[-] yuri@pawb.social 2 points 18 hours ago

Nintype (AKA keyboard 69) is the only double-swipe keyboard I’ve ever used that works worth a damn. Android development was abandoned a while ago, so you’ve gotta find the APK yourself. Someone on the subreddit made a hackjob update called keyboard 71 which fixes some random bugs and introduces some new ones, that’s what I’m currently using. I wanna say I average around 85 wpm typing casually.

It’s also got the smartest autocorrect I’ve ever fucked with, learning dictionary, all that jazz. Damn shame it was abandoned. If it ever stops working on android I reckon I’ll just have to buy an iphone :/

[-] yuri@pawb.social 28 points 20 hours ago

Protondb has user reports that (usually) include performance stats and settings, as well as any additional setup like launch options or specific preferred proton versions.

I also check Valve’s own “top 100 played on steam deck” list to see what other people are rockin, always surprised to see shit like Fallout 4 on there.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 7 points 1 day ago

do search for “clown husbandry”, coward.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 8 points 1 day ago

If your hair is neither thick nor fine and you’re not having any problems with buildup or dryness, you’re totally fine to just keep doing what you’re doing. Also if you’ve got straight and/or short hair you can probably ignore the no-sulfates/silicones stuff.

Most hair care products are designed for a specific kind of hair, usually straight and pretty flat. I started using black hair care products and my hair went from wavy and frizzy to natural ringlets and only sorta frizzy! SheaMoisture is my personal favorite brand.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 14 points 1 day ago

This is only really beneficial for certain types of hair, and definitely don’t do it with conditioners containing sulfates, parafinss, or silicones. This site has a comprehensive list of products that aren’t filled with garbage what’ll leave your hair drier than it started.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 12 points 1 day ago

If you’re using CG approved products this isn’t necessarily true. Highly recommend for anyone with even a tiny bit of natural curl, you might actually have some beautiful ringlets in there if you care for em properly.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 3 points 2 days ago

big fucking cap

[-] yuri@pawb.social 15 points 3 days ago

Indoctrination at a young age.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 1 points 3 days ago

It works great on proton in my experience, I’ve got a save going on my steam deck.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 7 points 5 days ago

I mean, it’s no Diablo but I love the Hades games. If you’re in it mostly for the progression and build construction than you won’t have a great time, but if you’re looking for SOLID arpg gameplay they’re a good fit.

There’s a lot more focus on clean movement, it’s very much an arpg through a roguelite lens rather than an mmo or pure arpg.

[-] yuri@pawb.social 20 points 5 days ago

Honestly bonkers to hear “woke” used unironically

[-] yuri@pawb.social 22 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

“But we’ve also come to this understanding that there are players out there that who deeply care about this game and want to invest more into this game, and we want to give them that value to invest in.”

This reads so disingenuous as to sound willfully ignorant. When you hook a whale on FOMO and they blow $200 on a single event, that’s not an investment. The average person has NO desire to spend this money, but a certain kind of person can be fooled into it. There’s no value add, it doesn’t improve the experience, you’re simply given chores and then an option to pay real world money to skip them.

There’s no longevity in paying to not play the game.

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