Reddit Migration

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### About Community Tracking and helping #redditmigration to Kbin and the Fediverse. Say hello to the decentralized and open future. To see latest reeddit blackout info, see here:

founded 1 year ago

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They took my subreddit away and installed some sock puppet who restored everything that I wrote, which I deleted. Do I have any recourse, or do they just get to use my writing?


This could affect a lot of peoples searches. I don't know about you, but when my laptop stopped working correctly last month, the best solutions were still ones that google linked me to reddit to read.... That said, don't believe every news article on the internet and all that...


It has been a hard journey my boys, but I am finally here! :)


Welcome to PlayStation Couch, your ultimate destination for all things video games. Explore the latest trends, advanced techniques, and valuable tips to enhance your gaming skills and maximize your gaming experience.


This time on Reasons Why Crypto Based on Reddit Karma Blockchain Points Is Dumb: potential fraud!


I just suddenly found my user over there banned. Not for getting in a fight or breaking any rules, but just for criticizing and asking questions regarding its recent vague Terms of Service. In fact, no reason, warning, or reply was given beforehand, and the admin who did it suddenly scaled to banned, with no reply or anything sent to email.

It seems to be because of some criticism I made regarding, where rather than answer it they deleted my entire user history and implied that the criticism was:

reason: disagreeing with the Terms of Service - don't worry your content is gone

Note that I never explicitly disagreed with the Terms of Service, but I guess they must consider any criticism of it disagreement.

It hardly matters when they've made sure to make it my word versus theirs by eliminating my entire user history. This should be a big hint about how they will treat you, your comment history, and your ongoing discussions, even those unrelated to the ban, and it shows just how shit they will be at transparency when it happens (be sure to use the Internet Wayback Machine on them).

A lot of my criticisms had to do with permabans and how they would carry them out, so I guess I have my answer - in the worst way imaginable it without recourse, control, or even the possibility of getting it lifted.

What they say under 6.2, it's all deception, "what may happen" when the reality is they won't mind completely banning you on the spot. They won't give you a warning and tell you not to repeat it. There won't be any sort process. They will just ban you and remove your comment history on the spot. They will throw your entire history of content down the drain, and laugh while making a snarky comment. It's even worse than reddit, then, but that was always a risk, specially given who's heading Lemmy's development and given the apparent lack of concrete details regarding its leadership.

I suppose I'll try now. ~~On the off-chance that somebody has of knows of where there could be a cache of the comment I made where they claim I was "disagreeing with the Terms of Service", I would appreciate it.~~ Oh, never mind, found it - that was easy:

Here's the link to the modlog removal, because there seem to be a lot of connection problems now and the latest one is missing a lot of admin actions, including those that purged and banned my account:



NOTE: Apparently it is still there, it just has to be searched for through a more precise filter. It isn't clear how or why it gets removed. However, it is now clear who performed the ban, and it is the person I suspected: Plus it seems the two most active admins are very close:

I've submitted a ticket, whose link leads to a service hosted on

The result? Closed without a reply:

NOTE: I was finally able to contact Ruud, contact as in get him to join the same Matrix PM chat as me and direct him to this post, but that was basically it. Complete silence and not even a courtesy "I will look into it", so within their bubble of narcissism. I'm going to guess he's already quite aware and ok with the "sweep under the rug" approach. In contrast, they were quite quick to ban me from the Matrix chat after joining and waving hello, yet not so quick to provide a reason except that of a circlejerked "yeah just ignore, because look at all the other dirt on the carpet". seems to be corrupt at the core, at it will likely continue to fool a lot of people for years to come.

As of today, two months later, no apology from, my account still remains banned. Even though they've removed the admin responsible there's no apology and you wouldn't know about it or even begin to guess why if you didn't look under the covers ( ), because the other admins are complicit in sweeping it under for the appearance of acting legitimately that they wouldn't ever dare an apology from the hole they've dug themselves into.


(Orignally posted in

Citing scaling issues, Reddit is shutting down its blockchain-based Community Points in favor of prioritizing other rewards programs.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Tried using some links from google and they all failed. Did they actually do it?


Tiblur is a privacy centered social media platform. Watch video, look at images, vote in polls, and listen to audio.


The social media site will split revenue with contributors who are awarded "gold" by other users.



Please see this post:

Reddit (Automated)

[Bunch of automated bullshit]


This is urgent. This is going to be a pretty sensational news story because it involves the inventor of the iPhone's multi-touch technology. I will be happy to tell news organizations that Reddit did nothing to control this violent sociopath.

Reddit Admin (Name Redacted)

Hey there - will you please send links here to what you're referring to? That would be very helpful.



Thank you for getting back to me. I'm in a very extreme situation where I discovered fraud with a company called Clean Air Kits and put out a well sourced report that starts here. The owner in question is Wayne Westerman, who is a high level profile employee at Apple. For a lack of a better word, he has been torturing me for a year from his account named /u/valpres.

He admitted to circumventing bans back in June and I reported it to Reddit, and all I got back was a notification that no evasion was detected.

I have been getting so many ban evasion alerts from multiple accounts that I have had to shut my subreddit down. I honestly am not joking about any of this, this is an honest to god serious issue. There is a lot more information that I have not made public, [REDACTED]. Because I have received so much harassment, I'm planning on reporting it to local law enforcement to get a restraining order against Wayne.

I'm really struggling with how bad this has been. Please help me.


And I honestly think that there is very strange activity going on in my /r/ModSupport thread:

Reddit Admin (Name Redacted)

Have you reported the account for ban evasion?


