this post was submitted on 20 Oct 2023
6 points (87.5% liked)

Balcony Gardening

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Welcome to c/BalconyGardening @!

A young community dedicated to balcony gardening.


Show off that vertical veggie garden 35 stories high. Or that bucket of potatoes you're proud of. Perhaps some fall mums that have been catching your eye through the sliding door into your living room. Any and all balcony gardens are welcome! Come and show your's off because we love to see it. :)

We also welcome ideas, tips, and items which have helped you in your balcony gardening journey. No balcony? Feel free to join in with your container garden with limited space too!

Notice Board

This is a work in progress, please don't mind the mess.



Rules: (interactive)

We respect the basic rules of the SLRPNK server:

be constructive
there is no need of another internet space full of competition, negativity, rage etc.;
no bigotry
including racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia or xenophobia;

be empathic
empathy is more rebellious than a middle finger;

no porn and no gore
let’s keep this place easy to manage;

no ads / spamming / flooding
we don’t want to buy/consume your commodified ideas;

occasional self-promotion
by active members is fine.

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founded 1 year ago

Morning glory in a bucket on a balcony. It’s watered automatically by a solar powered gizmo I made too.

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[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

OP here responding to popular demand.

The solar waterer uses a 5v solar panel, a dfrobot charge controller and a Wemos D1 Mini clone board driving a relay. My proudest achievement is the uptime shown in the last pic. 55 days since last reboot and that was an intentional update of the tasmota firmware. All on solar and a 10500mah battery, no external power.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's really cool! I feel like you and @RoboGroMo will have a lot of garden automation stuff to talk about.

That uptime is impressive - especially considering that it's outside! Is it pumping the water or controlling a valve from the tap?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The three buckets each have different roles (starting from the right): electronics enclosure, water reservoir with a 5v pump, soil. So, no tap or electricity on the balcony. I have to schlep water about once a week, not too bad.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

And it leaves a possibility open for rainwater collection, etc. Very cool!