What the title says, I'm tired of the trope where humans are the least advanced in the universe.

I'd like to read something different where we're the more advanced ones (not necessarily the most advanced). As an example I quite enjoyed the Ender's Game sequels and the angle of us being the more advanced ones was quite interesting.

Do you have any recommendations?

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[-] qwet@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago

I think these stories are good. Best part is these are series so if you dig them, there's a longer road to travel.

Old Man's War John Scalzi

Lazarus War Jaime Sawyer

The Lost Fleet Jack Campbell

[-] Asifall@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago


Came here to talk about Old Man’s War and specifically the scene where the humans have a battle with an alien race who is much smaller, so they literally walk through their cities kicking buildings over while the alien weapons bounce off their armor.

There are also much more advanced aliens in that book, but humans aren’t the least advanced at all.

[-] guangming@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

surprised i had to scroll down so far to find Old Man's War. definitely worth a read.

this post was submitted on 28 Aug 2023
175 points (96.3% liked)

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