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But you're okay with dead babies?
You literally posted a link to a story about a woman who was hoping to see her pregnancy through to the end. This woman didn't want an abortion but I guarantee you she wanted to live. And here you are celebrating her death. That's disgusting.
I bet you and I agree on a lot of things and about wanting to see less abortions. I think the answer is pretty easy. Better access to sex education. More access to contraceptives and family planning. And laws that don't punish doctors for saving the lives of their patients.
We're not celebrating her death. We're celebrating the massive statistical success of the abortion laws.
I honestly just saw the article, went "just 3"? And posted it here. Turns out, abortion largely isn't about saving lives, it's using it as a psychopathic birth control.
What do you call this, praise? It’s certainly not respect.
Let me rephrase my previous post so I don't offend the person calling the preventable deaths of the women "a good trade".
You are being ignorant if you believe an abortion ban actually prevents all abortions from happening.
You are being ignorant if you think putting doctors in jail for trying to save their patients lives is a sustainable practice. Every time abortion laws regress, medical professionals leave the state and mortality rates increase.
You are being callous to people who maybe you consider to be strangers or worthless people because they sought to have an abortion. But I think you would be singing a different tune if it was your partner, your sister, your mother, who had a miscarriage while the doctors stood by and said, "here take this pill and pray god saves you, because I'm not legally allowed to help you anymore."
Apparently 50,000 people a year did use abortion as birth control.
Birth control isn't 100% effective and not all pregnancies are viable, nevermind desirable. Texas doesn't even allow abortions in case of rape you fucking ghoul.
So because someone raped someone, a completely innocent person should die? That's your logic?
Tell me you’re a man without telling me you’re a man.
I never pretended otherwise. I still don't baby murder is good, unlike you.
stick that one on a t-shirt babe, you’re onto something
It's weird, I didn't notice the missing word until now. It's supposed to be "I still don’t think baby murder is good"
I still don’t you’re making a cogent argument.
As someone wise said, birth control isn't 100% effective. Best case is 99%, usually a bit less on average. Texas has >30 million people. Assuming 1% have sex once that's 300,000. If they all use birth control that's 3,000 potential babies they didn't want. And I think we can agree these numbers are EXTREMELY conservative.
Getting pregnant doesn't mean you didn't try to prevent it.