A 30MW pure hydrogen gas turbine unit can effectively solve the problem of power abandonment in wind and solar energy projects.
A tech news sub for communists
This rmi.org article is talking about production of green Hydrogen to replace black Hydrogen. Which I agree is necessary, no issue there.
The original article is discussing the use of green Hydrogen to store and dispatch power.
According to exhibit 3 of the rmi.org article, "power" is the smallest sector of Hydrogen usage, which is the point I'd like to make, Hydrogen for power (and power storage) should not be high on the priority list (especially for a country like China).
I don't think it is though, it's not like China is pursuing hydrogen at the expense of doing other things. They're trying a whole bunch of different tech right now to see what works. I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do when you're developing something new.