A new poll conducted by Zionist media finds that, among settlers who previously lived in northern occupied Palestine, 28% of those surveyed said that they would never return, 46% said they would only return if there was a “clear solution.”

Nearly all of them stated that “the state has abandoned them.” Some settlers have taken it upon themselves to attempt to secede from the Zionist entity, while others formed a refugee camp.

Over 230,000 settlers have been displaced from the northern settlements for the last nine months as a result of the strikes of the resistance.


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine appreciates the announcement by the Republic of Cuba to join the lawsuit filed by South Africa against the “israeli” occupation in the International Court of Justice.

They describe it as an important and courageous step that reaffirms Cuba’s historic, steadfast and supportive stance on the rights of the Palestinian people.

Cuba’s joining of this lawsuit represents a qualitative addition to the efforts seeking to prosecute the Zionist entity for the genocidal crimes it continues to commit in the Gaza Strip and to continue the pressure to stop this destructive war waged with U.S. and Western partnership.

The Front calls on all countries supporting the rights of the Palestinian people to emulate Cuba’s step and join international efforts aimed at condemning the occupation for committing genocide and prosecuting its leaders and all those involved with them from Western leaders in the International Criminal Court as a step towards delegitimizing this rogue Zionist entity.


Regarding Netanyahu’s mention in his interview about disarming the resistance and imposing civil administration on the Gaza Strip, these are mere delusions. Netanyahu is deeply mired in the Gaza quagmire and has achieved none of his aggressive goals except for murder and destruction.

His statements are intended for local consumption to try to prolong the war, which contradicts the position of the exhausted army, unable to continue this war or fight on multiple fronts due to the heavy losses it suffers in Gaza and the war of attrition from multiple fronts, especially the Lebanese front.

The Palestinian people and their courageous resistance will alone decide the future of the Gaza Strip, thwarting any attempt to impose civil administration or bring in foreign or Arab forces.

These statements in the interview indicate that Netanyahu is merely a psychologically ill and vile person acting as a sadistic criminal leading the dirtiest colonial entity in history with the most despicable, brutal and terrorist army.

Like other Zionist and U.S. war criminals, war criminal Netanyahu will not escape punishment. The day will come when they will all pay the price for every crime they committed against our people and other nations.


In Gaza, [neocolonialism] has failed to achieve any of its publicized goals, despite almost nine months of continuing genocidal attacks. Netanyahu’s war cabinet has crumbled in resignations. Escalating internal dissention and demonstrations of tens of thousands of people [under Zionism] are demanding negotiations. Finding housing, schools, jobs and subsidies for over 100,000 angry settlers driven out of stolen lands is creating a crisis in Zionist ideology and in the economy.

The head of the […] Occupation Forces Herzi Halevi said [that] the army is facing troop shortages amid rising casualties in the war against Hamas in Gaza. Enlisting more troops is difficult due to rising public opposition to the war.


There is open conflict between Netanyahu, his defense minister and conflicting infighting among his gaggle of small reactionary political parties.

The U.S. military machine has overwhelming deadly capacity. Imperialist strategists flaunt their power in obscene ways. Military contractors sell their weapons in ways that increase their profits and ensnare countries in debt traps.

[Zionism’s neocolony], as a primary ally in U.S. regional domination of West Asia, has access and use of an endless supply, paid for by workers in the U.S. from the U.S. treasury.

Impoverished and developing countries, determined to assert their sovereignty and escape a colonial death grip, are using science and applying their limited locally available resources to engineer weapons and strategies of self-defense that can prevent the destructive U.S. mega-weapons from determining the outcome.

The Zionist movement and its U.S. [neo]imperialist backers face a strategic dilemma — in order to avoid a very destructive wider war, for which they are not prepared and cannot win, they need to end the current genocidal war on Gaza. Ending the war without defeating the resistance would be a huge setback for the Zionist movement and an even larger humiliation for its protector and co-conspirator — U.S. [neo]imperialism. It will be a huge advance on a world scale.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by VictimOfAmerikkka@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

Saudi Arabia condemned on Saturday Israel’s Security Cabinet decision to expand illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank, warning of “dire consequences,” according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry

In a related context, Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit also condemned the same Israeli decision in a statement, describing it as a “complete and final reversal of the Oslo Accords, a return to square one, and an entrenchment of the blatant occupation logic.”

Aboul Gheit called on “the international community to see the Israeli government for what it truly is: a racist, right-wing government uninterested in peace, seeking to dismantle any semblance of Palestinian authority, including in Area B, which under the Oslo Accords, is under Palestinian civilian control.”


(Archive link)

Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have postponed a decision on whether arrest warrants should be issued against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over alleged war crimes in Gaza.

The delay came after the ICC allowed the UK to submit legal arguments against the jurisdiction over the issue.

