I don't, well, for a long time I didn't because it was a storage space issue. I've thrifted for movies and shows and put the discs in those big disc booklets that can be hard to carry. But at the same time they kept things in one place than having to play around with cases and whatnot.

However, I did decide a while ago that I will keep the cases for tv shows because I already filled up one big disc book. And now I'm deciding that for movies that I care about and would want the case for, they stay. Any movie that I don't care as much for, they get stored in the disc book and the case is donated.

That's another thing too is I was stupid to throw away the cases, knowing better that some places or people could actually use them. Worse off with the art cover included, which people could use that. Not anymore.


This is a very softball question, it is not being asked for some legitimate purpose.

It's mainly asked as a platform of sorts that serves by being asked so people can answer in the form of reasons for why we loathe advertisements and commercials in general.

My answer is that we don't like to be marketed to, especially from companies of which we don't have a single ounce of interest of doing business with. "BUY! SUBSCRIBE! BUY! SUBSCRIBE!" is regularly chanted loudly from any company that pours millions down the drain to make 10 second ~ 1 minute ads of dramatic theatrics of a product we can live without.

And a lot of their 'research' or lack thereof, of their product is obviously fabricated to get people to buy. That's the primary goal, is to get people to buy or subscribe by any means necessary.

Makes me wonder a lot of the time, why we aren't attacking marketers and salespeople more often. I swear if we all focused on a week or a month by breaking the kneecaps of any salesperson or marketing agent while tormenting their families through harassment because of all of the years they've harassed us and fucked with us by relentless advertising.

I bet this shit would slow the fuck down.


Gamers like to make it sound like $70 is a new thing today for video games. When, I've seen adverts of games back in late 90s and early 90s that were priced $70. It's always been around so I find it ridiculous that so many of them complain that the pricing is too high when, it's been a thing.

Even more dumb is that sales are stupidly frequent so why even bother trying to pay $70 anyways besides FOMO.


This week on the campaign trail, Donald Trump suggested he was open to restricting birth control or allowing states to do so. He later walked it back on Truth Social, saying he will “never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control.” President Biden and Trump are proposing vastly different visions for reproductive rights and healthcare. White House Correspondent Laura Barrón-López reports.


Stocks, Investing, Gambling, Bitcoin .etc

Look, I'm not a fucking broker or a hustler, okay? I don't care that you keep running around telling me or others to go waste our time and money to put into markets that can be incredibly unpredictable. It is all about luck, chance and risk. Things most wouldn't want to put themselves on the line over even if they were down next to nothing. They'd rather buy lottery tickets.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 66 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yahoo! Messenger shut down in 2018
MSN Messenger discontinued in 2013
AIM Messenger discontinued in 2017

ICQ was really the last of them and it's ending quite an era. This is, officially, the end of the Messengers.


I'd go back to the 1970s, the dawning of personal computer growth in it's beginnings. I'd take every single idea and patent from today and collect them all in a multiple series of binders. I would spend weeks holed up in some apartment, jotting notes, re-directing credits to me.

I would be the founding father of hundreds of technological inventions, way before they were even thought up. Flash Drives? My idea. Compact Discs? My idea. SSDs? My idea.

Everything will be my idea and I'll be biding my time, pitching ideas and profiting off of the patents that I sell and my ideas alone, with little to no work involved. By the turn of the 2000s, I'll be unfathomably recognized and wealthy.

submitted 1 month ago by snownyte@kbin.social to c/games@lemmy.world

As I've gotten older as a player, I have found myself dropping some eras of gaming that I used to be nostalgic for. One of them is the 8-bit era, the NES days. I have played some of the best that system had to offer and I will never say that system didn't have any good games.

I've just fallen out of fashion with it because maybe it's in part that nearly all of the video game-based content I watch and find, tend to orbit a little around 8-bit too much. Most of the time it's because content creators were born in that era and no arguments can be made.

But I've grown exhausted from the oversaturation and sometimes over-glorified favoritism of 8-bit that I just have difficulty revisiting again. I've forgotten to mention how many indie games lean hard on the 8-bit aesthetic.

Another era of gaming that I am also finding myself falling out of favor for is 16 bit. This applies to consoles more than anything that was made in 16 bit. Having a hard time revisiting that era for some of the same reasons.

I'm more of a 6th Gen/Arcade player type.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 60 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Then get the fuck off of it.

Seriously, it's on you the longer you stay on that shithole platform. Despite all of the warnings. All of the things Musk has done. You're still on it. Why? Besides member count, why? Why stick with something that actively hates you and works against your best interests?

"Because uh, muh friends..."

Get those friends off the fucking platform too. If they're staying behind, consider getting new friends.

Mastodon and Blue Sky are better alternatives. Get the fuck off of X. Get some damn self-respect for once.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 64 points 1 month ago

Dude, this shit is so outdated now it's not even funny. We knew it was Osama. We knew he operated in a terrorist network which is pretty damn broad over in the Middle-East as that's been their issue for quite some time even back then. Of course there's going to be some complicity and those helping eachother because of whatever code they function under since they're a terrorist network.

