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Do you come from russia?
No, form an ex Soviet satellite state. Been Ukraine a dozen times - typical eastern European shithole, worse off than my place tho. Been two or three times to Russia and that's a whole different story... Had a gun held to my head by FSB (while they were stealing our camera), was offered to be shot on the internal border by the soldiers another time. Stayed at Vladikavkaz and Moscow and do appreciate the warm cyberpunk-postapocalyptic vibe. Meet the most broken and ethically corrupt people Ive seen in quite a few years of travels (and I've been living for most of the last 15 years with Bealarusians and Russians who escaped that). Altogether a lovely place, but would prefer it doesn't visit my country again, its shit enough as it is.
And you? Been there, or do you only gaggle RT and believe what the TV told you?
edit: had to correct mobile-typed gibberish.
oh look a russophobic reactionary pole
Mate, I got a pretty big bookshelf full of Russian authors and could name more Russian bands that I listen to regularly then you heard of most likely. Miss me with the russiophobia bullshit. You even know any actual Russians? Ever asked them about their country?
Come to America, you will meet so many racist white guys who love rap
Oh, ok, then clearly, I'm hiding my deep hatred for the other group of Slavs then the one I belong to, but not just the eastern ones, as I do seem to be living with Belorussians, and working with Ukrainians, it's only the ones supporting this one particular imperialist state. Just a simple racist, and I only let it slip by asking you people to prove anything of the bullshit you're spilling here like the mad fucked up sect you and your mates here are clearly. You got me.
Nah, you're not hiding it
Well if so - as opossed to you I hate both Americans and Russians, and that is a problem because not only Americans?
look i appreciate ruzzian culture, i just want those orcs exterminated and put into their place
Nah, I'd prefer that Russia doesn't invade my region again. ~150 years of occupation was enough for us. Same goes for our neighboring countries.
then stop funding nazis and giving them weaponry, and oppose your government joining in on the western fascists' war against Russia. Do everything you can to push for peace and stopping weapon shipments.
The more entangled your nation gets in Ukraine, the more likely war will spread to you - and you will have nobody to blame but yourselves for allying with nazis and American imperialists.
Just after Kremlin stops funding nazis in my country, and most of Europe. Russia can stop the war anytime, it just needs to go back to it's borders, how hard can that be? Cuz if it's meant to stop a possible war with NATO that's clearly not going according to plan and at they are still mostly fighting NATO tech from the 80's operated by silly Ukrainians who had a few months of NATO training?
See, this type of russian propaganda fear-mongering doesent work on Polish people, because one - we have lived under Russian occupation or threat of invasion for the last 200 years, and two - we know that unless it stops in Ukraine the war will come to us soon after. Oh and three; dying heroically is the basis of national ethos here, if you took a few minutes to skim the history of the region about every generation Poles would have a suicidal uprising against the occupiers, well knowing it will fail.
Also in about a year Poland itself, without the rest of NATO, will have more main battle tanks and rocket artillery than Russia. There was a time when we were afraid as a society, but Ukraine clearly showed we can challenge Russian imperialism and increasingly likely - win.
tl;dr come at us bro
you've chosen your side, with the Banderites, Israelis, Al-Qaeda and American fascists. Have fun class traitor.
Funny thing I'm literally chilling after running trainings for trade unions for the last few days. I work for trade unions full time, while (separately) being a member of the most radical one in the country. You at least have a union card, or you only commie on the net?
Trade unionists who support Nationalism and Imperialism are class traitors. Thanks for further cementing what you are. Banderites are anti-communists who burned trade unionist halls down and slaughtered the trade unionists. You side with your enemies because, as I said, you are a traitor and deeply confused or reactionary.
Yeah, I'd agree with that, absolutely. See, that's the fun part here; you're mostly arguing with a straw-man in your head, and not with someone who committed his life to class struggle but holds slightly different beliefs/optics than you do.
But also - so yeah, you're not even in a union, miserable keyboard warrior :D
when those different beliefs are "we should give weaponry to banderites to ethnically cleanse russians" then you've gone off the deep end and are fully a fascist. There's no coming back from it.
And where did I state that? Or going deeper into your delusions; if I'm a Polish nationalist, why would I want to arm banderites, of all people? They brutally butchered 50-120k Polish people; And how would one go ethnically cleansing 140 million Russians, especially using a comparably tiny, half-failed state of Ukraine, which for the most part is only operating inside of it's own borders? Do you really make any sens to yourself?
A great question for all of your Polish nationalist friends and government, who all support the banderites.
Turns out your hatred for Russia supersedes your own self interests, so it goes with nationalism
Or maybe it's not say 60 million Slavs who are wrong, and you might be? Just a thought experiment -would we consider we might, you know - living here, better understand our self-interest than you do? Ever crossed your mind?
if you understood your own self interest the USSR would still be around. It's clear you have reactionaries and befuddled idiots running the show and the dominant ideology is the ideology of the ruling class. You've been colonized by the west and you have a false consciousness. You have not decolonized your mind.
Oh yeah, if workers didnt strike that they need to be able to eat, and a "communist" government wouldn't be sending tanks on them the Soviets would still be strong. I admire that logic. Just remind me please, who were the soviets meant to be representing?
Usually is. But then on the Ukrainian front lines you have everyone from normies to literal banderites, to anarchists.
