Thank you :)


Update V2, improved readability of text on the website, especially page text on guides, as we were using grey before but now we've switched to white, which means all the text should now appear clear and a lot more readable. This change was made based on user-feedback.

The main, first and introductory guide "The redditor's guide to how Kbin works" is now pinned on top by default, all other posts/guides will be shown after that. This change was also based on user-feedback.

Additionally, users can also now follow the website, and comment on any of the available guides to leave feedback and etc.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/JustLookingUp on 2023-09-08 01:25:20.

Original Title: This post from a month ago links the gizmodo article claiming reddit won. But is it just me? Or am I seeing TONS of regurgitated posting in the more popular subs. As if there's some coordinated effort to keep people interested...

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/ardi62 on 2023-09-04 15:49:19.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/CynberDev on 2023-09-04 08:33:39.

Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce one more release before I take a short break. I have some other stuff starting up, so I won't be pushing out new features as fast, but I'll still be around to manage the project. (more at the end)


❓ What is Instance Assistant?

If you're new to Instance Assistant, it is a browser extension with a collection of tools and features to simplify your browsing experience on Lemmy and Kbin. It is available on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge; you can also install it from the releases page on GitHub.

For a full list of features, please see the GitHub homepage:

⭐ What's new in v1.2.5?

  • Redirect posts to your home instance!: Post pages now have a redirect button that will find the same post on your home instance(1). You don't have to hunt it down yourself anymore.
  • Posts related to this webpage buttons in popup & sidebar
    • Make a post: You can now create a post from any webpage! Click the 'Make a Post' button in the extension popup or sidebar to generate a draft post with autofilled title, URL, and body contents. Afterwards, just select a community and hit post. (This currently works for both Lemmy & Kbin, but custom frontends are untested while they develop). Try it here:
    • Open Posts: This will find any posts about the webpage/article/video that you are looking at. Use it to see if something has already been posted, or to find related discussions about it. When there are multiple posts, it will ask before opening them all. (see note on risks and why it doesn't count automatically)
  • Post an image: You can now right-click on an image, anywhere on the web, and hit "Post this image". It will open a new tab and autofill the title, image link, and add the page URL to the body as "Source: URL". Try it here:
  • Reorganizing popup:
    • I fixed the issue where the popup would still display a button after removing all instances from the list.
    • The number of default instances in the popup was reduced to 4
  • Added settings:
    • You can now hide onboardining guides to make the interfaces less wordy
  • General styling changes, wording improvements, and bugfixes

(1) This is an important feature to me because this little annoyance was part of why I set out to create the extension in the first place. Thanks to some help from @zero_gravitas, I was able to use the Lemmy API to grab the post details, and then run a search for it on your home instance. While most posts should only bring one result, there is a chance that there are multiple posts by the same user, in the same community, with the same title. If this is an issue, I'll make this search more specific.

🗣️ My questions for you:

Improving 'post to Lemmy'

  • Right now the 'Post to Lemmy' button does a very basic search in the page meta tags for information. This works for most websites, but it is not perfect. What websites do you usually post from, and is the extension doing a good job of replicating how you format the post? Please share both good and bad examples, so we can fix what isn't working and keep what is.

Improving Post search

  • Having the extension automatically count the number of posts and display it in the icon would be pretty nice, since then you would know about any posts for the news article / blog / video that you are looking at. However, there are privacy implications with this since it needs to send the URL to your home instance to do the search.
  • I would like to add the option to whitelist specific websites, so the user can choose what browsing data they want to find posts for. Is this something you would list to use? What websites would you whitelist?

Anything else?

Please share any issues that you find. Lemmy and Kbin instances have a lot of variation in how things are structured, so there are bound to be some bugs that I haven't found yet. If you have any ideas for new features, please share them too! I'm always looking for new ideas to add to the project.

🔮 Cool ideas being discussed for the future

  • Account switcher & ability to save login info to extension
  • Reddit migrator tools
    • multireddit input should convert subscriptions to official Threadiverse replacements, or large related communities
    • embeds on Subreddit sidebars to search for similar community
    • button on post pages to cross-post to home instance
  • Prepping for Firefox Mobile app, now that they are opening mobile up to all extensions!
  • Keyboard hotkeys, possibly collaborating with someone that already implemented something similar

For the most up to date information, see the issues or the project road map

💛 Finally

Thank you for all the suggestions and feedback so far! I'm really happy to see that people are using the extension and finding it useful. I'm looking forward to seeing what we can do with it in the future.

Like I said above, I won't be as active over the next few months in terms of getting new features out. The extension is now in good shape, and it covers most of the important use cases. There's still lots of cool stuff we can do with it, so please contribute ideas and expertise! When I get a chance, I'll pop in and grab a few more issues.

Cheers :)

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/throwawayimmigrant2k on 2023-09-04 04:47:08.

