[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 1 points 4 minutes ago

Okay, I'm not American, so I can't pitch in. But itf she runs, American Hexbears, please please vote for Trump. It would be waaaaay too funny if she ran and lost against him again. If electoralism is pointless (and with these 2 being the candidates, it is), helping make something really funny happen and hurting Hilary Clinton's feelings might be the best use of a ballot in a while.

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 1 points 9 minutes ago

It's getting to the point where it's like someone having such a long string of really funny failures that it stops being funny. Like watching a Clouseau-esque clumsy French chef but in real life. They drop a few pots and pans, that's a chuckle, they get pinched on the nose by a lobster, pretty funny. Once the farce is over and they've scalded themselves and are covered in various spices and have a breaded deep fried hand and the lobster is still kicking, it's at the point that while it'd be funny on screen, things have gone too far for real life. Like c'mon, the 2016 joke had legs, but we're sick of it.

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 1 points 13 minutes ago

Mustard is also a magic emulsifier. We've got a honey mustard dressing for a salad thats basically what you did minus tarragon and dill and have recently figured out you can just dump all the oil in at once and then blend it, there's enough mustard and garlic in play that you don't need to do it right. That sounds fucking great and if it's slow tomorrow and I have time to play around I'm gonna try it as well.

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 1 points 18 minutes ago

This. I went from 50s and 60s to high 90s in my last 2 years of high school math because we were getting taught wave functions and real science math finally and all you need to know there is how to figure out which formula to use and which numbers to plug in. I'm terrible at basic arithmetic but crush algebra and later got good at food math by necessity. Also just finding ways to not count as much helped. Like when doing catering we would store plates in basically giant poker chip sets on wheels. People used to stack em in randomly until I finally figured out the closest multiple of 10 you could get to in a stack before going over the top. It was 70 plates and each dolly or whatever had 4 slots for stacks, so if all was in place each was 280 which made getting the plates ready for events way quicker cause people didn't have to manually count them, just use your 7 times table and then count the remainder to add or subtract. Once I figured out that you don't necessarily NEED the math you learn in school but if you remember to use it, it can really fucking speed things up. Also all math should be represented as algebra from the start, instead of 2+2= and leaving a blank space phase it as 2+2=x and solve for x. I think more complex algebra wouldn't scare kids as much if they knew they were kinda doing it all along.

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 7 points 1 hour ago

Someone needs to take America away from the Americans.

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 17 points 4 hours ago

Referencing alley cats is greaser coded. He's going back to his youth

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 9 points 11 hours ago

Bad, like, he was incoherent or bad in he thought it was 1954 and was trying to rumble with people?

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 3 points 11 hours ago

I found out the person who played Molly OBrien on ds9 was on an episode as a young adult cause her parents ran a shitty sushi place.

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 8 points 11 hours ago

I'm not watching any of the debates, anything funny happen?

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago

Don't come to an instance you aren't part of and tone police. We all get it.

[-] GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net 20 points 1 day ago

'Okay, do it yourself then'

America (hexbear.net)
Libs (hexbear.net)

She's making good shit. Watch it.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by GalaxyBrain@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

'OH " OK"


This is really really well done.




Set in a world where no one has ever pooped, Darwin Poop, our hero, poops and in his world the phenomenon is named after him. He is the subject of ridicule, medical invasion, religious speculation and a global power struggle. As an everyman hero, he never asked for this responsibility, he's a man out of time, a fish out of water and the only man on history who's bowels pass. Coming this fall.


She's gotten into sleeping in my bathroom sink and seems to like napping with a little stream of water flowing on her. She's weird.


I know it can be hard to watch a video essay let alone one recommened by some weirdo online, but this video is high quality, not lib and a newer channel that's putting out some decent Marxist stuff and could use a view bump. It's earned.


So, I've decided to not look into this at all, but my understanding is that you're scored by like, size and weight of the best fish or added up fish total by the end of some fishing time limit. So like...isn't this mostly up to the fish? This meta feels VERY rng driven and hardly suitable to competitive play. im-vegan , but it came to kind and I'm curious how the fuck anyone gets credit here. If anything it should be whoever can catch any fish first.


Absolutely monumental crust release. To properly enjoy donthe stenchocre headbang which is headbanging with your hands like this


-Evil cops need their children lynched

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joined 3 years ago