And in every surrounding Slavic country, apart for one controlled by a pro-russian govt, there is massive support for the Ukrainian war effort over any political divisions. With the exception of tankie sects witch are microscopic around here, because people actually remember the regimes and what they did, and the far-right which is simply sponsored by Kremlin, or just at this level of being bootlickers cheering for any strongman.
Again you know and understand shit about the history and the region. Poland used to be a imperialist state at some point (actually took Moscow btw - just a fun fact regarding your attempt at fearmongering). But majority of Polish population were slaves to the gentry. Then as a "nation" we progressed to being occupied for 150 years (Russia, Prusia, Austro-Hun's), went thought two world wars, winning a war against CCCP in between, got occupied by nazis and soviets in the beginning of WW2 and ended up de-facto occupied by CCCP after WW2. So the colonialism that's in the culture is not a western one - that we have since say 35 years at best. This generation has little to say in Polish politics as of yet. But the colonialism we're de-colonizing as a society is the old Polish and the Russian one, my dear friend. And we're going strong at it, which seems to be your problem exactly.
I would've thought you would appreciate the Nazis since back in '41 they brought you the liberation from Russia you so sorely desire
You do know Poland was invaded by nazis and soviets simultaneously based on their pact of cooperation? And that nazi Germany stood mostly on Soviet resources as it built up for the war?
You did notice it is a critique of it at the same time? Simply trying to explain that it's hard to scare with war citizens of a country which public education teaches it's kids songs glorifying child soldiers. We even got some monuments if that was not clear enough for the youngsters...
BTW Russia does the same, and at least we don't have to play assembling AK's in primary school. That's for high-school as it should be.
That's a whole lot of words to say "capitalist Russia sucks in the same ways as every other place we've destabilized, and I have done no inquiry into the causality behind why because it confirms my priors to simply believe that "Russians" (which russians?) are just ontologically bad somehow"
Granting your nazi ass a seriousness it doesn't deserve for a second to talk to the other libs, this is where nationalism brain fails as a way of viewing the world. All you can talk about is Russia this and Ukraine that, as if we're talking about hive minds. All liberals do this, implying a unity that doesn't exist to paper over the reality of class warfare that actually drives these wars. As long as your analysis is built on assumptions of countries as single unified beings (a fairy tale for children) you will always fail to grasp the real causes of state actions.
Nah, I'm just pointing out it's a deeply corrupt, deeply violent authoritarian state. Been to China, been to some "3rd world" countries, and my own was a bloody neo-lib laboratory on the verge of collapse for most of my youth years and it's still all very different from Russia. Ukraine is very much an effect of destabilization efforts, that I could easily agree. But Russia? It had a system that it's leaders run to the ground themselves, a system that starved the "breadbasket" of Europe, and that went bankrupt despite having every possible resource earth could give. In the process it also destroyed the humanity of it's loyal subjects and corrupted the rest of forced them to run. Maybe it's just me, but it would seem to be the theme of any Russian counter-culture text and song over the lat 40 years as well, have a song, or another one. And now it has a government that reignites old nationalist and threatens to either invade or nuclear annihilate my country about every month (in voices of state figures, not some randos).
Fan fact in calling me a nazi in defense of Russia (apart from the fact I'm a well known antifa organiser); a family member was in the military intelligence (of the underground "Home Army") over WW2. He took part in some wild missions, like obtaining V2 rocket and delivering it to allies (as the Soviets were still cooperating with Nazis, would have be closer...). The guy went through Warsaw Uprising, the biggest antifascist uprising of WW2 (and arguably the most mindless suicide attack on nazis at a country level scale). But he survived both that and the concentration camp afterwards. And than he barely survived half a year of torture in soviet run prison. He did so only, as they never figured out his rank, he'd be shot as all other officers were. Never recovered from what they did to him tho. Wasn't the gestapo, wasn't plain fighting in a guerilla warfare against the nazis for over 5 years, it was the commissars that got him. Impressively that's the type of "anti-nazism" you favor, still.
If only there was a term for believing everyone that doesn't share your exact vision of the world is an enemy to be dehumanized and destroyed...
So anyway - fuck you, and enjoy the rest of the evening in your own shit. I'm off for a walk in a lovely snow covered hills.
Here, have some context. You guys cant stand the fact, that someone might be anti-imperialist; anti-US but also anti-Russian imperialism? Is it that hard to comprehend?
1: You literally don't know what imperialism is
2: You posted this three hours ago, and haven't stopped posting since:
When are you going for that walk?
It's cold and dark outside, it's not like I would spend the rest of the night out mate... Was going to stop, but you'r sect keeps on coming and it's funny in a way - see you people deeply unable to prove any of your beliefs and hitting with the most tried and miss-target arguments you can pull.
But also, pleas do provide your definition of imperialism!
Please, tell us more about how the Soviet Union was itching to join the Anti-Comintern Pact.
Ive no idea what tankie conspiracy your referencing right now, im not that much into this lore.
You don't know about the alliance between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan? I knew you were ignorant, but come on.
that user is denying that Donetsk was bombed for 8 years. I wouldn’t doubt that they also don’t believe in other well documented and widely known historical facts
Yeah I do, so what about it?
This is some professional level obliviousness, willful ignorance, and weaponized misunderstanding on display. Bravo.
Sorry, your right. I must stand corrected; by the time Polish underground went V2 shopping Soviets were not best friends with Nazis anymore.
I admire your continued professionalism
What are you referring to, exactly?