According to court documents made public on Thursday, the UK filed a request with the ICC on June 10 to provide written observations on whether “the court can exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals, in circumstances where Palestine cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction over Israeli nationals (under) the Oslo Accords.”


The UK’s argument is that the Palestinian authorities cannot have jurisdiction over Israeli nationals under the terms of the Oslo Accords, and so it cannot transfer that jurisdiction over to the ICC to prosecute Israelis.

“The United Kingdom submits that the Chamber, pursuant to Article 19(1) of the Rome Statute, ‘is required to make an initial determination of jurisdiction in resolving the application for arrest warrants’ of which ‘[t]he Oslo Accords issue necessarily forms part,’” the ICC said on Thursday.

The judges added that the court would also accept submissions from other interested parties on the legal issue until July 12.

According to media reports, granting the UK’s request could delay for months the decision on arrest warrants for Israeli officials, which ICC prosecutor Karim Khan requested in May.

You are arguing with an Israeli bot (spectreofcommunism.boo)

The US military’s floating pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip was dismantled due to the expected “high sea states”, the Pentagon said on Friday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“Now, due to high sea states expected this weekend, Central Command has removed the temporary pier from its anchored position in Gaza and will tow it back to Ashdod, Israel,” Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary, Sabrina Singh, told reporters.

Temporarily relocating the pier will prevent potential structural damage that could be caused by the heightened sea state, Singh said.

The Commander will continue to assess the sea states over the weekend, she said, adding: “But I don’t have a date of when the pier would be reinstalled.”

More than 8,831 metric tons, or approximately 19.4 million pounds, of humanitarian aid was delivered since the pier became operational on 17 May, Singh said, calling it a “great success”.

US President, Joe Biden, ordered the establishment of a sea route to deliver food and aid to Palestinians on 8 March, amid Israeli restrictions and months of conflict in the enclave.


The Gaza Strip and innocent civilians have turned into an open testing ground for various internationally banned U.S. weapons. The world’s silence in the face of these atrocities is suspicious and reveals the fall of the masks of the so-called free world and those who cry over human rights. The detainees from the Gaza Strip, as revealed by the released prisoners, experience horrific levels of torture, mutilation and other brutal methods.

We urgently call on the free people of the world to expand the global Intifada against the Zionist war of genocide on the Strip and against all Western entities involved in these crimes, especially the U.S., Britain and Germany. It has become clear that there is a Western green light for the occupation to destroy all aspects of life and infrastructure and launch a starvation war on the Strip in light of the failure of military objectives.

We call on Arab countries to activate their decisions to impose breaking the siege and bring relief materials and essential supplies to the Strip without any conditions or decisions from the occupation. Any shortcomings or delays will lead to the continuation and worsening of this disaster.

Despite all these atrocities, Gaza will remain steadfast, a graveyard for the Zionists and their henchmen, and will continue to fight for its existence and life. We are confident that it will triumph in this global Zionist-Western war against it.

AOShill (www.youtube.com)

Norway’s largest pension fund has announced that it will no longer invest in US industrial group Caterpillar, citing concerns that the company’s equipment is used by Israel in its genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip.

The Oslo-based KLP made the announcement on Wednesday, saying the decision to divest from Caterpillar was made due to the risk that the manufacturer's bulldozers and other heavy machinery may be contributing to human rights violations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

Kiran Aziz, the firm’s asset manager, said KLP sold shares and bonds worth 728 million kronor ($69 million) earlier this month prior to the decision to divest its stake.


Haniyeh confirmed that the current battle has witnessed horrors and costs not seen in any other phases of the struggle with the Zionist project historically, while the popular support for the resistance remains strong, raising the banner despite nine months of war.

Haniyeh emphasized that the continuous military support for the Palestinian resistance in Gaza exerts direct and powerful pressure on the entity and its ally, the United States, and those with it.

Haniyeh highlighted three strategic results achieved by the Al-Aqsa Flood. The first is the restoration of the Palestinian cause to its rightful place, regaining its presence on regional and international agendas after being marginalized by some regional states and international parties, which had reduced it to an internal “israeli” matter.

He explained that the second result is that the defeat of the entity is a reality, not an illusion, and this could happen soon. The third result is the reunification of the nation around Palestine and its cause comprehensively, at a time when the Zionist entity suffers from internal cracks that will continue until its demise.


While the U.S. introduced a United Nations Security Council ceasefire resolution based on the deal proposed by Biden, Netanyahu quickly rejected the plan. While the [Herzlian] army said that most of its operations in Rafah are over, Netanyahu said in an interview with [neocolonial] media that he is not ready to end the war.

Meetings in Washington started June 24 between Netanyahu’s war minister Yoav Gallant and U.S. officials. These meetings are to take up the continuation of the war in Gaza and the possible expansion of war with Lebanon that threatens to provoke a larger regional conflict. Netanyahu is pushing for this, while Biden, at least publicly, waffles.

