English below.
Moin, wir scheinen gerade einen ziemlichen Zuwachs an Usern zu haben, deshalb hier mal ein paar Tipps:
- Gucke dir deine Account-Einstellungen an (feddit.org/settings)
- Wähle als Spracheinstellung mindestens Deutsch, Englisch und Undermined
- Lemmy ist ein Teil des Fediverse, zum Fediverse allgemein kannst du dir den Wikipediaartikel durchlesen
- Communities auf diesem Lemmy-Server findest du auf der Startseite unter Communities, bestimmte kannst du in der Suchleiste suchen
- Du kannst User erwähnen, sodass sie eine Benachrichtigung bekommen. Dazu @user@instanz schreiben, also z.B. @Peter_Arbeitslos@feddit.org
- Du kannst Communities verlinken, indem du !community@instanz schreibst, also z.B. !main@feddit.org
- Apps für Lemmy
- Noch mehr Lemmy
- In der Seitenleiste der Startseite (feddit.org) findest du mehr Informationen
- Bei Fragen, stelle Fragen
Hi, looks like there are a lot new users joining feddit.org, therefore some advices:
- Check out your account settings (feddit.org/settings)
- Select at least English and Undermined for your language settings, plus other languages you normally read and write in
- Lemmy is part of the fediverse, check out it's Wikipedia article
- You will find the communities on this server on feddit.org/communities, search for specific communities via the search bar
- Link/Mention/Ping users by writing @user@instance, e.g. @Peter_Arbeitslos@feddit.org
- Community-link syntax: !community@instance e.g. !main@feddit.org
- Lemmy apps
- More Lemmy
- Check out the feddit.org side bar for more information
- Ask, if you need to ask something
Sorry, I can't speak German.
Just a small suggestion: what about adding
To the OP? Those are generally good resources with more in-depth guides and a pinned post with active communities
Thank you for your work on feddit.org!
Editing it might clash with the new users' language settings, but I add !communitypromo@feddit.org to your list. I guess most of them will read the comments.
Sorry, I'm not sure I get what you mean?
You have to select a language if you edit a post, at least in browsers. Most new users only have Undetermined selected.
Does this community allow "Undetermined" in the community settings? If yes, you should be able to edit and keep it Undetermined.
Or maybe it was a bug in 0.19.5 and it got fixed later 🤔
By the way, do you have any idea on when you'll update feddit.org to 0.19.9?
Frage mal nach.