Of course George Bush was a fucking idiot along with Donald Rumsfield, Dick Cheney and every other war-mongering shithead in that administration who simply wanted to go to Iraq anyways as a make-good because they derailed their primary objective. Can't find Osama? Get rid of Saddam, why not, it'll make for some sugarcoated sounding progress. All the while, let's tank the fucking economy while we're at it. Oh and get rid of some American lives who were just thrown into this makeshift war too.

Shit, we knew there was some level of complicity with the 1993 WTC bombing attempt. Almost nobody talked of that. Big fucking clue there!

The Middle-East is seriously corruption central, there's barely any resemblance of dignity over there. We shouldn't have been surprised of anything fucked up that ever happened while in there and around there.


Mine is nostalgia. That's literally my copium drug and it really is strong some days. It's not that I sit here everyday and never move on to newer things, I do sometimes embrace new things and realize there's more out there than what I have.

It's just, there's an online radio show I still listen to, to this day and it's episodes are like 17 years old and been out of syndication for a good long while now with no hope of returning. It's like my time capsule that opens up so much in my mind, so many memories, so many what-ifs to think about, bringing me back to where things were in that time period .etc

And it's something I just don't think I'll ever let go because as much as I've tried to find a place in this awfully trashed world, I'm always winding back at square one because either I'm incompatible or it is incompatible with me.

I just want to go back to the 2000s and do it all over again and meet who I know now just to see how things could've gone if we've all met earlier.

submitted 1 month ago by snownyte@kbin.social to c/linux@kbin.social

I've been reluctant on getting chromebooks because I know how much Google loves to encompass everyone into it's always-online, data farming ecosystem. Well I know that some select Chromebook models allow Linux to be installed on them to the point of telling ChromeOS to fuck off.

I already have one laptop that's an HP Stream with Bhali Linux on it, it's not a super powerful laptop, I just wanted to kick Windows 10 off since someone dared to install that onto it with the specs it's got.

I'm just wondering though if anyone has attempted to install Linux on this model? I plan to grab a light-weight distro and turn it into a casual laptop unlike the HP Stream one where I just have it there for personal use while my desktop is the brunt of gaming and art stuff.

I was planning to format a flashstick and go the route of using the Universal USB Installer but not sure if this Chromebook model is going to reject or worse - brick itself if any attempts were made.


My pick is Five Finger Death Punch and the obvious answer is Ivan Moody. The guy radiates that alpha-male wannabe energy and it definitely rings through all of the songs he has written and performed with this band. The guy is just a prick and a self-victimizing asshole.

I think he's the primary reason FFDP is mocked so badly.


I use ProtonMail as my primary e-mail client. For some reason, I cannot get to ProtonMail to verify an e-mail that I used to register elsewhere. I keep getting the hourglass on Firefox. So I go a try Chrome and it's the same deal.

Of all of the browsers, Microsoft Edge immediately got me there whereas before hand, Firefox didn't have a problem. But it seems like today, it decided to shit the bed as well as Chrome on getting me to a place I regularly log into every day of the week.

I don't get it and it's stupidly frustrating at times. This is applicable for when things you've used for so long just stop working.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 64 points 1 month ago

I'm so fucking tired of this acceptance people have where they treat Meta and Facebook as separate entities. Where, at one point, it was just one entity called Facebook. Facebook doesn't have a parent company, because it's just Facebook. Meta only came into existence because Mark was forced his hand in some monopoly issue or something.

And big surprise, Facebook dictating who can and can't be on it's platform.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 134 points 1 month ago

Bernie has massive balls here and he's jewish himself. Call them like they are, Bernie! We should've had you in 2016 and 2020!

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 79 points 2 months ago

More like - EVERYONE is.

Everyone who isn't well-off that is.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 60 points 3 months ago

This world is bullshit!

Akira Toriyama has recently died at 68 and here's this corrupt media mogul shithead at 92 doing this.


[-] snownyte@kbin.social 59 points 4 months ago

And all of the Reddit moderators looked in awe and decided to behave just like him.

Only problem is that they aren't getting the kind of money he does for it.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 57 points 4 months ago

The point where we learned how useless the judiciary is, is when they couldn't even pin down Zuckerberg. The media made it all sound like "Ohhhh, Mark is getting grilled now! he's going to face time and penalties!"

And...nothing came of it. Because the judiciary is too dumb to even understand Facebook.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 68 points 4 months ago

Should've done what Snowden did. If you know what you're going to do, will lead to these consequences? Get the hell out of the country.

Because this is EXACTLY the kind of thing the American Government would've done to Snowden if he stayed. Snowden was right that he knew they wouldn't give him a fair trial.

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 66 points 4 months ago

Eggs are again steadily rising in price. Wal-Mart "great value" prices isn't all that 'great' to begin with, with most of it's products.

But can we stop calling things inflation? Call it for what it really has been - G-R-E-E-D

[-] snownyte@kbin.social 66 points 9 months ago

Of course it would. This is simply just retaliation from the GOP because their glorious former "leader" was impeached like, twice.

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