Fumiko Kaneko sits on her knees wearing a striped kimono with her hands clasped in front of her, staring intently ahead. c. 1925, author unknown [Wikipedia]
Fumiko Kaneko, born on this day in 1903, was a Japanese anarchist, nihilist, and opponent to Japanese imperialism in Korea. Fumiko is perhaps best remembered for her "The Prison Memoirs Of A Japanese Woman", written while imprisoned after being convicted of high treason against the Japanese government.
Together, Fumiko and her Korean partner Pak Yol published two magazines which highlighted the problems Koreans faced under Japanese imperialism and showed influences of their radical politics. Sometime between 1922 and 1923, they also established a group called "F"utei-sha (Society of Malcontents)", which Fumiko identified as a group for direct action against the government.
These activities soon brought Pak and Fumiko under government scrutiny. In September 1923, the Japanese government therefore made a number of arrests, mostly Koreans, on limited evidence, and among those arrested were Pak and Fumiko.
After lengthy judicial proceedings, Fumiko and Pak were convicted of high treason for attempting to obtain bombs with the intention of killing the emperor or his son. They were both sentenced to life in prison, however Fumiko allegedly committed suicide in her cell in 1926.
Here is a short excerpt from one of Fumiko's interrogations while imprisoned (text by Max Res from theanarchistlibrary.org):
Q: Your class?
A: A divine commoner.
Q: How are you employed?
A: My job is tearing down everything that currently exists.
The Prison Memoirs Of A Japanese Woman
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while i recently posted in my past life about how LOTR is inaccurately seen as gay (which would be fine) just because men are physically affectionate with & supportive of one another in a way that toxic masculinity has squeezed out of us, on the subject of another classic old tome Ishmael and Queequeg are legit gay and boyfriends (and im happy for them)
also @GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net i did as you suggested and picked up LOTR the book, but im also sorta still tryna read Moby Dick and will probably have to read theory on a deadline as part of my organizing life soon
what have i done? is this further evidcence i need to get on adhd medication?????
Aa someone who rawdogs adhd but also reads a lot, Moby Dick and LOTR should not try to be handled at the same time. Those are some DENSE books. However they are both amazing, my Tolkien nerdery is a weird exception to my general tastes and Moby Dick is probably my favorite novel ever. LOTR is a lot more digestible once you get into the swing of it and it eases you in. The vibe and writing style starts closer to The Hobbit and by the end is closer to Beowulf but it's so gradual you don't notice unless it's your 23rd read and you're looking for it, Moby Dick is my favorite but I read LOTR every year cause it's fun
this does not help my indecision
but im 11 percent through moby D and 3 percent through lotr (im a kindle binch) so maybe i should just power through moby first??
They're both also books that come with homework you'll wanna assign yourself after too...one with real history and one with fake history that is informed by real history in super neat ways. They both really open up a whole rabbit hole. If you're enjoying Moby Dick keep reading it and hold off on LOTR, if it's a bit of a slog LOTR is a lighter read, a lot of the dense is more alluded to and available in other texts instead of going on long tangents about what they thought whale biology was at the time and stuff. LOTR has an appendix where Moby Dick writes the appendix into the text. So I'd say it's a mood thing. Moby Dick pairs well with theory but LOTR is a good break from theory and if you wanna be intellectual about it in more than a crass Marxist contrarian reading you also get to do research that's less theory oriented like mythology and folklore but also sorts theory relevant stuff like irl midevalism, and having in the last couple years gotten into mideval history from a class conscious angle, it's a massively useful insight into the formation of the modern period thst created capitalism. I rawdog adhd myself and doing all this has taken about 15 years of serious reading and another 5 of casual reading as a kid/teen. I don't have deadlines and just kinda pursue whatever my flight of fancy compells me to dive into and I keep a keen eye out for intersections between them. I'm good at putting all this in a mental blender and coming out with a decent smoothie so I just kinda roll that way. It makes for a longer learning process but it's thorough and widespread over a weird variety of topics that I can piece together but it's an admittedly blunt and inelegant way of learning shit. But it works for me. I'm basically my own hardass English teacher and assign myself a bunch of random books and then every once in a while assigns myself a staring at a wall assignment of piecing them all together coherently.
That is definitely the kind of shit I had to learn the hard way.
This is a do as I say not as I do kind of advice.