I reported the account /u/valpres back in June, which has been his main account for attacking me. I only got an automated email saying no ban evasion detected. You guys let me down with that and could have prevented a lot of psychological pain.

This user has made at least 4 posts from /r/AirQuality attacking me and encouraging brigading, the first of which was back in May/June after I banned him from /r/AirPurifiers.


Read these mod logs to understand his psychology:

Reddit Admin (Name Redacted)

Having taken a quick glance, there aren't any signs of ban evasion going on just as your report response noted.

I recommend using our report forms or the report button to report specific pieces of content that violate sitewide rules.


This was an unsettling message chain that occurred after he partially doxxed himself using /u/valpres.


He is a very unstable individual and has been trying to manipulate me into relenting, such as this offer of "peace":


Here is the last thread attacking me as u/valpres, where he doxxes himself to try to make me seem like I'm having paranoid delusions:

Honestly, I know what he is doing. He is doing a dark pattern that I read about on Reddit a decade ago where you harass moderators from numerous accounts, have good accounts that are "willing to help", the overwhelmed moderator accepts that help, the accounts say "take a break, we got this", and then they overthrow the moderator. I am horrified to see how it works in practice as a victim of it.


| Having taken a quick glance

Take a longer glance:

| mustardman24, a moderator, just banned me from the site, so I am posing under another name.

Do something. This is your website and these are insane patterns of abuse.


Please tell me that someone is looking into this. I'm really sorry that I pulled you into this on a weekend.

I feel like the same bad actors are involved in /r/ModSupport, look at this comment chain:

Reddit Admin (Name Redacted)

Hey there - the post has been deleted so, unfortunately, I can't view what was written. If it came from the account u/CleanAirKits the account has been actioned.

I encourage you to report any harassment you're experiencing so our Safety team can investigate.


As a software engineer, I find it hard to believe that Reddit does not have the deleted comments still preserved in an internal database. This interaction has been unsatisfactory because I have used Reddit's reporting services many time with no action taken, even when I have concrete evidence of ban evasion done with the intent to harass.

Like I said, I have already contacted federal law enforcement and I'm currently contacting local law enforcement since you can't apply basic protections for your users nor provide assistance during astroturfing campaigns by proven bad actors.

I urge you to do the right thing and stop making me jump through endless hoop for basic protection. I don't get paid to run this site, you do, so please do the right thing.


I just met with the local investigator. He is a Redditor himself and poignantly stated that "they won't give a shit until they start losing money", which is true.

The person that is harassing me is Wayne Westerman, most famously known for inventing the multi-touch gestures used in the original iPhone and is currently the Multi-Touch Architect at Apple. I believe there is financial fraud that occured between Mr. Westerman and a major non-profit in IAQ, the Corsi-Rosenthal Foundataion, who are the namesakes behind the Corsi–Rosenthal Box.

I have contacts at the FBI because I have previously worked with them in taking down another form of public corruption in my local City government. This has already been forwarded off a senior financial crimes case manager at the FBI so I'm requesting a preservation of evidence on anything, such as deleted comments, from being removed from databases by your normal order of business (such as data archiving or pruning).

I'm pretty mad at Reddit. You guys let me down back in May when you let a hostile user continue to harass me with impunity and have only allowed the situation to become inflamed by not controlling what has literally turned into criminal behavior.

I really hope that Tim Rathschmidt has improved on his public speaking skills after the API fiasco, because I plan to make this all public as well.


Why are there so many sockpuppet accounts in an admin-sponsored subreddit? If you genuinely cannot tell that most of these accounts are sockpuppets, Reddit is not a viable company:


Also, I find it incredibly odd that for the past few days, I lost access to a small number of moderator functions that are highly specific to this situation. For example, I cannot pin nor unpin announcement posts.


I don't think that Reddit messages is the appropriate venue for this any more. Please follow up with on email address of mine that you have on file.


Like you, I'm a passionate user of K.Bin but lately, I'm noticing that things are getting kinda stale around here. The most recent thread in this, the top-level magazine on K.Bin, is 4 days old. Many other top 25 magazines are also suffering from a similar lack of fresh content. I run /m/scifi and it's been continuing to grow and thrive over the past 4 months for one simple reason. If you want to Supercharge K.Bin, then remind yourself of those four little words every day:

### It's the content, stupid.

This should be the defacto slogan of K.Bin - you wanna get people off of Reddit? It's the content, stupid. Stop complaining that Reddit sucks - we KNOW it sucks - but K.Bin won't become the sane alternative if there's nothing to read or interact with, there.

I'm just one person, but I'm doing my part and I know others are doing the same. If we can transition from 1% of the crowd adding new content for the other 99% to lurk and read to 5% of the crowd adding new stuff for 50% of the crowd to respond to and the other 45% to lurk and read, we'll be well on our way to defeating Reddit.

Food for thought - have a great weekend.


After 10 years and a few hundred thousand karma made a comment in r/europe that got me banned... in a discussion about AfD (a far, far right German party that has neo-Nazis as members) I made the mistake of saying "Guess we didn't drop enough bombs on Dresden" (since much of the support for AfD is from the east)... got permanently banned for threatening posts... guess on Reddit you've got to be nice to Nazis! So looking for a new spot for lively discussion with folks that aren't set to "auto-trigger".


Relay finally shut down without subscription - not sure how much I'll really use reddit from hereon out, most of my time is on lemmy anyway

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