Be it a sad day (r/modcoord at the peak of protests) or a day to rejoice (the current state of comments on this sub's posts), r/GIFs appears to have given in completely.

Its sidebar still reads "All GIFs posted in /r/GIFs must feature John Oliver." on (most likely an oversight), but the "Not John Oliver" report reason has disappeared.

r/GIFs was already a shell of its once great existence (when GIFs were still GIFs and not just MP4s wrapped in an autoplay+loop container) and had been defacto taken over by an activist account reaching almost 1 in 3 posts and abusing the blocking system to stifle criticism.

It was one of the subs that chose to introduce a rule about requiring John Oliver to be a part of posts. Recently this rule went unenforced by the moderation team, including when posts were reported. Now, that being a reason for reporting has been removed entirely.

As with r/Pics, no statement has been made. One of the mods spearheading the effort has not shown any activity on their account in 50 days.

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/bizude on 2023-09-03 00:09:58.

Hi everyone! We've made some changes to Pushshift based on feedback. Here are the updates:

  1. The access token is now a cookie for the search tool. This means tokens are no longer visible from the search tool's UI. Users that need direct access to the token for programmatic use should instead go through a separate flow that's outlined at .
  2. We've implemented a system that allows for expired tokens to be refreshed through an API endpoint also detailed at the above guide. The search tool will automatically refresh expired tokens and moderators running scripts for moderation can use this refresh functionality to get longer than 24h access.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/ConduciveMammal on 2023-08-31 23:15:13.

Since the coins system is getting removed next month, what’re people doing with them? I’ve got over 4k coins left

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/cavscout43 on 2023-08-29 20:34:44.

Granted we're all probably biased, since mods got absolutely hosed in all of this. Blacking out subs was a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" where people would get pissed off no matter what.

But the platform itself seems to have changed quite a bit. The front page is crawling with shitty "true rate me" thirst trap subs now of young women. Most of what I see are constant reposts between /r/funnyandsad (often are neither of those things) and /r/Facepalm (usually shit that's been recycled by bots on the front page 57x in the last decade)

I honestly get the feeling a lot of the user base is less active, and they're running "activity" scripts/bots to keep the dumbest shit with 1000x generic comments and 10k karma on the front page all day to give the illusion of a big user base.

Anyone else seeing this, or am I just way off here?

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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/shimmyjimmy97 on 2023-08-25 19:44:15.

I am not here to suggest that Reddit stole my idea. I am simply pointing out that Reddit's attempt at improving the site has already been implemented by volunteers (and implemented better). This is a perfect example of why it is crucial to allow users non-restrictive, open access to Reddit's API. There are those of us on this site that want to help make it better, if you will let us.

Updates To How We'll Be Supporting Our Moderators

Reddit recently announced their new Mod Helper Program as an effort to help mods recognize members of the community that have a history of providing assistance to moderators on the site. They describe the program as follows:

The Mod Helper Program is a new system that awards helpful Mods with level-specific trophies and flair based on comment karma in r/ModSupport. This will both recognize Mods who are particularly helpful and reliable sources of knowledge for their fellow Mods, all with the goal of celebrating your support of each other and fostering a culture in this community where mods readily collaborate and learn from one another.


The Mod Helper Program uses a tiering system for comment karma earned from helping answer your fellow mods to award you trophies and special flair. When you reach a new tier, you will receive unique trophies and flair based on your level of moderator expertise and helpfulness.

I was quite surprised when I read this because it sounds remarkably similar, if not identical to the tool I developed for moderators over the past 5 years. This tool was rendered completely ineffective after the API change due to the requirement to collect large amounts of data on the users it flairs.

InstaMod - Customizable User Flair System

User TiersAs a user participates more and more in the community, their flair can change to represent their involvement. Certain tiers, or levels of user participation, can grant the user access to special privileges. This includes the ability to assign themself custom flair and the ability to add CSS to their automatic flair. This system rewards frequent contributors and encourages new users to stop lurking and start participating!

Moderators have been begging Reddit for more automated systems to help them manage their communities. The tool I developed (for free and in my spare time) is significantly more feature rich than what was created for the Mod Helper Program. I do not understand why Reddit is unable to develop more tools like this for moderators to use in their communities.

Some of the features that my implementation includes that Reddit's does not:

  • Pull from user data outside of the subreddit it runs in
  • Evaluating tiers based on much more detailed criteria than just total comment karma in the community
  • Tagging users for activity in other related communities
  • Allow users of certain tiers the ability to modify parts of their flair
  • Highly customizable and generalized to support any type of community

InstaMod - Settings Documentation

For an example of how detailed of an implementation can be achieved with this program compared to Reddit's implementation, check out the announcement post for it on the /r/CryptoCurrency subreddit

Update to the User Flair System

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