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How so?
In the "I disagree but can't articulate a cogent reason for it" sense of the word "nonsense", of course. 🙄
Might be worth reading up on history to put some facts behind those feelings. Either you'll find out you're right or you'll update your beliefs to be more correct.
My country was on the path of the democratically instituted socialism thing. Well, it tried but the United States instigated, funded and armed a military coup and the military dictatorship that followed.
Guess it's better to have torture camps than gobbunism
Ever stop to think that if one person or family is in charge then you're not a communism to begin with? The bare definition of communism is workers owning the means of production. You don't own shit in a dictatorship.
Democratic Socialism is alive and well in many countries without any U.S. intervention. You must be referring to the fascist kind.
Ah, yes, the United States famously only interferes in fascist countries and not for benefit of plutocrats.
Also, which demsoc countries are you talking about where the means of production are controlled by the working class?
You don't seem to know what democratic socialism means.
Oh, here come the uppity remarks, I am a dual citizen of a country with a socialist party, thanks for the down-the-nose leer in my direction without providing any education.
Good for you. Does the working class control the means of production in your country?
Do you think clerical workers aren't workers or what the fuck even is it you're saying?
You seem to be conflating anarcho-syndicalism with all other forms of socialism.
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?
Is that socialist party in power? Is it actually socialist, or does it just call itself that? Because a lot of European “socialist” parties aren’t; most are liberal social welfare parties at best.
What is "Democratic Socialism" in your eyes?
So every AES state is also Democratic Socialist too.
Or do you mean Socialism established through liberal reform? That's very rare, only really established in countries like Chile under Allende, before the US supported a coup to overthrow him.
That's underselling it. Before he was even president, the CIA kidnapped and killed the Commander in Chief of the Chilean army for refusing to send the army during his inauguration. There was political and economical warfare for fear of a "functioning socialist government" in South America. According to Nixon "the choice of government by the Chileans was unacceptable".