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[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 29 points 11 months ago

I have mixed feelings about this. If you zoom in, it looks especially bad. If you are talking about consoles that had like 320x240 pixel resolutions, it is especially bad, but a high resolution LCD display can use filters/shaders (whatever you want to call them) to mitigate the blockiness to a large degree. Early LCDs were simply no match for a good CRT. I would argue with people all the time and they simply couldn't believe it and thought I was crazy. But now that we have LCDs with more than 4K resolution it is game over for CRTs and my back hurts just thinking about moving another 100 lb vacuum tube monitor.

[-] zombuey@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I disagree but only because I've seen it showed to me by my friends who are super into this. When games were made for TV and consoles especially in the late 80's and 90's they did things that took advantage of the analog nature Cathode Tubes used to display the image. Not every game took advantage of these techniques but the ones that do are nothing short of amazing when you think about it. They make filters these days that emulate some of these effects but analog is still analog and isn't something a digital display can always emulate regardless of resolution. I would say for most people it just doesn't matter that much but if your a retro gamer you want the OG experience. It's difficult to emulate these analog techniques because they are specific to an era and the techniques can sometimes be unique or trial and error by the devs.

There are other things as well for example light guns which just straight do not work on a newer display. Games that had live action recorded video look hilarious because the same techniques that were used to make things look better were applied in make up form to the actors.

What is a bit sad is the specific techniques these developers used aren't being well recorded and documented which I think would be very useful for future emulation and filtering.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Somewhat similar to your example of designing for analog TVs, certain games for the original Gameboy took advantage of the terrible ghosting for transparency effects. Like ZAS. On an IPS screen mod or an emulator, these just look flickery. But they make a neat effect on an original screen. Haven't seen any filters fix that yet.

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this post was submitted on 13 Jul 2023
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