[-] wildncrazyguy138@fedia.io 14 points 1 week ago

Saying things out in the open that have long been shadow policy. Remember it was Russia and China that helped push SK troops out of NK when the war was hot 70 years ago. The hermit kingdom continues to exist because of aid from those countries.

For a long time the world was mostly aligned that more nuclear armed countries added risk, slowing proliferation, but there’s a reason the great powers key allies somehow seemed to still implement successful nuclear programs.

[-] wildncrazyguy138@fedia.io 57 points 1 week ago

It puts the whole climate change “controversy” in perspective for me. It’s not controversial, these people just have a death wish. It’s best if we just move along without them, where possible, and don’t let them get in our way.

[-] wildncrazyguy138@fedia.io 5 points 1 week ago

Water park!

[-] wildncrazyguy138@fedia.io 25 points 1 week ago

I was dating this girl, was going well. We fooled around, had a lovely time. She just seemed cooler than me in many ways, had cool hobbies, hung out with cool people, I was kinda feeling like I scored.

Then one day 3 weeks later I did. For some reason she didn’t want to on her bed, so instead we attempted the act on the living room couch, she had roommates. Her shirt came off exposing her back and it just didn’t look right, I can’t explain it, was like her ribs were sunken in like a corset and her backbone was curved in this scoliosis kinda way. I was confused and my member went a bit limp. I think she could tell, but we went ahead anyway. Then the couch cushions just kept sinking and getting in the way. Me with a half limp dick and these awkward positions, neither of us really feeling it and yet we still continued on. The whole thing just felt pathetic.

We hung out a few times after, but it always felt like the ending of 1984, where the couple have all of that vibrant life sucked out of them. The relationship was over shortly thereafter.

A decade later, I haven’t seen her since. We’re still friends on Facebook.

[-] wildncrazyguy138@fedia.io 10 points 1 week ago

Like a pillow princess, but somehow worse.

[-] wildncrazyguy138@fedia.io 1 points 2 weeks ago

Just like they had doubt about Hillary. Show me one woman presidential nominee that polls over 50% in the US.


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