this post was submitted on 23 Feb 2025
125 points (98.4% liked)
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"For the fur in u"
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- Code of Conduct — Follow our instance rules.
- Post formatting — All titles should be a single word, followed by _irl. An emoji may substitute the underscore.
- Credit artists — If it's not your art, include who made it in the title or the post body. Links are appreciated, except to X/Twitter.
- Stay on topic — Images should contain or be related to furries. Images should be relatable or a meme. This isn't the place for general art posts.
- Avoid AI images — Our fandom has countless artists, please share their (or your own) labors of love instead.
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They should implement some kind of rating that shows just how righteous you were of a dude when you lived. Like, if you fed the homeless or volunteered in your local town or even just didn’t drive with your cell phone in your lap, you’d score points.
And then we could all compare scores, like some beautiful smug competition.
Akin to a credit score, but you know, for like, social things.
Welcome! Everything is fine!