Even as the death toll for Palestinians continues to mount in Gaza and increasingly in the West Bank, reports of casualties among [the] Occupation Forces are surfacing. [The neocolony] has tried to control the reports of dead and injured soldiers, claiming that 665 [neocolonial] soldiers have been killed since October 7. Reports from the resistance forces in Gaza refute these low numbers. The head of the [Herzlian] army’s wounded association admits that numbers of wounded soldiers exceed 20,000, with over 8,000 permanently disabled as of June 1. (Mondoweiss, June 24)

Resistance to the war is growing among both U.S. and [neocolonial] military forces. In addition to growing opposition at home for both Biden and Netanyahu, the U.S. and [its neocolony] both face mounting financial crises as spending for war mounts. [Zionism’s] economy is tanking, and both countries face deficits that far exceed their gross domestic products.

Some things are clearly obvious — both men are liars concerned with their own political futures. But more importantly, their wrangling over tactics serves to expose the reality that these [neo]imperialist countries, with their unlimited supply of genocidal weapons, have been unable to defeat the will of the people of Palestine.

The great military power of the U.S. in support of [Herzlianism] has been no match against the combined resistance forces of West Asia and their determination to end the decades of white supremacist, settler-colonial occupation.


Hezbollah responded to the message by informing the US that it was prepared for a fight with Israel.

Blinken met with Gallant and promised that the US would aid Israel’s military.

Gallant, for his part, used the meeting with Austin to focus on Iran. “The greatest threat to the future of the world and the future of our region is Iran, and time is running out,” he stated. “Now is the time to realize the commitment of the American administrations over the years to promise to prevent Iran from possessing a nuclear weapon.”

Israel is getting close to phase 2

submitted 5 days ago by PoY@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

I have never known any Palestinians, but I met 3 women today in the West Edmonton mall by chance. I'm here visiting in laws and they wanted to show us the biggest mall in North America so I put on my gray shirt that has an illustration of a colorful woman in a keffiyeh and it says Palestine in Arabic and English behind her. It is this one: https://a.co/d/02kA5Ll3

I love this shirt so much and I wear it every chance I get but I tend to get a lot of sneers in places with large crowds of people.

Today we walked all over this gigantic mall for hours while the in laws pointed out the craziness that is the indoor water park, the giant ship, and the amusement park. I didn't notice anyone paying any particular attention and pretty much forgot about my shirt soon after we started walking the mall.

Then after many hours when we were just about to leave, dad had to go pee so we walked to one of the restroom areas and as we did I saw a young woman look at me, have a very visible look of shock on her face and then while I tried not to directly acknowledge her I saw her whispering to another somewhat older woman who then looked me straight in the eye. I thought oh shit, someone is going to make a scene now, right in front of my mother in law. Then I saw them both approaching me and my heart started to pump as I waited for a verbal assault.

I quickly looked away trying to minimize the confrontation that was sure to come when the older woman came right up to me and said "We love your shirt!"

The intense relief I felt was amazing and then I felt so embarrassed for having been such a coward.

Then an even older lady came toward me and said "We are Palestinian and we love your shirt, thank you for wearing it today!"

I didn't even know how to react so I said thank you and I pumped my fist in the air and said something stupid like Stay Strong!

They walked on by, but there was nowhere to go in that direction and so they came back by me again and the oldest lady said "I just have to tell you how proud I am of you!"

I could have just melted right there. I had tears in my eyes immediately and I wanted to say so many things and give her a hug but I froze and stupidly just said thank you they continued on by.

It was the most touching moment I can remember having in the longest time and somehow I feel like such a jackass for not being able to express my emotions.

But I will never forget them and I hope even the people who don't show any reactions when they see it are at least forced to think about what these people are going through.

Anyway I just wanted to share this and I can only hope that they will be free from the zionist pigs someday real soon.


I accuse the prime minister of Israel of taking deliberate actions meant to cause a widespread flare-up of violence in the West Bank, in the knowledge that this would trigger the expansion of war crimes against Palestinians who are not involved in terrorism in any way. Such crimes are already being committed by many Israelis; usually these are not military conscripts but rather private militias made up of thugs carrying guns that in most cases were given to them – in a questionable process that demands legal review – in a move initiated by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. These weapons serve many of them in their riots and protect them when they brutalize Palestinians: burning their property and destroying the fields that are a source of life and sustenance, as well as directly killing innocent people.

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Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. Existence is resistance for Palestinians.

Please refer to Israel as Occupied Palestine, or occupied territories. The IDF is a fascist and ethnonationalist occupying force. Israelis are settlers. We understand however that the imperial narrative (which tries to legitimise Israel) is internalised in the imperial core and slip-ups are naturally expected.

We always take the sides of Palestine and Palestinians and are unapologetic about it. Israel is an occupying power whose "defence force"'s (note the contradiction) sole purpose for existing is to push Palestinians out so they can resettle their rightful land. If you have anything positive to say about Israel we do not care.

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